Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evaluate Rival Views On the Cultural Implications of Globalization Essay

Evaluate Rival Views On the Cultural Implications of Globalization - Essay Example This paper stresses that globalization has intensified the economic competition among the developed nations of the world and to increase this competitiveness, they have come to adopt policies aimed at influencing other countries to adopt their cultures so that they can be able to find markets for their products. Advertisements promoting the western way of life have come up all over the world, and many educated youths have been influenced by them. Nowadays, it has become a trend for the youth to adopt aspects of the west culture stating that their own cultures are either backward or archaic. This report makes a conclusion that globalization has come to have a profound influence on the cultures of many people in the world, and this influence has been both positive and negative. In certain regions, it can be said to be a blessing to those cultures which it has come to influence, because it has not only enriched these cultures, but it has also ensured that some of their characteristics have been spread all over the world. However, it has also been noted that globalization has led to the erosion and near extinction of some cultures and these have come to be replaced with the dominant western culture, which is the driving force behind globalization. One would even go as far as to suggest that globalization is a force which is inevitably going to destroy other cultures, and if not, it will change these cultures beyond recognition. It is an irresistible force of cultural change which cannot be stopped without the isolation of other cultures from the globalised, western one.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Project Goals And Objectives Essay Example for Free

Project Goals And Objectives Essay Company Background The ABLE TOOLS CORPORATION is a well-known organization that actually operates to be among the pioneer organizations in the field of tool production and distribution. The market o the said corporation remains to be the ones involved in construction activities. In terms of being prepared for emergencies though, the company has less control of the situations that are likely to arise in the future without any notice to the organization which may as well affect the overall operations of the business in their target market.   The memo that follows outlines the different issues that need focus in the process and how are the said issues going to be dealt with by the organization later on. Possible Issues to Arise The issue on weak marketing approach that would likely affect the performance of the business within the market that they are serving is indeed a supposed well-treated issue on the part of the marketing and management departments of the organization. The attention that they are likely lacking in this area of concern would absolutely cause the failure of the entire organization once not given the right treatment. Strategic Goal Meeting the said challenges in the organization’s operations is likely one of the most important goals of the entire business group. However, the question is the strategy that is to be implemented to solve the problem. Obviously, the supposed goal is expected to be focused in increasing the profit of the organization through marketing procedures amidst the increasing competition happening in the market.   The idea is to make a procedure by which an effective marketing strategy implementation could at least handle the challenge of facing the both the new and old competitors in the field. It is indeed challenging enough to handle the external issues concerned within this situation, however, it should be noted that there are also internal elements affecting the same situation that could affect the entire strategy to be used to actually handle the said organizational issues. Tactical Goals There are several tactics of approaching the problem. However, to be able to come up with the right process of dealing with the issue, it should be understood how the elements of operation of the issue should be controlled. In this case, marketing procedures and enhancing their audience and market effect would require the involvement of the balancing of fiancà ©s as well as expenses of the proceedings concerned with the said approach. Likely, to understand better, the process to be handled here requires one to have a better understanding of how to handle the cost of marketing while not hurting the profit of the business so much and giving better profit chances at the same time to the organization’s operational returns. Issues and Concerns Possibly, what need to be addressed in this problem are those that are highly concerned with the creative approaches that the organization is possibly taking. Understandably, such approaches are expected to have a strong impact on the process by which the organization progresses in its own field of industries. The marketing process and the marketing medium to be utilized should be well chosen and created so as to ensure that whatever it is that needs to be balanced in the process would be given attention to within the completion of the planned business disaster recovery plan. With the said procedure, it is expected that each element in the process would be attended to by the administrational management carefully so as to ensure that the values and the concerns of the business are given the right amount of focus during the process. Balancing the ways by which the said elements are affected directly by the planned solution should be given careful understanding by the administrational personnel handling the said situations in actual applications for the sake of better progress of the entire organization in the market. References: Cummings, E., Haag, S., McCubbrey D. (2005). Management Information Systems for the Information Age. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Higher Education. Buchanan, Sally. Emergency preparedness. from Paul Banks and Roberta Pilette. Preservation Issues and Planning. Chicago: American Library Association, 2000. 159-165. ISBN 978-0-8389-0776-4 Hoffer, Jim. Backing Up Business Industry Trend or Event. Health Management Technology, Jan 2001.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Friends of Scouting :: essays research papers

Friends of Scouting, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Eagle Scouts... I would like to start by saying: there are no more important people in this room than the two young men we honor here. If there were a Congressman, a United States senator, a governor, or even a chief executive officer of a FORTUNE 500 company here today, there would be no one in the room more important than our new Eagle Scouts. They are among the most important people in America. These two new Eagle Scouts are the worthiest members of the greatest youth organization on earth, â€Å"The Boy Scouts of America†. While not alone in serving the needs of children and youth, the BSA is almost the oldest and certainly the most successful. Tonight, you young men join the two percent of all Scouts who have achieved this highest and most noble goal. It is true. Of the millions of boys who have joined the Boy Scouts of America since 1910 (over the past 94 years) only TWO out of every 100 has became an Eagle Scout. By achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, each of you has proven to yourself, to your community, to your state, to your country and even to the World that you are Can Do, Will Try person. I’d like to quote, the words of Marian Wright Edelman - from her book The Measure of Our Success: A letter to My Children and Yours. "We need to teach our children--by example--not to be lazy, to do their homework, to pay attention to detail, to take care and pride in work, to be reliable, and not to wobble and jerk through life. Each of us must take the initiative to create our opportunities, not waiting around for favors. We must not assume a door is closed but must push on it. We must not assume if it was closed yesterday that it's closed today." "Set goals and work quietly and systematically toward them. We must all resist quick-fix, simplistic answers and easy gains, which often disappear just as quickly as they come." "Assign yourself. Don't wait around for your boss, your friends or your parents to direct you to do what you are able to figure out and do for yourself. Don't do just as little as you can to get by." "Be a can do, will try" person. As our newest Eagle Scouts, you need to understand that the happiness in a person’s life is directly proportionate to that person’s commitment to Excellence, regardless of the person’s position in life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Learning Coaching Supporting Young people Essay

1. Understand and implement the mentoring process My experience as a Learning Coach has led my sessions to move on from one to one with each student and can now include Group sessions. Group sessions involving a small group can be as effective when compared to one to one interaction. Before the group is brought together I can decide on which students might interact better with each other, for example a group I have worked with included 2 boys and 2 girls who didn’t know each other well in the school but were all studying the same subject, I considered if any prejudgement would prevent the group from bonding so chose this setup. The first session involved planning the steps that would be involved and purpose for having them in a group environment. I set goal deadline to meet within the group so they were aware of how long the time period would be, in this case 4 sessions over 4 weeks. The goal I had set was to discuss revision techniques and different Learning styles with, by the fourth week I hoped to have achieved an understanding for how they can motivate each other while learning from each other. As a group they had all been properly introduced to one another and indentified key areas they were struggling in with the particular subject they had in common. I used a group exercise where they created two spider diagrams labelling the parts they like and didn’t like in the subject, they were quick to indentify similar areas they were either stronger or weaker in as a group. Following the previous session I had each member of the group complete a VAK (Visual Auditory Kinesthetic) Questionnaire to indentify their own Learning Style. They all came out stronger in the Visual/Auditory side of learning and I showed them techniques such as using diagrams and bright colours, discussing topics as a group and making short notes that can be revisited. Each member of the group seemed keen to get involved and contribute their own ideas as we went along. To keep motivation high I always used positive comments as they worked, having the understanding and deadline established at the beginning helped them reach the goal and work together As the group reached the final session we reviewed the work involved and how they had achieved the understanding of what was set out. I asked them to explain by each of them writing 3 key points they had learned that could involve either what they had learnt about Learning styles or about the subject they had applied them in. Although each member had remembered a different point they realised the potential in working as a group. 2. Be able to organise and initiate mentoring support in group settings For a group to come together efficiently you have to consider how they will function as a whole. Will the members of the group bond immediately or will it take some time to reach a normality. You can help this process come together by developing techniques such as creating a Poster or Spider Diagram together about something in common. This will help ease any tension and allow you to see the more dominant members in the group and who might sit back during the process. Bruce Tuckman developed a model that looks at the stages of group development (Web Ref 1) 1. Forming: The group comes together and gets to initially know one other and form as a group. Can be a very important stage as it allows the group to see who is more dominant and how they will work together. 