Friday, December 27, 2019

Terrorism Intelligence and National Security - 2760 Words

Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Framework HSM 433 Counter Terrorism Intelligence Analysis January 14, 2012 Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Framework Terrorism is the warfare of the future. The battlefield has changed and it will take professional intelligence agencies to gather information about these unorthodox combatants. To help fight the war on terror, intelligence corporations must be present. However, some of the agencies can be combined with others to make a â€Å"super agency†. Three agencies that currently play a major role in the battle on terrorism will be the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Discussion will be given on which†¦show more content†¦(Richelson, 2011) Further, the CIA cannot collect foreign intelligence on U.S. citizens. Only special circumstances can CIA assets be used to gather information domestically and it takes the approval from senior leadership. Another CIA downfall is that the agency does not have arrest authority and must rely on local law enforcement or other federal agencies to fulfill any arrest requirement. The third organization that will be part of the â€Å"super agency† is the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The primary function of the DIA is to provide military intelligence information to the Department of Defense and its leaders (About DIA, 2012). The DIA was created due to the fact that all the military branches had their own intelligence divisions. In the late 1950’s a study group was created to study all the military intelligence agencies. The group concluded that each of the military intelligence branches duplicated the same work costing the tax payers millions of dollars. The rec ommendation from the group was to have one centralized military intelligence division thus the creation of the DIA was formed (Richelson, 2011). Now that a little background has been laid about the agencies that will be utilized in the creation of the United States super intelligence agencies the framework can now be laid. First and foremost the agencies would keep their actuallyShow MoreRelatedIntelligence Reform And Terrorism Case Study1085 Words   |  5 PagesThe Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is a 235-page Act of Congress, signed by the president affecting the United States laws of federal terrorism. The titles and subject issues were composed to better enforce the procedures for any future terrorist’s attacks. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act established the Director of National Intelligence, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Capital Punishment And Its Effect On Society Today

1.0 Introduction My report is about capital punishment and how it has an effect on our society today and why I am for capital punishment. 1.1 What is capital punishment? Capital punishment or the death penalty is a legal process where a criminal has committed a serious crime like rape or murder and is then decided if he or she should be put to death. Capital punishment has in the past, been practised by most societies, as a punishment for criminals, and political or religious dissidents. Historically, the carrying out of the death sentence was often accompanied by torture, and executions were most often public. 2.0 Where does capital punishment happen? Capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world, but in the last decades many have stopped using it. Usage of capital punishment is set in four categories set down below: †¢ More than 51% of all countries have stopped using capital punishment. †¢ 4% retains it for crimes committed in exceptional circumstances †¢ 25% permit its use for ordinary crimes, but have not used it for at least 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of carrying out executions, or it is under a moratorium †¢ 20% maintain the death penalty in both law and practice 3.0 why the death penalty should be bought back into Australia? It has been over 47 years since the execution of Ronald ryan and 38 years since the death penalty had been abolished in Australia. Here are some reasons whyShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment1534 Words   |  7 PagesThe death penalty has been around for many centuries and will probably be around for many to come. Although some citizens feel capital punishment is ethically wrong, it is necessary in today s society for various reasons. Society must be kept safe from the barbaric acts of murders and rapist, by taking away their lives to function and perform in our society. Most criminals don t take into account the results of their actions. If a person intending to commit a crime, sees another criminal put toRead MoreCapital Punishment Results in a Better Society Essay795 Words   |  4 PagesCapital Punishment Results in a Better Society When it comes to capital punishment most people think of the death penalty. I dont think people realize how many papers, books, and controversies there is over this topic. One of the many questions that arise when people think about capital punishment is how it affects crime, and more importantly, if we use the death penalty more effectively, it not only becomes a deterrent to crime, but also brings about a better society. When we use theRead MoreThe Deterrence Theory Vs. Deterrence853 Words   |  4 Pagesrewards and punishments that would result from such actions. Which has led many theorists to believe that the proper to punish, a defiant act is by severe, certain, and swift punishment was the key to deterrence. The deterrence theory relies on three individual components: severity, certainty, and celerity. It is thought severe penalties, will desist from criminal acts, which thus prevent crime. However, if the sentence believed to be too harsh would be considered unjust. While, punishments not severeRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Cruel And Violent Process1343 Words   |  6 PagesThesis: Capital punishment is a cruel and violent process that is extremely expensive to many taxpayers, discriminating against one s race and well being in justifying cases, and overall has a negative effect on society. I. High in cost A. Life in prison B. Cost of taxes C. Cost of programs II. Discrimination in cases A. Wealth B. Racism III. Violent in application A. Cruel and unusual B. Denial and rights IV. Counters of argument A. Statistics B. Deterrence C. Life Capital punishment is a cruelRead More The Benefits of Capital Punishment Essay1044 Words   |  5 PagesBenefits of Capital Punishment Justice is about enforcing consequences for one’s own actions to endorse personal responsibility and the notion of capital punishment does just that. Capital punishment is an effective and efficient method of deterring would be criminals and preventing criminals to commit more crimes. It is by far the oldest form of punishment in the world and remains in effect in many nations. Through discussing many arguments in support of capital punishment it is obviousRead MoreThe Need for Regulations on the Death Penalty Essay1102 Words   |  5 PagesDo psychopaths who have no remorse in taking human lives deserve to live, or should they be executed with the same cold death they showed toward their victims? If the state governments establish the regulation of capital punishment, it would contain peace within the victim’s family and local communities. To be considered a serial killer, the average associated murders are at least three. However, it also only takes three victims to be justified for the death penalty. A former organization knownRead MoreThree Arguments For The Continuance of Capital Punishment Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagesstandpoint to the Justice System regarding the case on whether or not to abolish capital punishment. There is indeed a present case as of today that one US state had declared their petition on permanently removing death penalty in the entire United States. I believe that this is a very callous appeal – one main reason we have capital punishment is to develop a sense of morality as well as protection within the whole society, not to put such great emphasis on the criminals who deteriorate the rest ofRead MoreThe Deterrence Theory : Deterrence And Punishment831 Words   |  4 Pagesrewards and punishments that would result from such actions. The theorists believed the severe, certain, and s wift punishment was the key to deterrence. A rational person is thought to measure both the gains and losses before committing a crime and would more than likely to be deterred from violating the law, they believed the loss was greater than the gain. Classical philosophers thought that certainty was more efficient in preventing crimes than the severity of punishment. They rejected capital punishmentRead MoreThe Debate Over Death Penalty1618 Words   |  7 PagesParker Coss Professor Reiner Writing 39C 7/20/16 Debates over Death Penalty in the United States The issue of death penalty today is a popular topic for numerous public and scholarly discussions. The death penalty has a long and distinguished history in the United States, as it has been around in some form—either official or otherwise—since the beginning of American society. America originally adopted the British justice system, with hundreds of crimes being punishable by death. Slowly but surelyRead MoreIs Capital Punishment Right or Wrong?870 Words   |  4 PagesIs Capital Punishment Right or Wrong? One might say capital punishment is morally wrong and inhumane; I strongly disagree with this statement. The crimes committed by prisoners such as multiple aggravated murders, serial rapists, and brutal child molestations is malicious and cold-hearted. These actions deserve like punishments in return. People who do those things have no purpose of being part of mainstream society. Bringing justice and closure to the victim’s family, deterrence of crime,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Brief Describe- History and SWOT Analysis Of The Dove Shampoo Brand