2. Storming: A chaotic Vying for leadership and trialling of group processes This can lead to confrontation in the group if somebody is seen not to get along with the others. Problems in this area would arise from individuals giving a different opinion or idea on how to do the task set before them. 3. Norming: Eventually agreement is reached on how the group operates (norming) Possibly a leader in the group is set out who takes charge. The group might have specific tasks that each of them are focusing on. 4. Performing: The group practices its craft and becomes effective in meeting its objectives. Now that the group can work together they focus on the tasks and perform what they grouped together to achieve. 5. Adjourning: The process of â€Å"unforming† the group, that is, letting go of the group structure and moving on. As it was important for each of them to get together and understand it’s important to leave the process effectively. They each need to recognise what they have done and hopefully be proud of their achievements. Coming away from a group badly can affect future group processes. (Web Ref 1) This model of how a group evolves with each other briefly describes how they operate from the beginning to the end of the group process. Being the Learning Coach allows you to have a unique position in the group allowing you to take on any position you see suitable. It’s advisable to set ground rules for them to follow, these could be to be open and honest, keeping confidentiality within the group, not letting each other down or just respecting each other. With these sort of ground rules in place you can take a position of just watching the group or be a member of the group, if you feel they need some guidance raise the issue they are concerned with and put them on the right path. It is important to consider what differences might be there for the group, so with the ground rules and having them focus on themselves as a whole and trust and respect each other can be a main focus. With some students coming from different backgrounds and diversity’s or having issues they might not want to talk about in a group environment can put a block on the groups progress. Don’t pressure them into these kind of topics and let the group flow naturally. 3. Analyse the mentoring skills, experience and qualities you used in this group setting. When I deal with any students I always try to be friendly and make them feel comfortable to talk in front of me while being professional. I understand that the students will often look to me for guidance so I make sure not to be judgemental towards any of the group members and give everyone a fair chance. Hopefully this will promote them in doing the same to each other. While my role in the group was more observational I did question them from time to time, making sure they were on the right path and understood what they had said. While talking with them I did try and avoid using questions that lead to a yes or no answer, asking them to explain, once they explained it to me I would try and relate to them personally. My observation in the group kept them disciplined and focused more on the task. I didn’t have to be talking for them to know I was there. I didn’t want to be intimidating them either, I would occasionally agree and give my opinion on something they said to see if I was following correctly and more importantly they knew I wasn’t ignoring them. At the beginning of the time together we set out a goal that they all had in common. Something they all felt they could benefit from. I picked them all for this group originally because of that reason. The goal deadline was set out from the start for them to know when it would definitely be coming to an end. I hoped that from the sessions they would have learned everything they needed to and not need to come back to me. I have always said I keep an open door policy and if they needed to see me individually I would open it up as a new session time and new goal, this way they can understand that it’s not being dragged on from the previous time. 4. Be able to review the outcomes of the mentoring process With my Learning Coach group sessions what went well was discussing the matters with them and being a guide to keep them on the right track. The discipline was always fair and I never had to take any real precautions just focus them on the goal in sight. With future groups I will try to focus more on achieving a greater goal. I possibly set the goal to easily for them to achieve but this is hard to see when you don’t know how the group will work with each other. I would also try and give some kind of reward incentive to give them more of a morale boost throughout the sessions. I didn’t present them with anything that could give them real pride in what they did other than knowing themselves what they achieved. I will consider giving them achievement points on the school system to acknowledge how well they have done. My overall support I felt was just the right amount. I didn’t want to take total control of the group so I focused more on guidance to push them in the right direction. I may possibly in the future take more control of a group if I feel they are not going to achieve their goal within the deadline or not focusing on the task in hand. I would like to involve a different group activity for them to start with. The activity I have given them may not appeal to everyone. I would like to arrange a few activity’s they could pick from. I asked the group afterwards how they felt the process went. They were generally happy with the result but were not sure if they would bother to use it when not in these group sessions. One individual was not happy with not being listened to and felt she would have directed her time in a different area to what the group decided on. I might consider making the groups smaller so that others get a chance to say something rather then just listening to others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Solventless Claisen-Schmidt Condensation of Benzaldehydes

Backgrounds and Theory (A)Introduction of aldol condensation In an aldol condensation reaction, the ? -carbon of an aldehyde or ketone molecule reacts with another carbonyl carbon to form a ? -hydroxyl aldehyde or ? -hydroxyl ketone, followed by dehydration to give a conjugated enone if an ? -H is present. It is a very useful reaction for the synthesis of ? ,? -unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The aldehyde or ketone molecule is first converted to enol or enolate by acid or base catalyst respectively. In this experiment, the base-catalyzed method is used and the ? proton of the aldehyde or ketone molecule is removed by a strong base like hydroxides and alkoxides to form an enolate ion: Although hydroxide ion is not strong enough to convert all of the aldehyde or keton molecules to the corresponding enolates for both aldehydes and ketones (i. e. the equilibrium lies well to the left), there are usually enough enolate ions for the reaction to proceed at a reasonable rate. The enolate ion will then react with the carbonyl compound to form an intermediate anion, which is quickly protonated by water. When the ? hydroxyl aldehyde or ? -hydroxyl ketone is formed, it will be sometimes spontaneously dehydrated to give an ? ,? -unsaturated carbonyl compound since a C=C bond can be formed by this process and it is very stable due to the conjugation with the carbonyl group. Therefore if the dehydration is not spontaneous, it can also be easily induced by gentle heating. However, self condensation will occur, especially if both of the reactants are ketones, and a mixture of products will be formed. This is mainly due to the similar electrophilicity of the reactants.For example, when 3-pentanone is reacted with cyclopentanone: A mixture of products will be formed as both the reactants can become enolate ion and react with itself or another reactant. Also, more kinds of products will be formed after dehydration as different kinds of ? -proton is available. If the reactants are unsymmetrical, the reaction will become more regioselective. For example, if 2-methylpentan-3-one is reacted with reacted with cyclopentanone: The upper one will be the major product since ? -proton is available for the formation of conjugated double bond by dehydration.The extra stability of the product shifts the equilibrium to its side. (B)Claisen-Schmidt Condensation – a Branch of Aldol Condensation Clasisen-Schmidt condensation is a branch of aldol condensation which eliminates most of the regioselectivity problems. In the reaction, an aromatic aldehyde is condensed with a ketone to form an ? ,? -unsaturated ketone. For example: Since an extra alkyl group (EDG) is present in ketone, it is less electrophilic than the aldehyde. Therefore only the ? -carbon of the ketone will attack the aldehyde, but not the other way round.Also, there will not be any self condensation as only aldehyde will be attacked. The dehydration process of the above reaction is also regioselective as there is only one kind of ? -proton present in the compound. Therefore only one kind of product will be formed. In this experiment, the Clasisen-Schmidt condensation of benzaldehyde and p-methylacetophenone will be studied. (C)Traditional Method vs Solventless Method (Green Chemistry) Organic reactions usually require organic solvents as to provide a medium for the interactions of reactants and to moderate the temperature and reaction rate.Nevertheless, the use of organic solvent needs a significant cost on materials required and also increases the burden to chemical waste treatment and the environment. Green Chemistry is therefore developed in order to reduce material consumption and increase the efficiency of chemical production by minimizing the use of solvents. The Claisen-Schmidt condensation of benzaldehyde and acetophenone would have a very high atom economy (> 92%) with the reaction solvent eliminated. In this experiment, the efficiencies of the traditional and solventless methods will be compared.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Beer

Date Rape Drug Warning Be on the lookout! Police warn all male clubbers, party-goers, and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. A date rape drug on the market, called "beer", is used by females to target unsuspecting men. The drug is found in liquid form, and is now available almost anywhere. "Beer" is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking "beer", men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened the night before...usually with a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as "a relationship". Apparently men are much more susceptible to this scam after "beer" is administered and sex is offered by the predatory female. Please, forward this warning to every male you know. However, if you fall victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support group nearest you, just look up "golf courses" in the yellow pages.... Free Essays on Beer Free Essays on Beer Date Rape Drug Warning Be on the lookout! Police warn all male clubbers, party-goers, and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. A date rape drug on the market, called "beer", is used by females to target unsuspecting men. The drug is found in liquid form, and is now available almost anywhere. "Beer" is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking "beer", men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened the night before...usually with a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as "a relationship". Apparently men are much more susceptible to this scam after "beer" is administered and sex is offered by the predatory female. Please, forward this warning to every male you know. However, if you fall victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support group nearest you, just look up "golf courses" in the yellow pages.... Free Essays on Beer Over the past years I have drank quite a few beers, and I am proud to say that through my extensive drinking binges I have come to master the art of beer tasting. But it didn’t always used to be this way. When I was in high school I used to drink for the sole purpose of getting completely wasted. I didn’t care what kind of beer I was drinking or what it tasted like, all I cared about was that it got me drunk. Back then, the beers of choice were three significant brands: Mickey’s, Old English, and Budweiser. All of these beers were easily accessible to high school students and what was even better was the fact that they were dirt-cheap. A forty-ounce of beer for any of these three brands would cost me a grand total of two dollars and sixty cents. For a high school student with no job this is heaven, a cheap way to get drunk and have fun. But, as the years passed, my experience with different beers grew more extensive. I began to appreciate what good beer tasted like and became sort of a beer connoisseur. I used to go to different bars tasting ales, lagers, and microbrews to see which ones I liked best. Long gone were the days of drinking bitter beer for the purpose of getting totally inebriated, and soon to come would be the period of the Beer Crusades. This was my so-called effort into trying to find the holy land of beers. I was looking for that one beer to end all other beers, and I found it in a beer called St. Pauli Girl. But, since I am a good citizen, I am going to provide a free service to all of you hopefuls out there still searching for that perfect brew. Please feel free to take full advantage of my beer knowledge to help you decide on what beer is best suited for your drinking needs. One of the most important aspects in comparing beers is the taste and flavor. When I was in high school taste had no importance for me. I didn’t care what the beer looked like, smelled like, or even tasted like, as lon...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The mission statements of Toyota Corporation and General Motors

The mission statements of Toyota Corporation and General Motors Introduction The aim of this paper is to analyze the mission statements of Toyota Corporation and General Motors, compare the quality of each mission statement, discuss whether the mission statements could define the firms and help make strategic decisions, evaluate whether there is any need for improvement, and analyze the vision statements of the two companies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The mission statements of Toyota Corporation and General Motors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mission Statements of the Two Companies Mission Statement of Toyota Corporation Although Toyota Corporation is one of the most successful vehicle producers in the world, the mission statement of this company seems to be quite straightforward than many other multinational corporations; to specify, according to Toyota Corporation (2012), the mission of Toyota is to attract and reach consumers with high- valued products and services a nd the most pleasing ownership-experience in America. Mission Statement of GM It is essential to note that GM possesses an extensive and intricate mission statement, and General Motors (2012) stated that its mission is an outline of the business’s key feature with basic business description and core values; particularly, the mission states that General Motor is a multinational-corporation involved in socially responsible operations globally. Additionally, General Motor has also focused on organizing a mission statement that would reflect the principles and ethical factors of the business; as a result, a part of its statement also suggests that it is devoted to offer vehicles of such quality that consumers will obtain better-value, workers and associates will share success, and shareholder will get sustained and greater-return. Comparisons on the Quality of Each Mission Statement It is notable that the mission statement of Toyota Motor is quite simple and it is a brief glance of what Toyota thinks about conducting a customer- oriented business. It helps a reader to catch the key idea behind its operations quite quickly and provides a plain, but crucial business outlook very efficiently. On the other hand, the mission statement of General Motor is quite comprehensive and elaborate and it is a succinct illustration of GM’s central characteristics, fundamental corporate issues and central standards and policies. It is important to suggest that GM has tried to design a mission statement that would help a customer to identify and learn about the company very clearly and broadly. Mission Statements in Defining the Firms and Making Strategic Decisions It is clear from the mission statements of the two companies that GM has better defined its business and its approach towards running the operations based on the mission. In making its strategic decisions while operating, GM emphasizes and ensures that it is socially responsible internationally, aligned wit h its principles and ethics, and devoted for ensuring better quality and higher consumer value, as suggested by the mission statement.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conversely, in case of Toyota Corporation, lack of elaboration in the mission statement means that it has some deficits in defining such a large business; however, its highly customer- oriented operations indicate that it follows its mission of attracting and reaching consumers with high-valued products in strategic decision-making. Need For Improvement For reaching customers of all ages, it is necessary for General Motor to improve its mission statement in terms of simplifying and shortening it so that it can save customers’ time value; however, the key idea of the statement could remain the same. On the other hand, Toyota should try to extend the description about the company to some extent a nd allow people to know about it a bit more elaborately. Vision Statements of the Two Companies Vision Statement of GM The vision statement of General Motor is very straightforward according to General Motors (2012), its vision statement states that the company is focused in only one global-vision, which is to design, construct, and trade the best automobiles available in the earth; the following figure shows an illustration of its core visions: Figure 1: Core visions of GM Source: General Motors (2012) Vision Statement of Toyota Corporation Toyota Corporation (2012) suggested that the vision statement of the business is to be the most victorious and esteemed automobile business in America; however, the corporation’s visions include a major focus on CSR and environmental issues; however, the following figure shows its visions regarding social responsibility-Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The mission statements of Toyota Corporation and General Mo tors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Figure 2: Visions of Toyota Source: Toyota Corporation (2012) Whether the Companies are Heading in the Same Direction As the strong players in the global automobile industry, both companies possess some common goals, which are expressed through their mission and vision statements; however, when it comes to operational management, it appears they are heading towards diverging directions. SWOT Analysis of GM Strengths GM has business operation in 157 countries and it has strong position in North America, for example, WSJ reported that GM is in the highest position considering the number of car sales in the US market because GM sold 232,538 cars in 2010/11 while Toyota sold 159,540 cars in this zone. However, the subsequent diagram compares more details- Figure 3: Comparison of GM and ToyotaAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Source: WSJ (2011) This company still has a significant market share in the global car industry and it has above 209,000 competent employees to operate the business in adverse economic condition. Weaknesses The market share of GM has decreased dramatically from 1990 to 2004 and it lost a significant percentage of the US market share, for instance, its market share fell about 35.50% to 18.80% in this zone; therefore, the performance of GM in Stock market is not satisfactory and the following diagram demonstrates the position of this company in Stock market- Figure 4: Basic chart of GM Source: Yahoo Finance (2012) Most of the car manufacturing companies change the model of the car regularly, but GM is not focus on this matter even if it has not change its strategy to introduce new products like environmental friendly products. Opportunities Joint venture with local companies or large multinational companies can bring fruitful result for GM, for example, to increase profit margin an d market share in global market, it has opportunity to develop hybrid technology and introduce new vehicle styles and models for the target customers using this strategy. The purchasing power of the people is one of the most important factors to decide about the car model; therefore, GM has scope to change its position and increase financial performance by introducing low cost products to operate business in highly populated zone like India and China. Threats Intense competition among the market players of car industry is one of the main threats for GM because competitors like Toyota, Honda, Ford and Nissan rapidly captured large market share in the global car market; however, the next diagram compares the position of GM with other direct competitors Figure 5: Direct Competitor Comparison Source: Yahoo Finance (2012) High operating costs due to volatility of the price of raw materials, decrease the demand of GM cars for high consumption rate of fuel, increase legal litigation cost s and adverse recessionary impact create serious problem to operate business in this market. The Way GM Responds to the Issue of Social Responsibility From the very beginning of operation, GM has concentrated on the issue of corporate social responsibility and taken many initiatives for the product development and protect the environment, for example, it introduced first diversity program in 1968, and it adopted Sullivan Principles in 1997. However, the prime intention of this company was to reduce carbon emission, provide road safety, increase values, and increase profits upholding CSR policy; as a result, the management of GM has selected many projects those many focused on risk mitigation, development of social awareness, and protection of public health (General Motors, 2011). Kinds of Activities GM has promoted the use of E85 ethanol, reduced water used by 35%, introduced new brands like E85 FlexFuel and LaCrosse with eAssist, contributed about $68 million to charitable purpose (General Motors, 2011). Whether GM’s Activities are Appropriate or Not GM has also taken a number of specific initiatives, for instance, it introduced largest brand â€Å"Chevrolet† and invested $40 million in various carbon offsetting projects, which demonstrate that it has corporate social responsibility since this company is committed to ensure the best quality products in terms of green technology, safety and health issue. Godelnik (2011) reported that carbon offsetting projects was bad investment for this company considering the position of the shareholders and economic position of this company, but this report supports the activities of the GM as profit maximization should not only one motto of the company. Reference List General Motors (2011). Annual Report 2011 of General Motors Company). Retrieved from General Motors (2012). Investors: Corporate Strategy. Retrieve d from Godelnik, R. (2011). The Case of GM’s CSR Initiative: Why Good Intentions Are Not Enough. Retrieved from Toyota Corporation (2012). CSR Policy. Retrieved from Toyota Corporation (2012). What are Toyotas Mission and Vision Statements? Retrieved from WSJ. (2011). Sales and Share of Total Market by Manufacturer. Wall Street Journal, Retrieved from Yahoo Finance (2012). Direct Competitor Comparison of General Motors Company (GM). Retrieved from Yahoo Finance (2012). Basic Charts of General Motors Company (GM). Retrieved from =