Question: Write an essay on Dove Shampoo. Answer: Dove Shampoo is one of the major products of Unilever that facilitates the organization to obtain profitable outcome from the business. Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational organization. Dove Shampoo is a premium beauty product that takes care of hair. In the recent days, the particular product has been increasing its popularity due to its premium quality. However, the brand has huge competitors in the global market. In this context, the researcher has provided the marketing communication process along with its distribution process. Moreover, the researcher has provided the competitors analysis based on the current market statistics. Owner and History of the brand: Dove is a personal care brand that is owned by Unilever. The origin of the brand is in the United Kingdom. Lever brothers first launched Dove in 1957. The popularity of the brand increased in the mid of 1970s. In 2002, the organization started campaigning for real beauty. In the mid of 1990s, the organization made footstep in 55 countries and by 1996, it expanded its business more than 80 countries. The parent company of Dove is Unilever. Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational brand and the co-head quarter of the brand is in London, United Kingdom, and Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dove includes a wide range of products including food, beverages, cleaning agents, and personal care products. However, the personal care products are increasingly popular in the market. Dove is the third-largest consumer goods company measured in 2012. The organization was founded in 1930 by the merger. In 2015, the organization has collected the revenue of 53,300,000,000. A total number of employees are 172, 000. In 2004, Dove began its campaign for real beauty. Among beauty products, Dove shampoo has become increasingly popular in the market due to its premium quality. The organization has been trying to promote the particular product on the global platform. Offered product service: Doves products line includes deodorants, body washes, beauty bars, lotions, hair care and facial care products. Dove is primarily made of surfactants, vegetable oils, salts and animal fats, etc. the organization has launched mens toiletries ranged in 2010[3]. The organization has been leading in the market due to its hair care and facial care products. Unilever, the parent company of Dove, offers a wide range of products including foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. The organization has more than 400 brands that are categorized into four sections including foods, refreshments, home care and personal care. Unilever is selling brands such as Dove; Ben Jerrys; Axe/Lynx; Heartbrand; Lipton; Lux/ Radox; Sunsilk. On the other hand, Unilever is one of the biggest ice cream manufacturers in the world. Moreover, the organization has a wide range of the food and beverages such as Aromat, Becel, Pot Noodles, and Chicken tonight, etc. the beauty care products of Unilever is increasing popularity, as the organization has been enhancing the particular products promotion in the global platform. The organization has been selling its products in more than 80 countries and the brand offers products for both men and women. Marketing Communication: Brand Elements: Doves logo is a silhouette profile of the brands namesake bird. The slogan of the Dove shampoo is No Girl Should Need a Guy to Get that Fresh all over Tingly Feeling. Dove is a premium care brands that facilitates to enhance the beauty of both men and women. With the involvement of this slogan, the organization attracts women for enhancing the brand value in the market. The packaging of the products is also an attractive part of the products. The stylish packaging of the products attracts customers obtain the particular product. Hence, it can be assessed that the brand elements of the products influence women to realize their potential personal beauty. Moreover, the organization has been trying to include more features to its brand elements in order to enhance its productivity in an effective manner. Websites: Social Media: Social media platform is one of the major platforms for product promotion. In recent days, the organization has been enhancing the social media engagement in order to enhance the productivity of the business. Dove shampoo is one of the favorite choices for the hair care to women. Hence, the organization involves several social media platforms including Facebook, twitter, and other online promotional activities for flashing their product messages to the global platform. On the other hand, the company has its website that contains all information regarding Dove products. Women often accumulate information on the Dove shampoo from the online platform and it facilities to increase the product knowledge in an effective manner. On the other hand, the social media facilities the company to communicate with customer across the globe and it contributes in accumulating feedback regarding products. Advertising: The advertisement of Dove shampoo is conducted through various processes including social media, printing media, digital media, word of mouth, etc. among these mediums; the social media is one of the major platforms that facilitate the organization to enhance its sales in the global market. Although the social media advertising is a popular medium for promotion, Unilever has been focusing on the other promotional medium including printing medium and digital medium. Through the engagement of involving TV advertisement, Newspaper promotion, poster, and another medium, the organization expands the promotion in the large demographic market. On the other hand, the organization has engaged some of the celebrities for making the promotional face of the brand. Word of mouth is another traditional form of advertising that facilitates the company to enhance the products knowledge among societal people. Hence, it can be assessed that the enhanced advertisement process has been engaging a huge n umber of women to experience Companys wide range of products. Distribution: The distribution of Dove shampoo consists of a network channel that facilitates the organization to distribute products among societal people. Nowadays, the dove has been marketing in more than 80 countries. Hence, it can be assessed that the distribution channel of the company follows a systematic process. Dove employs the pull strategy to persuade its customers in the market. The target market of dove includes upper and middle-class customers in the society. The distribution process of Dive begins with the manufacturer and then it moves down to the retail stores, modern trade and CSD through CF (Cost and Freight) and stockiest. The activation managers (AM), Assistant Sales Managers (ASM), and Territory Sales in charge (TSI) coordinate the sales process. Re-stockiest Salesman (RSSM) coordinates the operations of the retailers and stockiest. The distribution channel falls under vertical marketing systems. In the recent days, the organization has been focusing on enhancing the selling of the products through improving relations with the retailers including department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, kiosks, chemists and super stone. Dove offers different levels of services for the customers in the society. Marketing decisions of Dove include target marketing, channels, product assortment, communications, and locations. Hence, it can be assessed that the product distribution channels of the company facilitate in allocating products in a systematic method. The easy availability of the products facilitates the organization to engage a huge number of customers in an effective manner. Consequently, it contributes to enhancing the core sales of the company. Competitors: By analyzing the market of Dove Shampoo, it can be assessed that the company has been facing huge challenges from competitors. The competitors of Dove can be categorized into two sections including the internal and external competitors. In the Australian market, Dove has huge challenges for conducting the business in an effective manner. The external competitor of Dove shampoo is Pantene. Moreover, other shampoo brands including Garnier, Palmolive, and Head Shoulders have left behind Dove in the market. Hence, the organization has been trying to uphold the business profit in the marketplace. On the other hand, the internal competitors of Dove include LUX, TRESemme. However, Doves prime competitors are the external brands that lead the market. In the global market, the brand has been focusing on the several promotional strategies in order to enhance the brand The market share of Dove shampoo can be categorized in the similar products segmentation such as Pantene, Head shoulders. Market share indicates that Pantene shampoo includes the largest share of the marketplace. On the other hand, the market share of Dove is 18%. Hence, it can be assessed that the Dove Shampoo is the second highest selling Shampoo brand in the global market. The market share of each brand is very close to others. It indicates the tough market challenges in the global platform. By analyzing the sales volume, it can be assessed that the Dove shampoo is leading the market due to its premium quality. Although the others hair care products including Pantene, Head Shoulders and clear have been enhancing their sales volume, Dove has been focusing on expanding their sales through engaging the huge number of customers across the global platform. Company Sales Demand Dove Women Shampoo 83% 28% Pantene 89% 30% Head Shoulder 74% 22% Clear 60% 20% SWOT analysis: Strength The premium quality of the product facilitates consumers to maintain the hair care in an effective manner The fragrance of the product attracts a huge number of customers for using product Dove contains the 1/4 moisturizing cream which facilitates women to nourish hair properly The flagship of product of HUL with strong brand awareness through branding and advertising It promises to nourish the damage hairs Opportunity Although the brand has been targeting the female audience, the brand could have launched a wide range of products for men. It would facilitate the organization to enhance the business opportunities in the global platform The strong brand assets could contribute to continuous innovation in the product department. New product innovation would facilitate the organization to enhance the customers base in an effective manner. The organization can expand its market in the demographic large area. Hence, the market expansion would facilitate the organization to experience the profitable outcome in the business. Weakness The target marketing for the product is upper class and middle-class consumers in the society. Hence, the pricing model of the company is quite high. Low piecing model would facilitate them in engaging more customers in the business. Dove Shampoo targets only Women. Consequently, the popularity of the product among men is low. The brand innovation of Dove is quite low than other competitors in the market. Threat There are a huge number of competitor brands providing hair care solutions to women, and it indicates threat for the organizations. Dove shampoo for women is popular only in urban society. The product targets only higher and middle-class consumer in the market. The other shampoo brand including Pantene, Head Shoulder, Garnier are the threats of Dove. Conclusion and Recommendations: It can be concluded that Dove shampoo has been increasing the popularity in the global market, and it expands the brand to the large demographic area. Although the sales volume of the product is a bit higher than another shampoo brand, Dove has some strong competitors in the market that create challenges for conducting the business in an effective manner. The researcher has provided the following recommendations for enhancing the brand value in the global platform. Dove needs to focus on the brand innovation in order to enhance the sales volume in the business Dove could have focused on men hair care products so that the brand could be able to engage huge customers base in the business Dove should focus on the innovative promotional activities in order to attract women in the society Although the pricing of Dove shampoo is acceptable to the middle and higher class community, the brand needs to review their pricing system in order to engage the lower-middle class consumer. References "Beauty Care Products | Deodorant, Skin Hair Care | Dove". Mydove.Com.Au. Last modified 2016. Accessed May 26, 2016. Carnevale, Marina, Ozge Yucel-Aybat, and Lauren Block. "The Added Value Of Contextual Motivations On ConsumerBrand Relationships Of Self-Gifts".J Brand Manag21, no. 5 (2014): 396-407. Chevalier, Michel and Michel Gutsatz.Luxury Retail Management. Singapore: John Wiley Sons Singapore Pte., 2012. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