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write a Powerful Case Study That Converts With 50 Examples

How to Write a Powerful Case Study That Converts With 50 Examples Case studies are effective tools for converting leads into customers. They help establish your brand as a topical authority, demonstrate how your product solved a real problem for a customer, and help leads see how they could experience similar success with your services. What makes this such an effective content format? Consider the following points: They directly position your product as the best solution. Theres a lot of debate around whether or not content should directly sell products. In this case, the answer is yes. Your claims are backed up by real results. Who can argue with data from a real-life scenario? Not everyone is creating them. While blog posts are a dime a dozen, an effective customer story is much harder to duplicate. However, they take time and effort to put together. Fortunately, you can streamline the entire process with this post. It includes: Everything you need to know about doing effective research. A simple 7-step process for creating case studies from start to finish.   Tons of examples for inspiration and templates to save you time. Plus, like every type of content or marketing project out there, you can manage the entire workflow on one platform with . Table of Contents: Case Study Templates What is a Case Study? 50 Case Study Examples What Does a Case Study Look Like? Formatting 7 Steps to Writing a Case Study Step 1: Finding a Customer to Be Your Subject Step 2: Getting Their Permission Step 3: Creaing an Introductory Questionnaire Step 4: Format Your Case Study Interview Questions Step 5: Schedule the Interview Step 6: Write Your Case Study Step 7: Promoting Your Case StudyCreate Great Marketing Case Studies With Four Free Templates This can be a time-consuming process. So, grab this free template bundle to streamline your workflow. Here is everything it includes: Three Case Study Templates (Word): Use this Word template to create a case study youll either print or make available via PDF. Weve included three copies in green, red, and blue header colors. Three PowerPoint Templates: If you would prefer to create a slide deck or presentation, use this PowerPoint template. Its also available in three different color schemes. Case Study Template (Web): Use this template to write your case study content as a web page. How to Write a Powerful Case Study Fast With 50 Examples What Is A Case Study? According to Top Rank Blog, a case study is: â€Å"An analysis of a project, campaign or company that identifies a situation, recommended solutions, implementation actions and identification of those factors that contributed to failure or success.† Here's a case study video example from a brand you might even be drinking right now (if we had to guess, we'd say marketers love their Starbucks):50 Marketing Case Study Examples to Inspire Your Own If you’re looking for an example or two, check out this list of different marketing case studies. Patagonia - Patagonia Case Study American National - American National Case Study Garnier Music - Garnier Music Case Study CS2 Compliance - How CS2 Is Succeeding With Curata Mountain Equipment Co-Op - For Every $1 Spent, MEC Made $17 Cirque du Soleil - Evolving to Inspire a New Audience Roberts and Durkee - Case Study: How One Company's Thought-Leadership Content Is Driving New Business, Exposure Marvel Origins - â€Å"Marvel Origins† Campaign Case Study Instagram -  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Most Instagrammed Locations† Case Study Dell - Dell Nurture: Utilizing automation to create personalized customer experiences Adobe - Adobe raises brand awareness and captures the attention of hard-to-reach marketers with LinkedIn Sponsored Content Callaway Golf - Callaway Golf raises brand awareness with â€Å"Hit the Links† campaign on LinkedIn Groupon - For effective video ads, look beyond demographics to behavior and context Lime-a-Rita - 3 tips for making effective, hyper-relevant video ads at scale Clinique - Clinique Case Study Budweiser - Budweiser Influencer Marketing Case Study L’Oreal - Case Analysis: L'Oreal Paris Lyft - How using brand ads in unexpected ways drove higher installs for Lyft Neutrogena - Mobile case study: Neutrogena sun activated advertising Ryver - B2B Marketing: How team communication product Ryver started a Twitter war with Slack fans to drive a 20% increase in users Continental Office - B2B Marketing: Continental Office’s customer-first brand and website redesign increased traffic 103% Weebly - How Weebly Saved â€Å"a Million† Hours on Content Production and Achieved a 3X ROI Fender Musical Instruments - Fender Musical Instruments | American Standard Case Study Real Madrid FC - Connecting with 500 million passionate fans worldwide nPower -NPower Uses Priority-Based Scheduling to Set Clear Expectations George Institute - Intel - How Intel Used SimpleReach's Innovative Distribution Platform to Drive More Content Marketing Efficiencies Bitly - How One Ecommerce Brand Solved The OmniChannel Challenge With Campaigns Levi’s - Reclaiming the identity of a brand: A Levi's case study Fab - Fab Uses A/B Test to Improve Customer Shopping Experience - Discover How This Remote Team Saves 10+ Hours a Month on Content Marketing Ahrefs - How to Get High-Quality Backlinks With the TRUST Formula [Case Study] Sony - Leading the Digital Revolution Through Innovation Stanford - The Xbox Launch in Korea Oracle - ModCloth Speaks to Consumer Moods and Moments With Oracle Marketing Cloud Microsoft - Seattle Seahawks Play to Win With Smart Data and Intelligent Insights Canonical - Fing Snaps Up 30,000 Customers With a Secure, Future-Proof IoT Device Vox - How Approaches Publishing on Facebook Amazon - AWS Case Study: Suncorp Atlassian - Delivering Technology-And Great Pizza-Faster TED - Target Case Study Apple - Business Success Stories Think With Google - KitKat Collaborates With YouTube Creators to Bring Mobile Game Crossy Road to Life eMoney - Bell Bank Improves Planning Efficiency With eMoney Landor - Reimaginging the Car Buying Experience New Relic - Winning a High-Stakes Game With Help From New Relic Pro Exhibits - Case Study: Blue Diamond Louisiana Economic Development - EA Searches for New Location to Ensure Highest Quality Product Prophet - Keurig Green Mountain Creative Bloq - Innocent Drinks TL;DR? Check out this Slideshare if you want a quick overview on developing case studies: Here are 50 awesome marketing case study examples to help guide the next one you write. What Does A Case Study Look Like? Next, take a look at some real-life samples, and learn what makes each one effective. Vega Case Study Sample Here's an example of a case study created for Vega, a customer specializing in premium plant-based lifestyle products. It makes it clear who they are and exactly how has improved their business. Red Bull Marketing Case Study Sample Red Bull is known for its amazing content marketing. This case study from Link Humans turns a typical blog post into a full-blown case study examining how the brand executes its wildly innovative strategy: Automotive Case Study Sample Why does this case study work? It’s about an automotive company, and it’s coming from one of the biggest family brands ever: Disney. It's also concise and to the point. There is no fluff that would distract the reader from the most important information. Plus, it helps Disney raise awareness of their corporate training programs. That's something most people probably don't know they offer, and so it's a great topic for a case study. Big-Box Store Case Study Sample Target is a big brand box store that is branching out  and trying new things to interact with its customers. This case study from TED landed on our highlight list for two reasons. It includes visually appealing images that reinforce the Target brand. The team at TED formatted the study for the web. It’s concise and chunked into skimmable paragraphs. Hotel Case Study Sample This case study from Hilton  is a great example of how a company can conduct a study on itself. This brief document is a perfect example of how to format a case study for easy printing. Do your case studies live up to these examples? How Should a Case Study Be Formatted? Generally, they may use one of the following formats: Downloadable PDF: This may be the most common. Website Page: Company websites will often include a section on customer stories. Slidedeck: Slide presentations can also be effective for this purpose. Videos: If you have the capability to shoot high-quality video, this may be another option. The information in your content is more important than the format. Here are all the elements you'll find in a typical case study: Title or Headline: Ideally, it should summarize the customer, their problem, and the result. Executive Summary: This is a one or two paragraph section summarizing the case study's contents. The Subject: Who is this about? Problem or Challenge: What did they have trouble accomplishing? Solution: How did your company or product resolve the issue or drive a benefit? Results: Use percentages if possible. 7 Steps To Writing a Strong Case Study The case study writing process includes several moving parts. However, by streamlining your workflow from start to finish, you can ensure no steps get missed.  Here are the seven steps this post will cover to get the job done. Writing a #marketing case study? Follow these seven steps. Step One: Finding the Subject of Your Case Study The first step in any case study writing process is deciding who you want to write about. It could be your organization, a client or a customer. Here are three criteria to consider: How much does the customer use your product or service? Have they experienced dramatic positive results that would make a good story? Did they switch to your product from a competitor? To find this information, consider: Talking to your sales team to see if there are any prospects who may be willing to participate. Asking your customer support department if they have any exceptional customers. Review recent new customers to see if any prospective candidates have bought from you. Writing a marketing case study? Do this first. Step Two: Ask For Permission to Use Their Story in Your Case Study It’s one thing if you’re writing about your organization, it’s another if you’re writing about customers or clients. Don’t just pull information about them and throw it into a case study. Ask them before you start. Create a Permission Letter If you are creating multiple case studies, design a pre-written permission letter. It will help move your writing process along. Your letter should include: What the case study undertaking is going to look like. What they get out of the case study. Here's a copy-and-paste template you can tailor to your needs: Hi [Name of person], Our team is conducting a case study, and we would love to tell the story of [company]. Would you be interested in working with us to create a case study around the use of our product? Here's a description of our  process  and what we would need  from you: What we’d like from you: High-resolution company logo (basically as big as possible) High-resolution images of your team, company office, etc - stories with photos of your team will drive more traffic (people like seeing that there are humans behind a story) Stats: before [Company] / after [Company] What does the process look like? 1 [phone/video call/coffee] interview with [person]. Our team will then take your interview and build a story out of it. 2-3 email conversations may be necessary to gather extra information. Once final draft is complete - we’ll send it over to your team for review. We’ll then finalize the story, create a landing page, and build a campaign around it. Once live we’ll share final story with you (for your marketing efforts) Average Turnaround Time: 1 month (subject to change based on response times and edits). What’s in it for you? Perk One Perk Two Perk Three Perk Four Perk Five Best regards, [SIGNATURE] Use this copy-and-paste template to ask your customers or clients to participate in your #marketing...Consider Using  a Legal Release Form Another potential step in the process is asking your case study subjects to sign a legal release form so you can use their information. You do not have to take this step in your case study creation process. If you do decide to have your subjects sign a form, consult with your legal team first. Writing a marketing case study? Make sure you have your subject's permission to share their... Step Three: Send Them An Introductory Questionnaire   Once your client or customer has agreed to participate, you should begin to format your introductory questionnaire. This questionnaire will help you get the information you need to shape the story of your case study. Some potential questions to include could be: What problem did you experience before using our product/service? Why did you select our product/service instead of a competitor? How did our product/service solve a problem you were experiencing? What are your goals as a business or organization? Are you comfortable sharing data and metrics demonstrating your success? You can adjust your questions based on how your customer uses your product to get specific answers or quotes that can be highlighted in your study. Recommended Reading: 40 Content Writing Tips to Make You a Better Marketer Now Step Four: Format Your Case Study Interview Questions Once your client or customer has completed your initial questionnaire, it’s time to draft your interview questions. Asking quality interview questions is critical to ensure that you get the information you need to write a full case study. Remember your clients or customers are busy,  so  you don’t want to have to ask for more details multiple times. Based on the responses that you  received from your initial questionnaire, you can adjust questions to get any additional information you need. Here are 25 case study questions to add to your interview. Getting To Know Your Subject These questions should be similar to the ones you sent in your questionnaire. These should help you gather any information you may have missed. Potential examples are: What industry is your company in? How long have you been using our product or service? What is your work process like? How many members are on your team? What goals do you set for your team? Here are five questions to ask when getting a know a new client for a case study project.What Problems Were They Experiencing? Your case study participants were obviously experiencing some problem before they turned to your organization for a solution. Give the readers of your case study, even more, context by getting as much information about their problem as possible. Some possible questions to include in your interview are: When did your team first realize there was a problem? What solutions did you try before you came to us? Did your problem happen suddenly or did it occur over time? How did the team come to the decision that outside assistance was required? What factors led to the problem developing? [Tweet "Writing a case study? Here are five questions to ask when identifying your subject's core problems." What Helped Them Make Their Decision? Finding out what helped your client or customer decide to work with your company is not only informative for potential new business, but it can help your organization determine what materials to publish. Try these questions out during your interview: What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision? What criteria did you have when you were looking for a solution? What competitors did you look at (if any)? How did you convince your team to make a change? What sealed the deal for you when you choose to work with our organization? So ... why do your customers choose you, anyway? Get the answer by asking these five case study...How Does Your Solution Help? Talk to your customer or client and find out how your solution is helped them fix the problem that they were previously experiencing. Add these questions to your interview list: What [product/service] helped solve your problem? What did our product or service replace in your current work process? What tasks did our [product/service] simplify for you? How much time do you save? What tasks did our [product/service] eliminate? How does your product really help your customers? Ask these five questions to find out.How Did They Implement Your Product? Another relevant question to ask during your interview process is how your subject implemented your solution into their work process. This could help eliminate nerves from other potential new customers. Here are some questions to ask during your interview: How easily did your team adapt our product into their routine? How was your onboarding process? What process did you use to switch over to using our product? What difficulties did you face in the transition process? What advice do you have for anyone implementing our product into their work process? How are your customers using your product? Find out with these five questions.What Results Did They See? Results speak volumes so why not let your customer or client data do the talking for you? Remember that you may not be able to gather or showcase all the data you ask for. Try adding a few of these questions to your list of questions: How much faster are you at completing [task] now that you use our product? How did we help you reach your goals? Did you see any significant jumps in the data that your team collects? How has your productivity changed since implementing our [product/service]? What positive results have you seen? What results do your customers get from your product? Ask these five questions to get the answer.Want to keep these questions somewhere handy for reference? Save this cheat sheet: Step Five: Schedule the Interview You’ve found your subject, and your interview questions are at the ready. The next part of your process is going to involve setting up your interview. First, you need to set up a time for your interview on a synced calendar. Do This With : Did you know you can sync your Google Calendar with your calendar? Learn how. Then you need to decide how you’re going to conduct your interview. Here are some  options: Phone interview.  Use a phone call recording app like [Include some options here]. Make sure you have permission to record your call. Video call. If you’re using a Mac, Quicktime makes it easy to record video calls on your desktop for free. Windows users can use Skype. Face to face meeting. If your client is local, this may be the easiest and most personable option. Once you and your client/customer have decided on an interview time and place, make sure that you have a way to document your interview, either through a recording device or note taking (we highly recommend recording your conversation for accuracy and peace of mind). Here's how to set up an interview with a customer for your next case study project. Step Six: Write Your Case Study Finally, you have all of your information collected in one place. Now comes the fun part; putting it all together into the case study template you downloaded earlier. Writing  Your Title The first part of any good case study is a catchy title. Your title should include the name of your client or customer as well as their logo. Your subhead should also be short and included information on what product or service they used that helped them solve their problem.  In your template, add your title (and your subject's logo): What does a quality title look like? Well, it doesn't have to be complicated. It should: State who it's about. Explain what was done. Communicate a clear result. Take a look at this example from This title works because of it explains: The problem the company faced. What type of company is involved in the case study? How helped them tackle the challenge. Do This With : Did you know that ’s Headline Analyzer  can help you write better headlines? Try it now. Executive Summary Your executive summary should be a two  to three  sentence paragraph that describes the story of your client/customer. You can also include a statistic or two to help illustrate the success of your case study subject. Here's what this section looks like in your template: Check out this executive summary example about Patagonia: Why This Works: The company's mission is clearly explained. It highlights the problem the company was experiencing. In the last sentence, the reader is told how the company solved that problem. Who is The Case Study About? The next part of your case study should explain who your case study is about. This is where the information that you gathered from your initial questionnaire would go. Here's what this section looks like in your template: To see what this section could look like  here is an example from Adobe and LinkedIn: Why This Works: Adobe's purpose is clearly established.   The reader is told exactly how Adobe used a LinkedIn service to solve a problem. It illustrates clear benefits of using LinkedIn's Sponsored Content. Problems They’ve Faced In this part of the study, write about the top two to three issues that your case study participant was experiencing. You should summarize what challenges they faced as well as their previous goals. Cirque de Soleil’s case study is a great example of address problems a company faces in a case study: Why This Works: The study cuts right to the heart of the problem. It mentions the specific part of the company that helped Cirque. There's no fluff. This copy gets to the point. How Did You Help? This section of your case study is going to show off the solutions that your customers and clients use. It should highlight the changes that you’ve brought to their team. Callaway Golf is another great example of a case study that explains how it’s researcher helped solve their problem. Why This Works: It shows people how LinkedIn has access to Callaway’s target demographic. The case study also explains how they created an app to help solve Callaway’s problem. While data can be challenging to understand, this example clearly explains relevant insights into Callaway’s target audience. Progress and Results The final section of your case study should feature the progress that has been made since your customer or client began to use your services. This could be shown through progress towards their goals, changes in metrics they track, and more. Here's what this section looks like in your template: Take a look at the results section of a case study from Contently on Weebly. Why This Works: The results are one of the most visuals aspects of the case study. They are easy to skim. You can easily tell what type of growth or improvement they experienced. Using Visuals In Your Case Study Visuals can help add the extra oomph you need to make a great case study. It can also help make the document easier to skim. Whether that means graphs, logos, or photos, visuals can make a huge difference. Here are a few extra resources to help you create solid visuals for your case study. Canva blog post  with 73 links to free stock photos. 