spoon river anthology Essay Example For Students

spoon river anthology Essay Reality through poetry Contrary to the publics expectation of what poetry should be, Spoon River Anthology gave birth to the most unconventional book of poetry. The poems blunt representation of private yet ordinary lives and its lack of rhymes and verses caused a great controversy. Individually, the poems portrayed extremely realistic situations that most people would ignore but as a whole, Masters showed signs of compassion amidst bitter irony and blunt honesty. The ability to express ones emotions through writing to the point where the reader could fit themselves into the shoes of the speaker is an exceptional gift. We will write a custom essay on spoon river anthology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The poem Abel MelvenY makes one think about life in general. Whats the point of getting so much if you are not going to enjoy what you get? In the poem, the speaker compares his wasted abilities to the farm equipment he had no use for. The speaker feels as if he did not live his life to the fullest; the sad part about it is, he saw himself as one of the machines he bought that Life had never used. The speaker realized he had not made much of his time when he noticed that all of them stood in the rain and sun, getting rusted, warped and battered. After it rains on a piece of metal and hat metal is exposed to the oxygen in the atmosphere, it begins to corrode and eventually fall apart. This time consuming process is the authors representation of the precious time he had wasted. At this point the speaker is remorseful but could not do anything about it because he had gotten close to his end There by my window, growing clearer about myself, as my pulse slowed down. The reality of life is that, we need not wait for Life to use us; we need to do something in order to make a life. The druggist in Trainor, the Druggist made the most out of his life by becoming a harmacist. As a pharmacist, he understood the fundamentals of chemistry and tried to apply it to real life situations. Trainor the Druggist attempted to explain the compatibility of a troubled couple through a subject well known to him, chemistry. He represented Benjamin Pantier and his wife as two of the most basic elements of the periodic table, hydrogen and oxygen. Through these chemicals, the author uses symbolism to explain that Benjamin Pantier and his wifes separation resulted in aggravating their sons wildness. The author described their sons wildness as a evastating fire because oxygen and hydrogen on their own are flammable gases. Conversely, their combination to form water (H20) could have quenched their sons flames. When couples split at some point in their relationship, it is frequently due to the fact that they realize they are no longer compatible with each other. The children, if any are the ones that go through the most trouble. What Trainor is essentially claiming is the harsh reality of what most children go through as a result of their parents separation. This is the reason why Trainor the druggist Lived unwedded. Perhaps if couples were truthful with each other, their union could be as soothing as water. The truth is not an easy thing to digest no matter how it is put. As humans, we tend to be economical with the truth and sometimes lie in order not to hurt the ones we love. wnat oTten nappens Trom tnese situations Is tnat, tne message Is not properly delivered and thus becomes ineffective. This I believe is the reason for Edgar Lee Masterss blunt honesty. WORKS CITED Masters, Edgar Lee. Trainor the druggist. Abel Melveny. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 8th ed. Volume D. New York: Norton, 2012. print.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Key Features of the Cosmological Argument Essays

Key Features of the Cosmological Argument Essays Key Features of the Cosmological Argument Paper Key Features of the Cosmological Argument Paper Examine the key ideas of the cosmological argument. The cosmological argument seeks to prove the existence of God on the basis that the universe has not always been in existence and so for it to be created, an external cause was necessary; this outside agent is viewed as God. It creates a posteriori knowledge which provides inductive explanations and makes conclusions on ideas based on actual experiences. It is a non-propositional argument so it cannot be proven but can be argued by offering experience as support. Although the cosmological argument was expressed by Aquinas it was originally introduced and influenced by Aristotle. Aristotle stated ‘the series must start with something since nothing can come from nothing’. This suggests that Aristotle believed that the creation of universe is dependent on a supreme, ultimate primary mover, and is therefore an ‘unmoved mover’. Overall it is the vital cause of the creation of the universe, and is identified in Christianity as God. Aristotle persuaded this using the idea of planet motion which he highlighted as the cause of the change of seasons. For this transformation to happen, it required an ‘unmoved mover’ who would be capable of upholding order of the universe during the alterations. Aquinas used this concept as the labour of God. Thomas Aquinas developed Aristotle’s ideas and offered the ‘Five Ways’ which have the aim to prove the existence of God. Three of the five form the cosmological argument. The first way is motion, the second is cause and the third is necessity and contingency. Aquinas proposed the way of motion through the idea that in the world some things are in motion and whatever is moved is moved by another. He argued that it is impossible for something to be both mover and moved. Motion is therefore a change of state and is not just movement in time and space from one place to another. But motion requires an explanation since nothing can be in both potentiality and actuality in the same respect. Something is needed to bring about the change, therefore proving God as the initiator of change and motions in all things. The second way; cause originates from the nature of efficient cause. Aquinas stated ‘.. t is necessary to admit to a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God. ’ Aquinas rejects infinite regression but insists that without a first cause there could be no subsequent causes and therefore without a first cause, there would be nothing at all. Therefore, it is necessary to admit to a first efficient cause given the name God. Aquinas argues the third way of necessity and contingency through the view that beings or items in the universe are capable of existing and not existing. The presence of each thing can only be explained by reference to factors which themselves depend on. The factors require reasoning in the form of a necessary being who is dependant on nothing but itself. This being is identified as God. Aquinas argues that the very nature of items in the universe demands that God exists necessarily and not contingently. Aquinas third way supports the cosmological argument as items are dependent on their creator therefore something must be independent in order for things to be created therefore this something is seen as God.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Law Essay - Criminal Law Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Law - Criminal Law - Essay Example Therefore in respect of the facts at hand unless a case beyond reasonable is made in respect of John he would be deemed to be innocent. (Woolmington v. DPP)1 (Oremond et al, 2011) On the basis of the above discussion it is important to bear in mind that criminal liability would accrue if the offence is proved beyond reasonable doubt and the burden of proof vests with the prosecution. An important principle that is also laid down is that the actus reus and mens rea of the offence must coincide, however the courts have adopted a broad approach in respect of the same. (Clarkson et al, 2010) In respect of proving an offence the requirement is that of actus reus, mens rea and the absence of any defence (Lord Diplock in R v Miller). There has been an important requirement that actus reus and mens rea need to coincide, however it is pertinent to mention that the said requirement has been interpreted broadly. (Fagan v. Commissioner of Police)2. A situation where it was found that the actus r eus and mens rea had coincided was that the conduct of the defendant created a situation of danger (R v. Miller)3. (Oremond et al, 2011) The actus reus of an offence is usually satisfied when a positive act is committed. There has often been the requirement that the act that has been committed must be voluntary, as was defined by Lord Denning that ‘No act is punishable if it is done involuntarily, and an involuntary act in this context...means an act which is done by the muscles without any control by the mind such as spasm, a reflex action or a convulsion; or an act done by a person who is not conscious of what he is doing such as an act done whilst suffering from concussion or whilst sleepwalking...’ (Bratty v Attorney General for Northern Ireland)4 . Thus the act of the defendant must therefore be voluntary and a wilful movement of body. (Simester et al 2009), The second element is that of mens rea which deals with the state of mind of the accused. The criteria for m ens rea has been developed and is ongoing for a number of years and the cases that were decided upon took into consideration the intention, subjective recklessness, objective recklessness, lacuna etc. (Simester et al 2009), As far as mens is concerned the current situation is that of Woollin5 and R v. G which has been attained after refining of the original test for intention. Thus the test is that there must either be direct intent that is the defendant had intended a result by committing the particular act; or oblique intent that is the result may have been that which was a virtually certain consequence of the act. (Oremond et al, 2011) The issue in respect of the liability that requires an evaluation is that whether in respect of the facts at hand there is an element of causation which would break the chain of causation. The test of causation first deals with factual issues that is would the harm have occurred but for the action of the defendant, this is what is known as the â₠¬Ëœbut for’ test (R v. White)6. It is evident by the facts that the act of John had led to the harm and so the ‘but for’ test proves the fact that the harm was in fact caused by John. The second issue requires determination of legal causation that is whether the acts of John were the substantial and the operating cause