7 tips on how to collaborate  with designers to create graphics. Do This In : You can manage projects and hold your team accountable to meeting deadlines with ? Learn how. Step Seven: Promoting Your Case Study Now, your case study is finally complete, and the customer has approved your work. Now what? You did all that work, don’t forget to get it out there for the world to see. Promote your case study by: Building a webpage  that hosts all of your case studies or customer testimonials. Including them in your email campaigns. Creating a social media campaign. The great thing about case studies is that they are an easy piece of marketing material to tack on to any additional campaign. Do This In : You can plan and promote all your content in one place with ? Learn how to create and schedule automated social media promo campaigns  in . Now Go Write An Awesome Case Study The fear of creating a compelling case study is gone. You have great examples to follow and two different templates to help you format the information you gather. We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Do you have a question or two about formatting case studies? Let us know in the comments below. How to Write a Powerful Case Study That Converts With 50 Examples Case studies are effective tools for converting leads into customers. They help establish your brand as a topical authority, demonstrate how your product solved a real problem for a customer, and help leads see how they could experience similar success with your services. What makes this such an effective content format? Consider the following points: They directly position your product as the best solution. Theres a lot of debate around whether or not content should directly sell products. In this case, the answer is yes. Your claims are backed up by real results. Who can argue with data from a real-life scenario? Not everyone is creating them. While blog posts are a dime a dozen, an effective customer story is much harder to duplicate. However, they take time and effort to put together. Fortunately, you can streamline the entire process with this post. It includes: Everything you need to know about doing effective research. A simple 7-step process for creating case studies from start to finish.   Tons of examples for inspiration and templates to save you time. Plus, like every type of content or marketing project out there, you can manage the entire workflow on one platform with . Table of Contents: Case Study Templates What is a Case Study? 50 Case Study Examples What Does a Case Study Look Like? Formatting 7 Steps to Writing a Case Study Step 1: Finding a Customer to Be Your Subject Step 2: Getting Their Permission Step 3: Creaing an Introductory Questionnaire Step 4: Format Your Case Study Interview Questions Step 5: Schedule the Interview Step 6: Write Your Case Study Step 7: Promoting Your Case StudyCreate Great Marketing Case Studies With Four Free Templates This can be a time-consuming process. So, grab this free template bundle to streamline your workflow. Here is everything it includes: Three Case Study Templates (Word): Use this Word template to create a case study youll either print or make available via PDF. Weve included three copies in green, red, and blue header colors. Three PowerPoint Templates: If you would prefer to create a slide deck or presentation, use this PowerPoint template. Its also available in three different color schemes. Case Study Template (Web): Use this template to write your case study content as a web page. How to Write a Powerful Case Study Fast With 50 Examples What Is A Case Study? According to Top Rank Blog, a case study is: â€Å"An analysis of a project, campaign or company that identifies a situation, recommended solutions, implementation actions and identification of those factors that contributed to failure or success.† Here's a case study video example from a brand you might even be drinking right now (if we had to guess, we'd say marketers love their Starbucks):50 Marketing Case Study Examples to Inspire Your Own If you’re looking for an example or two, check out this list of different marketing case studies. Patagonia - Patagonia Case Study American National - American National Case Study Garnier Music - Garnier Music Case Study CS2 Compliance - How CS2 Is Succeeding With Curata Mountain Equipment Co-Op - For Every $1 Spent, MEC Made $17 Cirque du Soleil - Evolving to Inspire a New Audience Roberts and Durkee - Case Study: How One Company's Thought-Leadership Content Is Driving New Business, Exposure Marvel Origins - â€Å"Marvel Origins† Campaign Case Study Instagram -  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Most Instagrammed Locations† Case Study Dell - Dell Nurture: Utilizing automation to create personalized customer experiences Adobe - Adobe raises brand awareness and captures the attention of hard-to-reach marketers with LinkedIn Sponsored Content Callaway Golf - Callaway Golf raises brand awareness with â€Å"Hit the Links† campaign on LinkedIn Groupon - For effective video ads, look beyond demographics to behavior and context Lime-a-Rita - 3 tips for making effective, hyper-relevant video ads at scale Clinique - Clinique Case Study Budweiser - Budweiser Influencer Marketing Case Study L’Oreal - Case Analysis: L'Oreal Paris Lyft - How using brand ads in unexpected ways drove higher installs for Lyft Neutrogena - Mobile case study: Neutrogena sun activated advertising Ryver - B2B Marketing: How team communication product Ryver started a Twitter war with Slack fans to drive a 20% increase in users Continental Office - B2B Marketing: Continental Office’s customer-first brand and website redesign increased traffic 103% Weebly - How Weebly Saved â€Å"a Million† Hours on Content Production and Achieved a 3X ROI Fender Musical Instruments - Fender Musical Instruments | American Standard Case Study Real Madrid FC - Connecting with 500 million passionate fans worldwide nPower -NPower Uses Priority-Based Scheduling to Set Clear Expectations George Institute - Intel - How Intel Used SimpleReach's Innovative Distribution Platform to Drive More Content Marketing Efficiencies Bitly - How One Ecommerce Brand Solved The OmniChannel Challenge With Campaigns Levi’s - Reclaiming the identity of a brand: A Levi's case study Fab - Fab Uses A/B Test to Improve Customer Shopping Experience - Discover How This Remote Team Saves 10+ Hours a Month on Content Marketing Ahrefs - How to Get High-Quality Backlinks With the TRUST Formula [Case Study] Sony - Leading the Digital Revolution Through Innovation Stanford - The Xbox Launch in Korea Oracle - ModCloth Speaks to Consumer Moods and Moments With Oracle Marketing Cloud Microsoft - Seattle Seahawks Play to Win With Smart Data and Intelligent Insights Canonical - Fing Snaps Up 30,000 Customers With a Secure, Future-Proof IoT Device Vox - How Approaches Publishing on Facebook Amazon - AWS Case Study: Suncorp Atlassian - Delivering Technology-And Great Pizza-Faster TED - Target Case Study Apple - Business Success Stories Think With Google - KitKat Collaborates With YouTube Creators to Bring Mobile Game Crossy Road to Life eMoney - Bell Bank Improves Planning Efficiency With eMoney Landor - Reimaginging the Car Buying Experience New Relic - Winning a High-Stakes Game With Help From New Relic Pro Exhibits - Case Study: Blue Diamond Louisiana Economic Development - EA Searches for New Location to Ensure Highest Quality Product Prophet - Keurig Green Mountain Creative Bloq - Innocent Drinks TL;DR? Check out this Slideshare if you want a quick overview on developing case studies: Here are 50 awesome marketing case study examples to help guide the next one you write. What Does A Case Study Look Like? Next, take a look at some real-life samples, and learn what makes each one effective. Vega Case Study Sample Here's an example of a case study created for Vega, a customer specializing in premium plant-based lifestyle products. It makes it clear who they are and exactly how has improved their business. Red Bull Marketing Case Study Sample Red Bull is known for its amazing content marketing. This case study from Link Humans turns a typical blog post into a full-blown case study examining how the brand executes its wildly innovative strategy: Automotive Case Study Sample Why does this case study work? It’s about an automotive company, and it’s coming from one of the biggest family brands ever: Disney. It's also concise and to the point. There is no fluff that would distract the reader from the most important information. Plus, it helps Disney raise awareness of their corporate training programs. That's something most people probably don't know they offer, and so it's a great topic for a case study. Big-Box Store Case Study Sample Target is a big brand box store that is branching out  and trying new things to interact with its customers. This case study from TED landed on our highlight list for two reasons. It includes visually appealing images that reinforce the Target brand. The team at TED formatted the study for the web. It’s concise and chunked into skimmable paragraphs. Hotel Case Study Sample This case study from Hilton  is a great example of how a company can conduct a study on itself. This brief document is a perfect example of how to format a case study for easy printing. Do your case studies live up to these examples? How Should a Case Study Be Formatted? Generally, they may use one of the following formats: Downloadable PDF: This may be the most common. Website Page: Company websites will often include a section on customer stories. Slidedeck: Slide presentations can also be effective for this purpose. Videos: If you have the capability to shoot high-quality video, this may be another option. The information in your content is more important than the format. Here are all the elements you'll find in a typical case study: Title or Headline: Ideally, it should summarize the customer, their problem, and the result. Executive Summary: This is a one or two paragraph section summarizing the case study's contents. The Subject: Who is this about? Problem or Challenge: What did they have trouble accomplishing? Solution: How did your company or product resolve the issue or drive a benefit? Results: Use percentages if possible. 7 Steps To Writing a Strong Case Study The case study writing process includes several moving parts. However, by streamlining your workflow from start to finish, you can ensure no steps get missed.  Here are the seven steps this post will cover to get the job done. Writing a #marketing case study? Follow these seven steps. Step One: Finding the Subject of Your Case Study The first step in any case study writing process is deciding who you want to write about. It could be your organization, a client or a customer. Here are three criteria to consider: How much does the customer use your product or service? Have they experienced dramatic positive results that would make a good story? Did they switch to your product from a competitor? To find this information, consider: Talking to your sales team to see if there are any prospects who may be willing to participate. Asking your customer support department if they have any exceptional customers. Review recent new customers to see if any prospective candidates have bought from you. Writing a marketing case study? Do this first. Step Two: Ask For Permission to Use Their Story in Your Case Study It’s one thing if you’re writing about your organization, it’s another if you’re writing about customers or clients. Don’t just pull information about them and throw it into a case study. Ask them before you start. Create a Permission Letter If you are creating multiple case studies, design a pre-written permission letter. It will help move your writing process along. Your letter should include: What the case study undertaking is going to look like. What they get out of the case study. Here's a copy-and-paste template you can tailor to your needs: Hi [Name of person], Our team is conducting a case study, and we would love to tell the story of [company]. Would you be interested in working with us to create a case study around the use of our product? Here's a description of our  process  and what we would need  from you: What we’d like from you: High-resolution company logo (basically as big as possible) High-resolution images of your team, company office, etc - stories with photos of your team will drive more traffic (people like seeing that there are humans behind a story) Stats: before [Company] / after [Company] What does the process look like? 1 [phone/video call/coffee] interview with [person]. Our team will then take your interview and build a story out of it. 2-3 email conversations may be necessary to gather extra information. Once final draft is complete - we’ll send it over to your team for review. We’ll then finalize the story, create a landing page, and build a campaign around it. Once live we’ll share final story with you (for your marketing efforts) Average Turnaround Time: 1 month (subject to change based on response times and edits). What’s in it for you? Perk One Perk Two Perk Three Perk Four Perk Five Best regards, [SIGNATURE] Use this copy-and-paste template to ask your customers or clients to participate in your #marketing...Consider Using  a Legal Release Form Another potential step in the process is asking your case study subjects to sign a legal release form so you can use their information. You do not have to take this step in your case study creation process. If you do decide to have your subjects sign a form, consult with your legal team first. Writing a marketing case study? Make sure you have your subject's permission to share their... Step Three: Send Them An Introductory Questionnaire   Once your client or customer has agreed to participate, you should begin to format your introductory questionnaire. This questionnaire will help you get the information you need to shape the story of your case study. Some potential questions to include could be: What problem did you experience before using our product/service? Why did you select our product/service instead of a competitor? How did our product/service solve a problem you were experiencing? What are your goals as a business or organization? Are you comfortable sharing data and metrics demonstrating your success? You can adjust your questions based on how your customer uses your product to get specific answers or quotes that can be highlighted in your study. Recommended Reading: 40 Content Writing Tips to Make You a Better Marketer Now Step Four: Format Your Case Study Interview Questions Once your client or customer has completed your initial questionnaire, it’s time to draft your interview questions. Asking quality interview questions is critical to ensure that you get the information you need to write a full case study. Remember your clients or customers are busy,  so  you don’t want to have to ask for more details multiple times. Based on the responses that you  received from your initial questionnaire, you can adjust questions to get any additional information you need. Here are 25 case study questions to add to your interview. Getting To Know Your Subject These questions should be similar to the ones you sent in your questionnaire. These should help you gather any information you may have missed. Potential examples are: What industry is your company in? How long have you been using our product or service? What is your work process like? How many members are on your team? What goals do you set for your team? Here are five questions to ask when getting a know a new client for a case study project.What Problems Were They Experiencing? Your case study participants were obviously experiencing some problem before they turned to your organization for a solution. Give the readers of your case study, even more, context by getting as much information about their problem as possible. Some possible questions to include in your interview are: When did your team first realize there was a problem? What solutions did you try before you came to us? Did your problem happen suddenly or did it occur over time? How did the team come to the decision that outside assistance was required? What factors led to the problem developing? [Tweet "Writing a case study? Here are five questions to ask when identifying your subject's core problems." What Helped Them Make Their Decision? Finding out what helped your client or customer decide to work with your company is not only informative for potential new business, but it can help your organization determine what materials to publish. Try these questions out during your interview: What materials did you read or watch that influenced your decision? What criteria did you have when you were looking for a solution? What competitors did you look at (if any)? How did you convince your team to make a change? What sealed the deal for you when you choose to work with our organization? So ... why do your customers choose you, anyway? Get the answer by asking these five case study...How Does Your Solution Help? Talk to your customer or client and find out how your solution is helped them fix the problem that they were previously experiencing. Add these questions to your interview list: What [product/service] helped solve your problem? What did our product or service replace in your current work process? What tasks did our [product/service] simplify for you? How much time do you save? What tasks did our [product/service] eliminate? How does your product really help your customers? Ask these five questions to find out.How Did They Implement Your Product? Another relevant question to ask during your interview process is how your subject implemented your solution into their work process. This could help eliminate nerves from other potential new customers. Here are some questions to ask during your interview: How easily did your team adapt our product into their routine? How was your onboarding process? What process did you use to switch over to using our product? What difficulties did you face in the transition process? What advice do you have for anyone implementing our product into their work process? How are your customers using your product? Find out with these five questions.What Results Did They See? Results speak volumes so why not let your customer or client data do the talking for you? Remember that you may not be able to gather or showcase all the data you ask for. Try adding a few of these questions to your list of questions: How much faster are you at completing [task] now that you use our product? How did we help you reach your goals? Did you see any significant jumps in the data that your team collects? How has your productivity changed since implementing our [product/service]? What positive results have you seen? What results do your customers get from your product? Ask these five questions to get the answer.Want to keep these questions somewhere handy for reference? Save this cheat sheet: Step Five: Schedule the Interview You’ve found your subject, and your interview questions are at the ready. The next part of your process is going to involve setting up your interview. First, you need to set up a time for your interview on a synced calendar. Do This With : Did you know you can sync your Google Calendar with your calendar? Learn how. Then you need to decide how you’re going to conduct your interview. Here are some  options: Phone interview.  Use a phone call recording app like [Include some options here]. Make sure you have permission to record your call. Video call. If you’re using a Mac, Quicktime makes it easy to record video calls on your desktop for free. Windows users can use Skype. Face to face meeting. If your client is local, this may be the easiest and most personable option. Once you and your client/customer have decided on an interview time and place, make sure that you have a way to document your interview, either through a recording device or note taking (we highly recommend recording your conversation for accuracy and peace of mind). Here's how to set up an interview with a customer for your next case study project. Step Six: Write Your Case Study Finally, you have all of your information collected in one place. Now comes the fun part; putting it all together into the case study template you downloaded earlier. Writing  Your Title The first part of any good case study is a catchy title. Your title should include the name of your client or customer as well as their logo. Your subhead should also be short and included information on what product or service they used that helped them solve their problem.  In your template, add your title (and your subject's logo): What does a quality title look like? Well, it doesn't have to be complicated. It should: State who it's about. Explain what was done. Communicate a clear result. Take a look at this example from This title works because of it explains: The problem the company faced. What type of company is involved in the case study? How helped them tackle the challenge. Do This With : Did you know that ’s Headline Analyzer  can help you write better headlines? Try it now. Executive Summary Your executive summary should be a two  to three  sentence paragraph that describes the story of your client/customer. You can also include a statistic or two to help illustrate the success of your case study subject. Here's what this section looks like in your template: Check out this executive summary example about Patagonia: Why This Works: The company's mission is clearly explained. It highlights the problem the company was experiencing. In the last sentence, the reader is told how the company solved that problem. Who is The Case Study About? The next part of your case study should explain who your case study is about. This is where the information that you gathered from your initial questionnaire would go. Here's what this section looks like in your template: To see what this section could look like  here is an example from Adobe and LinkedIn: Why This Works: Adobe's purpose is clearly established.   The reader is told exactly how Adobe used a LinkedIn service to solve a problem. It illustrates clear benefits of using LinkedIn's Sponsored Content. Problems They’ve Faced In this part of the study, write about the top two to three issues that your case study participant was experiencing. You should summarize what challenges they faced as well as their previous goals. Cirque de Soleil’s case study is a great example of address problems a company faces in a case study: Why This Works: The study cuts right to the heart of the problem. It mentions the specific part of the company that helped Cirque. There's no fluff. This copy gets to the point. How Did You Help? This section of your case study is going to show off the solutions that your customers and clients use. It should highlight the changes that you’ve brought to their team. Callaway Golf is another great example of a case study that explains how it’s researcher helped solve their problem. Why This Works: It shows people how LinkedIn has access to Callaway’s target demographic. The case study also explains how they created an app to help solve Callaway’s problem. While data can be challenging to understand, this example clearly explains relevant insights into Callaway’s target audience. Progress and Results The final section of your case study should feature the progress that has been made since your customer or client began to use your services. This could be shown through progress towards their goals, changes in metrics they track, and more. Here's what this section looks like in your template: Take a look at the results section of a case study from Contently on Weebly. Why This Works: The results are one of the most visuals aspects of the case study. They are easy to skim. You can easily tell what type of growth or improvement they experienced. Using Visuals In Your Case Study Visuals can help add the extra oomph you need to make a great case study. It can also help make the document easier to skim. Whether that means graphs, logos, or photos, visuals can make a huge difference. Here are a few extra resources to help you create solid visuals for your case study. Canva blog post  with 73 links to free stock photos. 