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Management - Essay Example As per the forms of emergencies, they require skills, interventions, and special knowledge of their management. Despite the fact that treatment settings vary in terms of their organization and resources and health professionals may be having different ways and levels of experience of working, they must deal with dangerous situations when they arise (Kleespies, 2009, p. 65). There are no rules and guidelines to be followed and applied equally in all cases. However, certain principles should be understood and well known by all those who are exposed to non medical emergencies. This paper will attempt to explain some issues, which involve the management of non medical emergencies which can occur in a treatment setting. It acknowledges the importance of clinical officers in controlling and containing the expressions in treatment settings and stressing the needs of properly trained staff in limiting and identifying some risk factors. It reinforces some needs for members of the treatment gr oup and patients to understand their roles in the treatment process. In addition, they should be aware of the impacts of undesirable code of conduct and behaviors if they occur. It is obvious that we learn from experience. When problems or difficulties are experienced in hospitals or health centers, all the staff, clinicians or the treatment team should learn from it and make some improvements. This is very important so that the same incidences cannot appear in the future. The first step is to examine the department or parts affected by the incident. Then they should identify the opportunity in which it needs an improvement. For example, the clinicians might have identified a process, which is not effective in the health Center or hospital. The clinicians or treatment team should question the production team about the process and how it was implemented. After all these stages, the team should consider if the process needs to be improved or replaced. In addition, it is very important to consider who will benefit from the improvement of the process

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Corporate Collapse - The demise of Enron Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Collapse - The demise of Enron - Essay Example The duration of the project that was expected by the company was 10 years and the company expected that it will generate huge amount of profit from this project. But the reality is opposite to what Enron forecasted and it had to bear huge loss in terms of finance and social image (Ahmed, 2012). The project was considered as the largest direct foreign investment project in India’s history but it became debacle for Enron because many countries criticized Enron for its poor performance and fake promises (Bettauer, 2009). Enron’s liquefied natural gas power plant development project stated in 1992 in Maharashtra state of India. It was supposed to fulfill India’s energy need with more than 2000 megawatts of electricity (Ahmed, 2012). But due to various issues like dispute over prices between India’s government and Enron and criticism of Indians on this project turned the venture into an example of what can go wrong when two different cultures collide in a large scale development project (Bajaj, 2010). The project became debacle for Enron because it produced no electricity and in 2001 the company got bankrupted. Enron Corporation in 1992 proclaimed that it would develop a natural gas power plant worth of $3 billion in Dabhol western state of Maharashtra, India. The project was expected to be the poster child of India’s economic liberalization but unfortunately it became the symbol of project failure and people consider it as a human rights nightmare and an economic failure. The project was subject of criticism from the beginning. The company worked hand in hand with dishonest Indian bureaucrats and politicians in order to complete the project but Indian public interest group filed charges against Enron and in 1993 Indian Reliance Company bribed Indian petroleum minister to secure the contract (Leuz, & Schrand, 2009). Due to this bribery

Friday, November 15, 2019

Activities for Sc1 and Sc4 Skills Development

Activities for Sc1 and Sc4 Skills Development Primary Science Task Introduction It is important that assessment in primary science is linked to learning outcomes if it is to be successful (Hudson, 2005). It is therefore important that all primary teachers in science understand the learning outcomes which are appropriate to their year, and that learning activities and assessments are based on that. Most children in year 4 at school would be expected to be working between levels 2 and 5, although most children would only be expected to reach level 4 by the age of 11 (DirectGov, 2008). Here a set of activities based around circuits are discussed in terms of how they allow for development in Sc1 Scientific Enquiry and Sc4 Physical Processes skills. Assessment of Sc1 and Sc4 Skills In order to ensure appropriate development through both Sc1 and Sc4, it would be considered preferential to change the order of the learning activities. The first activity which would be approached would be that of the safety session. This would be approached first due to the importance of approaching safety considerations before approaching any practical activities utilising electricity. This activity is not only considered crucial to safety, but presents a good introduction to circuits, as the learning objectives would be considered to be at level 2 (L2) of Sc4. For example discussion of the differences between mains and battery electricity corresponds to pupils being able to compare the way in which devices work in different electrical circuits (QCA, n.d.). The learning outcomes of this activity, being able to record the characteristics of the devices using mains electricity, would also be at L2 of Sc1, which states that pupils should be able to describe observations using simple scientific vocabulary. The second activity approached would be that of looking at drawings of circuits. This is an important step before practical work with circuits as it may address some of the gaps in knowledge of circuits which may be present in children of this age (Glauret, 2008). The learning objectives and the activity itself allow for development from L2 of Sc 4 to L3. For example while knowing that a circuit needs a power source means that pupils are able to compare the way in which devices work in different electrical circuits (L2), it could also be developed so that pupils are able to discuss cause and effect (L3). The same could be said of the knowledge that a complete circuit is needed for a device to work. The actual activity itself, in which children look at drawings of circuits and decide and explain which will work and which will not could be performed at L2 of Sc1, where pupils are able to observe and compare objects and events, and say what is expected. It could however allow for develo pment to L3, where pupils are able to use their knowledge and understanding of physical phenomena to link cause and effect in simple explanations. By asking children to design a circuit which will work, record it, and annotate it, this is however only tackling L1 of Sc1 in terms of notation, where pupils are able to communicate their findings in simple ways (QCA, n.d.). Although not specifically addressed in this learning activity, it may also be useful to include some discussion in pairs or small groups. This is due to evidence that vocalisation of scientific concepts may help with development of scientific vocabulary (Mercer et al., 2004). This may then assist in developing from being able to communicate findings in simple ways (Sc1 L1) to using simple scientific vocabulary (Sc1 L2) and beyond. Using the third activity, in which pupils test their ideas about what make good conductors would allow for further development of Sc1 and Sc4. For example the learning objective about how to find out which materials allow electricity to pass through them could be approached from L1 if suggestions are actively offered to the pupils (Sc1 L1), or could be developed through the L4 if pupils are given freedom to design their own approach with lower levels of guidance. The learning objective relating to the development of the knowledge that some materials are better conductors of electricity than others relates to both L3 and 4 of Sc4. This involves development from being able to use knowledge to link cause and effect to being able to use knowledge to create generalisations. This development is also addressed by the objective that pupils are able to use results to draw conclusions about which materials conduct electricity. This objective also addresses development of L3 to L4 in Sc1 in tha t pupils develop from being able to provide explanations for their observations (L3) to pupils being able to relate their conclusions to patterns in their data and scientific knowledge. The specific learning outcomes of this activity would be that pupils would be able to use equipment to make observations, by being able to construct a circuit to test which materials let electricity pass through (Sc1 L2) and that they would be able to provide explanations for their observations by explaining that with some materials the bulb did not light because the circuit was not complete (Sc1 L3). This may even be developed through to Sc1 L4, where pupils begin to relate their conclusions to patterns in their data and scientific knowledge, if pupils are able to relate their findings to other sources of information. Rather than approach it as a separate activity, it would be better to incorporate the activity of making simple switches here, as it too relates to conductors and complete circuits. As such, it does not particularly offer further development of any of the learning targets, so does not warrant investigation as a separate session. As a development of the third activity, it then makes logical sense to proceed to discuss the uses of metals and plastics as conductors and insulators. This would lead to the development of Sc1 L4 if pupils were not previously able to relate their own work to outside information. This also includes exploring secondary sources, which can also be developed from L2 of Sc1 to L4, depending on the sophistication of sources used and what is done with the information. For example using the information to explain why metals are used for some purposes and plastics for others indicates being able to link cause and effect in simple explanations (Sc4 L3), although if pupils are also able to make generalisations about physical phenomena and use physical ideas to explain, then this may indicate development to L4. The final activity in the paper would be included last, as this is generally a culmination of the information gathered to this point, and offers development of Sc1 and Sc4 to L4. For example making predictions about what will happen indicates that pupils are able to make generalisations and use physical ideas to explain simple phenomena (Sc4 L4). Deciding how to change the brightness of bulbs and speed of a motor in a circuit also shows that pupils are able to decide on an appropriate approach towards answering a question and also able to vary one factor while keeping the others the same (Sc1 L4). Designing their own experiment also indicates that pupils are able to describe physical phenomena, for example how a particular device may be connected to work in a circuit (Sc4 L4). This type of self-directed activity may also be essential for some young children in developing scientific confidence (Glauert, 2005). Finally, a self-directed activity at the end of the series of sessions also allows for a better assessment of progress through the levels, as it allows for complete flexibility as to how much assistance is given in the task, thereby allowing for a better assessment of competency. Conclusions By utilising the appropriate activities from those given, it is possible to allow for development of both Sc1 and Sc4 right through from level 2 to level 4, which is appropriate for this age group. There is also some degree of flexibility in the levels which the selected activities could be approached from to allow for individual achievement levels within the class. The sessions lend themselves to culmination in a self-directed session, which allows for more accurate assessment of levels within Sc1 and Sc4. References DirectGov (2008) National curriculum teacher assessments and key stage tests. DirectGov. Available [online] from: [Accessed 22/08/2008]. Glauert, E.B. (2005) Making sense of science in the reception class. International Journal of Early Years Education, 13(3), 215-233. Glauert, E.B. (2008) How young children understand electric circuits: Prediction, explanation and exploration. International Journal of Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500690802101950. Hudson, P.B. (2005) Analysing preservice teachers’ rubrics for assessing students’ learning in primary science education. Proceedings Australian Curriculum Studies Association. Available [online] from: [Accessed 22/08/2008]. Mercer, N., Dawes, L., Wegerif, R. Sams, C. (2004) Reasoning as a scientist: Ways of helping children to use language to learn science. British Educational Research Journal, 30(3), 359-377. QCA (No date) Attainment targets for science. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. Available [online] from: [Accessed 22/08/2008].

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Oil Refinery and Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

Chartek 59, marketed the world’s first intumescent epoxy material, is a production from the Apollo Program conducted by NASA, in which spacecraft was tested in every aspect to ensure that the astronauts and the spacecraft themselves can withstand the harsh condition of space and the extremely high temperatures of re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. The material is used in the heat shield of the Apollo. When re-entering, the shield will burn because of the high temperature due to friction. However, Chartek chars, dissipates heat through burn-off and creates a protective coating which prevents the heat from penetrating anywhere further than the outer surface of the spacecraft, keeping the inside cabin at a comfortable temperature of 21oC. When exposing to high temperature heat or flame, Chartek expands in volume, acting as an insulating barriers. Although there is not yet any serious fire accident reflecting its quality, Chartek is considered an effective material used in modern fireproofing systems, based on the results of tests on stability, integrity and insulation conducted by the Underwritten Laboratories (UL) and Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD). The following table shows some comparison fire endurance times for various composite panels. The black bar shows 60 minutes for the time endurance of a Chartek-coated panel, which is relatively long. It is constantly improved and recently has been marketed out in form of intumescent paints and foams; its innovations are critical fire-proofing materials in such industrial facilities as oil refineries, petrochemical plants, as well as in commercial infrastructures and such public buildings as schools, hospitals, airports and shopping malls. Chartek and one of its innovations, Interchar, contribute largely to the development of safer workplace and public buildings. In normal condition, Chartek coating provides a resilient and smooth finish to the exposed steel structure. In emergency fire events, the materials offer longer time of fire protection, slowing down the process of collapsing and providing more time for the building occupants to evacuate safely. The use of Chartek in fireproofing systems significantly benefits the economy. The infrastructures are so effectively protected in fire events that the cost of repairing the buildings is greatly reduced. The material also acts as a corrosion protection layer, increasing the durability of the inner material, which can save a great deal of money on maintaining the buildings in good condition. In addition, human damage and injury payment can be considerably cut down since the workplace is much safer. Some of Chartek innovations, such as Chartek 3, Chartek 7 and Chartek 1709, are used in the fire-proofing systems of offshore structures as in the oil refinery platform of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and Caltex Lytton refinery in Brisbane, Australia.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

High School and Advance Placement Classes

Ever since I can remember, my ambitions were to make this world a better place by solving crimes and putting criminals behind bars. I am truly motivated to contribute to this patriotic country. I will risk my life for it if that is what it takes. My commitment, dedication and effort in my academic and extra-curricular activities will help guide me into my lifetime goals of becoming a criminal psychology, and getting a degree combined with law and psychology. High schools provide students with the chance to prepare for the real world and I refuse not to take advantage of it. For example, the activities that are fostering me into my future are extra-activities and core courses.Drill team has given me the power to adequately deal with the demands and challenges of daily life. All that was expected of me I excelled in. Being a member has helped me flourish into a mature individual. Throughout all of the experiences on drill team, I have developed leadership and social skills that are ben eficial in majoring in criminal justice. My director pushed me to the limit to help me grow in the same way they would in criminal justice. In any career they want to excel in.I was able to stay committed and not give up during all those stressful times. Therefore, proving I am ready for what college has in stores for me no matter how hard it gets. In dance, it has helped me become fit from having to dance year round. In most careers in criminal justice it is required that you pass timed test for physical activities. In dance I discovered how passionate I feel about working out.Taking psychology and sociology, will aid me in my lifetime goals because those classes are required in my career path. In completing these courses during high school, it will be a big advantage in helping me to comprehend them in college. I will have prior knowledge. When taking that class in college, I will be prepared for it and I also could take my notes from high school to refer to. It helps me with crim inal profiling and provides strategies and suggestions that can be used in the interviewing process of finding the killer or kidnapper.I have been taking Pre-Advance placement and Advance Placement classes since freshman year. Taking advanced placement classes by far has really helped me  get a better understanding of what to expect from college courses. My teachers act like professors therefore I know that professors will treat me like an adult. My instructors teach the way university instructors would and I am still able to obtain exceptional grades in my classes. Advance placement classes boosted my grade point average therefore it will help me get into a wonderful college of my choice.In high school, I am dedicated towards my long time goals. I want to say I was someone in life. I have learned how to balance a job, extra-curricular activities, and my academic performance. These skills will guide me tremendously in my long term goals. My ambitions are to keep this world a safer place. Even if it means not having fun and focusing on my future I am driven enough to do it. If I want to be successful and get a good education and career I must have determination, encouragement, and fulfillment. Success is finding your way to reach your goals in life.It is a journey which has several peaks that build on one another. It comes from within while realizing what my own strengths and weaknesses are to determine my accomplishments. In high school I am given this opportunity that will help me with any barrier in life. I want to be my children`s role model one day. I want to be someone they can look up to and I am willing to work for it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pornography and Women Theory essays

Pornography and Women Theory essays Constitutionally protected speech that is Clearly sexual abuse is discriminating and unconstitutional, therefore, must be restricted speech. Catherine A. MacKinnon, in her book Only Words gives persuading evidence that pornography subordinates women as a group through sexual abuse. She says Protecting pornography means protecting sexual abuse as speech, at the same time that both pornography and its protection have deprived women of speech, especially speech against pornography (MacKinnon, 9). MacKinnon argues this bye explaining defamation and discrimination, racial and sexual harassment, and equality and Women are sexually abused for the making of pornography. Torture, rape, hot wax dripping over nipples, and murdering women are the tools to produce a product of evil. Literature is the description of these crimes against humanity (emphasized) and cameras are On the assumption that words have only a referential relation to reality, pornography is defended as only words-even when it is pictures women had to directly used to make, even when the means of writing are womens bodies, even when a women is destroyed in order to say it or show it or because it was said or shown. However, assuming words are only a partial relation to reality would mean we would have to reconsider what reality is. Our wedding vows such as I do would be meaningless and a jury could never return a verdict that is only partial to reality. These words are treated as the institutions and practices they constitute, rather than as expressions of the idea they embody (Mackinnon, 13) Therefore, if these words of pornography are only words, dont they institutionalize rape? Since pornography is rape on women. Pornography is protected by the First Amendment as free speech, but why? Becaus ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Close Security Prison Essay Example