7 tips on how to collaborate  with designers to create graphics. Do This In : You can manage projects and hold your team accountable to meeting deadlines with ? Learn how. Step Seven: Promoting Your Case Study Now, your case study is finally complete, and the customer has approved your work. Now what? You did all that work, don’t forget to get it out there for the world to see. Promote your case study by: Building a webpage  that hosts all of your case studies or customer testimonials. Including them in your email campaigns. Creating a social media campaign. The great thing about case studies is that they are an easy piece of marketing material to tack on to any additional campaign. Do This In : You can plan and promote all your content in one place with ? Learn how to create and schedule automated social media promo campaigns  in . Now Go Write An Awesome Case Study The fear of creating a compelling case study is gone. You have great examples to follow and two different templates to help you format the information you gather. We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Do you have a question or two about formatting case studies? Let us know in the comments below.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Actions for country, briefing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Actions for country, briefing - Essay Example First thing in analysis of the countries cultural practices is understands the countries history, understanding the present and finally trying to predict the future. This understanding will help in predicting the performance of the industry and also its future existence in the chosen country. Historical understanding of the country provides a clear perception of its tradition and background. It provides us with the reason why certain things are done by the country or the community. In Indian custom and tradition, it is a common practice for every Indian to wash his or her legs before getting inside the house at night. Studying history of the Indians you find that in the past when people used to walk with there bare foot, their feet became dirty and they needed to be washed before entering the house as an hygienic practice and a way to wash the evil ( Willford, 2007 ). This is because they believed that evil always attaches itself to the feet. This shows that the present reaction of p eople to certain things is an indication of the past reaction to the similar thing. Hence understanding of the Countries history is the basic of cultural analysis. The preferred country of choice is Australia. It is one of the Australian Countries found near longstanding trade, cultural links and investment with Asia region. It is almost completely surrounded by Indian and pacific oceans. Australia shares maritime territories with its neighboring countries. The countries that are neighboring Australia include Vanuatu, Solomon Island, New Caledonia, New Zealand, new Guinea, East Timor and Indonesia, that are all island countries in Asia-pacific and S.E Asian regions. It also shares an overland border in Antarctic territory that joins territories claimed to belong to many nations. The largest country that neighbors Australia is Indonesia. Indonesia belongs to S.E Asian as well as Asia-Pacific regions. The second

The Reformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reformation - Essay Example It had no lasting influence unlike other European countries except the fact that it strengthened the Roman Catholic Church1. However, sometimes the Reformation is described as the Northern Renaissance. This description has been given to the Reformation in the views of many of the historians. The Northern Renaissance is the Renaissance in northern Europe. It was by the late 15th century that the ideas of the Italian Renaissance humanism spread across Europe and influenced many national and localized movements such as the French Renaissance, German Renaissance and others. Each of these had their own different characteristics and strengths. Italian art and artists such as Leonardo Di Vinci were commissioned and great palaces were built to import the art. It was also believed that the Northern Renaissance was closely linked to the Protestant Reformation and to the series of external and internal conflicts that existed between the various Protestant groups and the Roman Catholic Church. T hese had a lasting impact on the Renaissance. Despite the link between the Northern Renaissance and the Reformation, many researchers have found the differences between them that hinder the connection link between them. The Northern Renaissance was seen as the rebirth of the Greek and Roman civilization2. The Renaissance first begun in the states of Italy and many of the intellectuals suggested that the era after the fall of the Roman Empire till their own times was the Dark Ages, or the Middle Ages. However, this was not true, in fact the irony of the Renaissance, the cultural and intellectual achievements owed a lot to the medieval world. There were many gains in literature, art, philosophy and political thoughts, and individualism was seen as people wanted to receive personal credit fir what they did rather than praising God for everything. As the education spread throughout the Europe and the printing press was introduced in the mid-fifteenth century, the Renaissance spread thro ughout the Europe and was now called the Northern Renaissance. The Northern Renaissance was mainly interested in the religious concerns and this is what leads to the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation had aimed to correct the problems associated with the Catholic Church and sparked the religious civil war for over a century. It was mainly a spiritual and religious revolution3. There were many ideas that emanated in the Italian Renaissance which influenced the Reformation. The Italian Renaissance encouraged the concept of individual and the search for beauty and knowledge. Various forms were used to spread the Renaissance throughout Europe which included letters, writings and several other kinds of practices. This way, the Northern Renaissance was seen to have been influenced by the relationship of the individual with God. The values were built upon the importance of learning and staying connected to the personal relationship with God. Eventually, with further teachings and idea s, a religious sect arose which applied the humanist values to the religious life. And thus, gradually the Northern Renaissance gave a rise to the Reformation. Petrarch, Erasmus and Luther’s lives are best descriptions of the adoption of Renaissance into the Reformation. Petrarch insisted the learning of Greek and Roman manuscripts. He portrayed the value and worth of a man through his portraits and letters. Furthermore, his travels allowed the ideas to spread throughout Europe. An example is his description of the Renaissance as the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Proposed preliminary research design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposed preliminary research design - Essay Example Therefore, defining the scope of romance that will be studied is the first task of the study. In creating a study that examines romance and the way in which it is constructed within social relationships that have a sexual component, creating a methodology that allows for subjective considerations will be necessary in order to develop research. In creating a study that is called The Anatomy of Romance, a built in metaphor will guide the way in which the study is constructed. In creating the concept, providing a bone structure, an internal ‘metabolism’, a pumping heart, the brain, the sex organs, and eventually the flesh that creates a living, breathing organism that is the romantic life of a couple will provide a basis for a framework and a foundation on which to build the study in context. According to Shank (2006), framing a topic within a metaphor allows for the research to present a new way of looking at the topic (p. 124). By starting with this foundation, the study can use a multitude of references in order to build a well structured One approach toward this study might be to see the work through ethnography. However, in order to do that, broad strokes of intention about the context of romance within the culture would then diminish the actual perceptions of romance. Romance seems to be an individual creation that is birthed between two people. Although there are generalities that infiltrate a culture, such as the American traditions of flowers, candy, and jewelry, romance is far more interesting beneath the surface of ethnographic generalizations - which admittedly would be far deeper than the example - but would attempt to represent a culture, rather than the concept itself as an entity of a relationship. Defining romance by its cultural adaptations rather than by the singularity in which it exists between two people is too broad a scope in which to examine

Moral Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Moral - Essay Example The plot of The Importance of Being Earnest centers around deception. Algernon is a wealth bachelor that lives in London. He often pretends to have a friend Bunbury who is sick and lives in the country. Whenever Algernon wishes to escape certain social utieshe is explains that he simply can no because he has to visit his sick friend. He can then escape and enjoy the pleasures that Victorian society called improper. However, his friend, Bunbury, does not exist. Through this form of deception Algernon not only gets pity from his friends he also has the perfect excuse to do whatever he wants. Algernon's believes his best friend is named Ernest. Ernest is actually John Worthing. John Worthing is also using deception to escape his restrictive and boring existence. He tells his friends that he has a wayward brother who lives in London and is often in trouble. Therefore he must go to London to bail his brother out. When John is in London he goes by the name of Ernest. He pretends to be a go od man in country only to be a adan in the city. John wants to marry Gwendolen, but she wants to marry a man named Ernest. When she meets John using the name Ernest she falls deeply in love with him. Gwen's aunt insists on knowing his family background and he is forced to reveal that is real parents left him at a train station and he was adopted by a rich upstanding Victorian family. Algernon has the idea that he will go into the country to visit John and pretend to be Ernest. He is unaware that John has given up his city life and has planned the tragic (but unreal) death of his brother. Deception plays a vital role in this play. If John and Algernon did not lie there would be no play. If each character followed the Victorians standards of society, there would be no plot. While this play is a comedy, Wilde's point is clear: only through deception can people exist in Victorian society. If they did not use deception everyone would surely die from boredom and the suffocating grasp of s ociety. Similarly, Shakespeare Hamlet is based on deception. Hamlet begins with the death of the King of Denmark. He has been killed by his wife and brother. It is Hamlet who is first deceived by his mother. She gets married without telling Hamlet. When Hamlet arrives he is disgusted by his mother's actions. The role of deception is seen throughout the play. Hamlet pretend to be crazy, he pretends not to love Ophelia, and pretends not to know that his mother killed his father. Claudius and Gertrude pretend to care for Hamlet only to try to have him killed. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern pretend to be Hamlet's friends but are really acting like spies for the king. Deception in Elsinore is a symptom of disease society where ambition and greed run rampant and uncontrolled. All the characters in Hamlet must lie to survive and in the end deception kills them all. The societies in Importance of Being Earnest and Hamlet are both portrayed as corrupt. In amletthe court of Elsinore is the representative evil society. It is a toxic environment that breeds blind ambition, betrayal, and evil. Hamlet comments "'Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed; Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely" (Shakespeare Act I, sc ii). Claudius and Polonius are to of the top officials in Elsinore and therefore responsible for the destruction of a good society and the