Close Security Prison Essay Example Close Security Prison Paper Close Security Prison Paper Prison In a close security prison, offenders housed here are an escape/flight risk, they have histories of assaults, and an offender may be held there because of other charges pending for a different law enforcement agency, the offenders in this prison never leave to do anything outside of the prison and they are supervised 24 hrs a day by a correctional officer (State Prisons, 2013). These prisons are usually set up with single cells but have been doubled, they are divided into cell blocks that can be in en building or multiple buildings, they have remote controlled cell doors and every cell has its own plumbing fixtures (sink toilet). The outside of the prison consists of a double fence, armed guards in the watch towers, and sometimes with armed moving patrols, often there is a third fence placed in the middle equipped with lethal electrical voltage. Inmates are permitted release from their cells for work or to Join corrective programs within the prison (De Emailed, 2007). Priorities to be discussed for changes for this prison are: Security Issues, Inmate fatty and needs, staff safety and needs, and public security, as warden my priorities are to strengthen security on outside perimeter as well as Inside the prison, adding more advanced security systems, such as advanced vehicle Interrogation and notification system (AVIAN), this system detects the presence of a person that Is hiding inside of a vehicle the system reads the showplace generated by the heart beating, which links to any surface or object that the body Is In contact with and comes at a reasonable cost. AVIAN has had success In locating Illegal Immigrants and from stopping prisoners from escaping out In trucks or cars leaving from the prison (Avian heartbeat detector, 2004). I will be adding more correctional officers, two more armed guards per tower, laser detection, cameras, electric perimeter and extra lighting (SD state prison to get more officers, security measures, 2011). Security, Inmate safety, staff safety, and public safety, adding more cameras In more areas, adding more correctional officers to keep track of Inmate activity, dally cell heck, dally count checks, Inmate and visitor searches, extensive training for correctional officers and other staff on site of prison to help protect themselves, the prison, the Inmates, and the community, officers all need to carry radios, officers should be In a party of two at all times, social control and times Inmates can socialize with each other, using CATV surveillance will focus on the safety and security of Inmates, prison personnel, and visitors, prison staff should wear body alarms and carrying pepper spray (CATV, 2005), (Groaners, 2011). Priorities to be discussed for changes for this prison are: Security issues, inmate are to strengthen security on outside perimeter as well as inside the prison, adding more advanced security systems, such as advanced vehicle interrogation and notification system (AVIA N), this system detects the presence of a person that is beating, which links to any surface or object that the body is in contact with and comes at a reasonable cost. AVIAN has had success in locating illegal immigrants and from stopping prisoners from escaping out in trucks or cars leaving from the prison Security, Inmate safety, staff safety, and public safety, adding more cameras in more areas, adding more correctional officers to keep track of inmate activity, daily cell checks, daily count checks, inmate and visitor searches, extensive training for prison, the inmates, and the community, officers all need to carry radios, officers should be in a party of two at all times, social control and times inmates can socialize inmates, prison personnel, and visitors, prison staff should wear body alarms and carrying pepper spray (CATV, 2005), (Georgians, 2011).

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Logic & Reasoning Discussion Forum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Logic & Reasoning Discussion Forum - Essay Example Reasoning involved is: XYZ is old, so XYZ is better. The logic is that- how can the age of something relate to its efficiency? For example, fallacious appeal to tradition makes us believe that witches cause diseases and microorganisms do not, because witches myth is a belief that has been there since ages. 3. This fallacy is called hasty generalization. Was Smith not hastening in believing what he saw only once? Also called fallacy of insufficient statistics or hasty induction, this fallacy takes place when a person, Smith here, jumps to conclusion by looking at insufficient evidence or small sample of a large population (Sellnow 392). Reasoning involved is: if observed X% of all As are Bs, still all As cannot be Bs, or if two of all squirrels are white, still all squirrels cannot be white. Logic here is that a conclusion cannot be drawn from merely observing a small sample taken from population. 4. Paraphrase: Under the new targets, the United States and Russia guarantee that both of them will deploy 525 to 700 fewer strategic nuclear warheads by 2016 when presently, by 2012, they are 2200

Friday, November 1, 2019

Love,Marriage and Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Love,Marriage and Family - Essay Example Marriage remains condemned an unsuccessful social institution in the eyes of many Americans. Ever more, many Americans are marrying later in life, while another set chooses not to marry at all. Meanwhile, the rate of divorce floats almost at 50 percent for all fresh marriages. Out-of wedlock children are on a steady rise, more so particularly to the well-educated. Moreover, the long belief that the private, marital-based family entity can contentedly acknowledge major liability for the concern of children and other family appears more and more unsustainable.Meanwhile, marriage is not a rational foundation for social guidelines; however, it appears an expedient universal remedy to politicians and analysts debating the rate of divorce, the startling figures on children poverty. Some sociologists, like B. Graham, think that marriage control on love in America is not wrong. I agree with this assertion, since marriage is a very important institution, and everything needs to be done to res cue it. Even so, marriage as a social institute is failing; callous and castigatory actions formulated to make the status more firm and rigid are bizarre (Graham 2007). Policymakers are unwilling to see that a social trend, such as soaring divorce rate, is simply on module in panoply of pointers recording the pervasive and irreversible nature of the transformations that have taken place in all quarters of our communal lives. The Americans stand in the middle of important social change and it’s important that we recognize there is no unsophisticated past, no enduring utopian visualization to which the edict can return us. The American social goal should be to design doctrines that mirror the ways in which they are living their lives. Meanwhile, the Americans should subsidize and cater for the emerging family sets, such as single-mother families that are carrying out the all-important task of supporting children and other family members (Whitehead & Popenoe, 2007). Reinforcing marriage in America is going to take a key fundamental change in cultural values and social policy. No particular segment of society is accountable for the fall of marriage. Americans are all part and parcel of the problem, and consequently, they must discover the resolution. Americans must repossess the ultimate of marital durability and realize that out-of-wedlock childbearing does not really hurt. The American objective for the next age band should be to augment the percentage of kids who grow up with their two marital parents and diminish the percentage of those who do not. Feasible planning for recapturing a marriage tradition is dealt with and each key segment of society has to be informed (Schwartz & Scott, 2007). The corrosion of child welfare over the precedent decades is an American domestic catastrophe. Furthermore, when one ceases obsessing over it, the trend in numerous ways should be rather startling. Nobody could have even envisaged it thirty years ago. Currently, Ame ricans are more affluent than ever before. Ever since 1960, the Gross Domestic Product has tripled a tenth fold prompting the average earnings of Americans to double. This success has openly benefited children. Americans are considering having fewer children and they are giving birth later in life, when the remunerations are higher. Furthermore, scores of additional mothers have gone into the labor force. It has become far worse-even much worse; this is simply a coincidence that child welfare deteriorated steadily during a period of time in which American marriage also declined. Current surveys have gathered information that children from broken homes, when they become young adults, have 3 to 4 times more behavioral and psychological challenges (Whitehead & Popenoe, 2007). A while ago, Americans were most likely the most marrying people in the world. The impact of that era can still be viewed in the older age bracket. In the fall of 1990s, 96 percent of women and 95 percent of men a ge 45 aged between 45 to 54 year

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evaluate Rival Views On the Cultural Implications of Globalization Essay

Evaluate Rival Views On the Cultural Implications of Globalization - Essay Example This paper stresses that globalization has intensified the economic competition among the developed nations of the world and to increase this competitiveness, they have come to adopt policies aimed at influencing other countries to adopt their cultures so that they can be able to find markets for their products. Advertisements promoting the western way of life have come up all over the world, and many educated youths have been influenced by them. Nowadays, it has become a trend for the youth to adopt aspects of the west culture stating that their own cultures are either backward or archaic. This report makes a conclusion that globalization has come to have a profound influence on the cultures of many people in the world, and this influence has been both positive and negative. In certain regions, it can be said to be a blessing to those cultures which it has come to influence, because it has not only enriched these cultures, but it has also ensured that some of their characteristics have been spread all over the world. However, it has also been noted that globalization has led to the erosion and near extinction of some cultures and these have come to be replaced with the dominant western culture, which is the driving force behind globalization. One would even go as far as to suggest that globalization is a force which is inevitably going to destroy other cultures, and if not, it will change these cultures beyond recognition. It is an irresistible force of cultural change which cannot be stopped without the isolation of other cultures from the globalised, western one.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Project Goals And Objectives Essay Example for Free

Project Goals And Objectives Essay Company Background The ABLE TOOLS CORPORATION is a well-known organization that actually operates to be among the pioneer organizations in the field of tool production and distribution. The market o the said corporation remains to be the ones involved in construction activities. In terms of being prepared for emergencies though, the company has less control of the situations that are likely to arise in the future without any notice to the organization which may as well affect the overall operations of the business in their target market.   The memo that follows outlines the different issues that need focus in the process and how are the said issues going to be dealt with by the organization later on. Possible Issues to Arise The issue on weak marketing approach that would likely affect the performance of the business within the market that they are serving is indeed a supposed well-treated issue on the part of the marketing and management departments of the organization. The attention that they are likely lacking in this area of concern would absolutely cause the failure of the entire organization once not given the right treatment. Strategic Goal Meeting the said challenges in the organization’s operations is likely one of the most important goals of the entire business group. However, the question is the strategy that is to be implemented to solve the problem. Obviously, the supposed goal is expected to be focused in increasing the profit of the organization through marketing procedures amidst the increasing competition happening in the market.   The idea is to make a procedure by which an effective marketing strategy implementation could at least handle the challenge of facing the both the new and old competitors in the field. It is indeed challenging enough to handle the external issues concerned within this situation, however, it should be noted that there are also internal elements affecting the same situation that could affect the entire strategy to be used to actually handle the said organizational issues. Tactical Goals There are several tactics of approaching the problem. However, to be able to come up with the right process of dealing with the issue, it should be understood how the elements of operation of the issue should be controlled. In this case, marketing procedures and enhancing their audience and market effect would require the involvement of the balancing of fiancà ©s as well as expenses of the proceedings concerned with the said approach. Likely, to understand better, the process to be handled here requires one to have a better understanding of how to handle the cost of marketing while not hurting the profit of the business so much and giving better profit chances at the same time to the organization’s operational returns. Issues and Concerns Possibly, what need to be addressed in this problem are those that are highly concerned with the creative approaches that the organization is possibly taking. Understandably, such approaches are expected to have a strong impact on the process by which the organization progresses in its own field of industries. The marketing process and the marketing medium to be utilized should be well chosen and created so as to ensure that whatever it is that needs to be balanced in the process would be given attention to within the completion of the planned business disaster recovery plan. With the said procedure, it is expected that each element in the process would be attended to by the administrational management carefully so as to ensure that the values and the concerns of the business are given the right amount of focus during the process. Balancing the ways by which the said elements are affected directly by the planned solution should be given careful understanding by the administrational personnel handling the said situations in actual applications for the sake of better progress of the entire organization in the market. References: Cummings, E., Haag, S., McCubbrey D. (2005). Management Information Systems for the Information Age. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Higher Education. Buchanan, Sally. Emergency preparedness. from Paul Banks and Roberta Pilette. Preservation Issues and Planning. Chicago: American Library Association, 2000. 159-165. ISBN 978-0-8389-0776-4 Hoffer, Jim. Backing Up Business Industry Trend or Event. Health Management Technology, Jan 2001.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Friends of Scouting :: essays research papers

Friends of Scouting, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Eagle Scouts... I would like to start by saying: there are no more important people in this room than the two young men we honor here. If there were a Congressman, a United States senator, a governor, or even a chief executive officer of a FORTUNE 500 company here today, there would be no one in the room more important than our new Eagle Scouts. They are among the most important people in America. These two new Eagle Scouts are the worthiest members of the greatest youth organization on earth, â€Å"The Boy Scouts of America†. While not alone in serving the needs of children and youth, the BSA is almost the oldest and certainly the most successful. Tonight, you young men join the two percent of all Scouts who have achieved this highest and most noble goal. It is true. Of the millions of boys who have joined the Boy Scouts of America since 1910 (over the past 94 years) only TWO out of every 100 has became an Eagle Scout. By achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, each of you has proven to yourself, to your community, to your state, to your country and even to the World that you are Can Do, Will Try person. I’d like to quote, the words of Marian Wright Edelman - from her book The Measure of Our Success: A letter to My Children and Yours. "We need to teach our children--by example--not to be lazy, to do their homework, to pay attention to detail, to take care and pride in work, to be reliable, and not to wobble and jerk through life. Each of us must take the initiative to create our opportunities, not waiting around for favors. We must not assume a door is closed but must push on it. We must not assume if it was closed yesterday that it's closed today." "Set goals and work quietly and systematically toward them. We must all resist quick-fix, simplistic answers and easy gains, which often disappear just as quickly as they come." "Assign yourself. Don't wait around for your boss, your friends or your parents to direct you to do what you are able to figure out and do for yourself. Don't do just as little as you can to get by." "Be a can do, will try" person. As our newest Eagle Scouts, you need to understand that the happiness in a person’s life is directly proportionate to that person’s commitment to Excellence, regardless of the person’s position in life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Learning Coaching Supporting Young people Essay

1. Understand and implement the mentoring process My experience as a Learning Coach has led my sessions to move on from one to one with each student and can now include Group sessions. Group sessions involving a small group can be as effective when compared to one to one interaction. Before the group is brought together I can decide on which students might interact better with each other, for example a group I have worked with included 2 boys and 2 girls who didn’t know each other well in the school but were all studying the same subject, I considered if any prejudgement would prevent the group from bonding so chose this setup. The first session involved planning the steps that would be involved and purpose for having them in a group environment. I set goal deadline to meet within the group so they were aware of how long the time period would be, in this case 4 sessions over 4 weeks. The goal I had set was to discuss revision techniques and different Learning styles with, by the fourth week I hoped to have achieved an understanding for how they can motivate each other while learning from each other. As a group they had all been properly introduced to one another and indentified key areas they were struggling in with the particular subject they had in common. I used a group exercise where they created two spider diagrams labelling the parts they like and didn’t like in the subject, they were quick to indentify similar areas they were either stronger or weaker in as a group. Following the previous session I had each member of the group complete a VAK (Visual Auditory Kinesthetic) Questionnaire to indentify their own Learning Style. They all came out stronger in the Visual/Auditory side of learning and I showed them techniques such as using diagrams and bright colours, discussing topics as a group and making short notes that can be revisited. Each member of the group seemed keen to get involved and contribute their own ideas as we went along. To keep motivation high I always used positive comments as they worked, having the understanding and deadline established at the beginning helped them reach the goal and work together As the group reached the final session we reviewed the work involved and how they had achieved the understanding of what was set out. I asked them to explain by each of them writing 3 key points they had learned that could involve either what they had learnt about Learning styles or about the subject they had applied them in. Although each member had remembered a different point they realised the potential in working as a group. 2. Be able to organise and initiate mentoring support in group settings For a group to come together efficiently you have to consider how they will function as a whole. Will the members of the group bond immediately or will it take some time to reach a normality. You can help this process come together by developing techniques such as creating a Poster or Spider Diagram together about something in common. This will help ease any tension and allow you to see the more dominant members in the group and who might sit back during the process. Bruce Tuckman developed a model that looks at the stages of group development (Web Ref 1) 1. Forming: The group comes together and gets to initially know one other and form as a group. Can be a very important stage as it allows the group to see who is more dominant and how they will work together. 2. Storming: A chaotic Vying for leadership and trialling of group processes This can lead to confrontation in the group if somebody is seen not to get along with the others. Problems in this area would arise from individuals giving a different opinion or idea on how to do the task set before them. 3. Norming: Eventually agreement is reached on how the group operates (norming) Possibly a leader in the group is set out who takes charge. The group might have specific tasks that each of them are focusing on. 4. Performing: The group practices its craft and becomes effective in meeting its objectives. Now that the group can work together they focus on the tasks and perform what they grouped together to achieve. 5. Adjourning: The process of â€Å"unforming† the group, that is, letting go of the group structure and moving on. As it was important for each of them to get together and understand it’s important to leave the process effectively. They each need to recognise what they have done and hopefully be proud of their achievements. Coming away from a group badly can affect future group processes. (Web Ref 1) This model of how a group evolves with each other briefly describes how they operate from the beginning to the end of the group process. Being the Learning Coach allows you to have a unique position in the group allowing you to take on any position you see suitable. It’s advisable to set ground rules for them to follow, these could be to be open and honest, keeping confidentiality within the group, not letting each other down or just respecting each other. With these sort of ground rules in place you can take a position of just watching the group or be a member of the group, if you feel they need some guidance raise the issue they are concerned with and put them on the right path. It is important to consider what differences might be there for the group, so with the ground rules and having them focus on themselves as a whole and trust and respect each other can be a main focus. With some students coming from different backgrounds and diversity’s or having issues they might not want to talk about in a group environment can put a block on the groups progress. Don’t pressure them into these kind of topics and let the group flow naturally. 3. Analyse the mentoring skills, experience and qualities you used in this group setting. When I deal with any students I always try to be friendly and make them feel comfortable to talk in front of me while being professional. I understand that the students will often look to me for guidance so I make sure not to be judgemental towards any of the group members and give everyone a fair chance. Hopefully this will promote them in doing the same to each other. While my role in the group was more observational I did question them from time to time, making sure they were on the right path and understood what they had said. While talking with them I did try and avoid using questions that lead to a yes or no answer, asking them to explain, once they explained it to me I would try and relate to them personally. My observation in the group kept them disciplined and focused more on the task. I didn’t have to be talking for them to know I was there. I didn’t want to be intimidating them either, I would occasionally agree and give my opinion on something they said to see if I was following correctly and more importantly they knew I wasn’t ignoring them. At the beginning of the time together we set out a goal that they all had in common. Something they all felt they could benefit from. I picked them all for this group originally because of that reason. The goal deadline was set out from the start for them to know when it would definitely be coming to an end. I hoped that from the sessions they would have learned everything they needed to and not need to come back to me. I have always said I keep an open door policy and if they needed to see me individually I would open it up as a new session time and new goal, this way they can understand that it’s not being dragged on from the previous time. 4. Be able to review the outcomes of the mentoring process With my Learning Coach group sessions what went well was discussing the matters with them and being a guide to keep them on the right track. The discipline was always fair and I never had to take any real precautions just focus them on the goal in sight. With future groups I will try to focus more on achieving a greater goal. I possibly set the goal to easily for them to achieve but this is hard to see when you don’t know how the group will work with each other. I would also try and give some kind of reward incentive to give them more of a morale boost throughout the sessions. I didn’t present them with anything that could give them real pride in what they did other than knowing themselves what they achieved. I will consider giving them achievement points on the school system to acknowledge how well they have done. My overall support I felt was just the right amount. I didn’t want to take total control of the group so I focused more on guidance to push them in the right direction. I may possibly in the future take more control of a group if I feel they are not going to achieve their goal within the deadline or not focusing on the task in hand. I would like to involve a different group activity for them to start with. The activity I have given them may not appeal to everyone. I would like to arrange a few activity’s they could pick from. I asked the group afterwards how they felt the process went. They were generally happy with the result but were not sure if they would bother to use it when not in these group sessions. One individual was not happy with not being listened to and felt she would have directed her time in a different area to what the group decided on. I might consider making the groups smaller so that others get a chance to say something rather then just listening to others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Solventless Claisen-Schmidt Condensation of Benzaldehydes

Backgrounds and Theory (A)Introduction of aldol condensation In an aldol condensation reaction, the ? -carbon of an aldehyde or ketone molecule reacts with another carbonyl carbon to form a ? -hydroxyl aldehyde or ? -hydroxyl ketone, followed by dehydration to give a conjugated enone if an ? -H is present. It is a very useful reaction for the synthesis of ? ,? -unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The aldehyde or ketone molecule is first converted to enol or enolate by acid or base catalyst respectively. In this experiment, the base-catalyzed method is used and the ? proton of the aldehyde or ketone molecule is removed by a strong base like hydroxides and alkoxides to form an enolate ion: Although hydroxide ion is not strong enough to convert all of the aldehyde or keton molecules to the corresponding enolates for both aldehydes and ketones (i. e. the equilibrium lies well to the left), there are usually enough enolate ions for the reaction to proceed at a reasonable rate. The enolate ion will then react with the carbonyl compound to form an intermediate anion, which is quickly protonated by water. When the ? hydroxyl aldehyde or ? -hydroxyl ketone is formed, it will be sometimes spontaneously dehydrated to give an ? ,? -unsaturated carbonyl compound since a C=C bond can be formed by this process and it is very stable due to the conjugation with the carbonyl group. Therefore if the dehydration is not spontaneous, it can also be easily induced by gentle heating. However, self condensation will occur, especially if both of the reactants are ketones, and a mixture of products will be formed. This is mainly due to the similar electrophilicity of the reactants.For example, when 3-pentanone is reacted with cyclopentanone: A mixture of products will be formed as both the reactants can become enolate ion and react with itself or another reactant. Also, more kinds of products will be formed after dehydration as different kinds of ? -proton is available. If the reactants are unsymmetrical, the reaction will become more regioselective. For example, if 2-methylpentan-3-one is reacted with reacted with cyclopentanone: The upper one will be the major product since ? -proton is available for the formation of conjugated double bond by dehydration.The extra stability of the product shifts the equilibrium to its side. (B)Claisen-Schmidt Condensation – a Branch of Aldol Condensation Clasisen-Schmidt condensation is a branch of aldol condensation which eliminates most of the regioselectivity problems. In the reaction, an aromatic aldehyde is condensed with a ketone to form an ? ,? -unsaturated ketone. For example: Since an extra alkyl group (EDG) is present in ketone, it is less electrophilic than the aldehyde. Therefore only the ? -carbon of the ketone will attack the aldehyde, but not the other way round.Also, there will not be any self condensation as only aldehyde will be attacked. The dehydration process of the above reaction is also regioselective as there is only one kind of ? -proton present in the compound. Therefore only one kind of product will be formed. In this experiment, the Clasisen-Schmidt condensation of benzaldehyde and p-methylacetophenone will be studied. (C)Traditional Method vs Solventless Method (Green Chemistry) Organic reactions usually require organic solvents as to provide a medium for the interactions of reactants and to moderate the temperature and reaction rate.Nevertheless, the use of organic solvent needs a significant cost on materials required and also increases the burden to chemical waste treatment and the environment. Green Chemistry is therefore developed in order to reduce material consumption and increase the efficiency of chemical production by minimizing the use of solvents. The Claisen-Schmidt condensation of benzaldehyde and acetophenone would have a very high atom economy (> 92%) with the reaction solvent eliminated. In this experiment, the efficiencies of the traditional and solventless methods will be compared.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Beer

Date Rape Drug Warning Be on the lookout! Police warn all male clubbers, party-goers, and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. A date rape drug on the market, called "beer", is used by females to target unsuspecting men. The drug is found in liquid form, and is now available almost anywhere. "Beer" is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking "beer", men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened the night before...usually with a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as "a relationship". Apparently men are much more susceptible to this scam after "beer" is administered and sex is offered by the predatory female. Please, forward this warning to every male you know. However, if you fall victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support group nearest you, just look up "golf courses" in the yellow pages.... Free Essays on Beer Free Essays on Beer Date Rape Drug Warning Be on the lookout! Police warn all male clubbers, party-goers, and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. A date rape drug on the market, called "beer", is used by females to target unsuspecting men. The drug is found in liquid form, and is now available almost anywhere. "Beer" is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking "beer", men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened the night before...usually with a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as "a relationship". Apparently men are much more susceptible to this scam after "beer" is administered and sex is offered by the predatory female. Please, forward this warning to every male you know. However, if you fall victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support group nearest you, just look up "golf courses" in the yellow pages.... Free Essays on Beer Over the past years I have drank quite a few beers, and I am proud to say that through my extensive drinking binges I have come to master the art of beer tasting. But it didn’t always used to be this way. When I was in high school I used to drink for the sole purpose of getting completely wasted. I didn’t care what kind of beer I was drinking or what it tasted like, all I cared about was that it got me drunk. Back then, the beers of choice were three significant brands: Mickey’s, Old English, and Budweiser. All of these beers were easily accessible to high school students and what was even better was the fact that they were dirt-cheap. A forty-ounce of beer for any of these three brands would cost me a grand total of two dollars and sixty cents. For a high school student with no job this is heaven, a cheap way to get drunk and have fun. But, as the years passed, my experience with different beers grew more extensive. I began to appreciate what good beer tasted like and became sort of a beer connoisseur. I used to go to different bars tasting ales, lagers, and microbrews to see which ones I liked best. Long gone were the days of drinking bitter beer for the purpose of getting totally inebriated, and soon to come would be the period of the Beer Crusades. This was my so-called effort into trying to find the holy land of beers. I was looking for that one beer to end all other beers, and I found it in a beer called St. Pauli Girl. But, since I am a good citizen, I am going to provide a free service to all of you hopefuls out there still searching for that perfect brew. Please feel free to take full advantage of my beer knowledge to help you decide on what beer is best suited for your drinking needs. One of the most important aspects in comparing beers is the taste and flavor. When I was in high school taste had no importance for me. I didn’t care what the beer looked like, smelled like, or even tasted like, as lon...