Friday, December 27, 2019

Terrorism Intelligence and National Security - 2760 Words

Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Framework HSM 433 Counter Terrorism Intelligence Analysis January 14, 2012 Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Framework Terrorism is the warfare of the future. The battlefield has changed and it will take professional intelligence agencies to gather information about these unorthodox combatants. To help fight the war on terror, intelligence corporations must be present. However, some of the agencies can be combined with others to make a â€Å"super agency†. Three agencies that currently play a major role in the battle on terrorism will be the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Discussion will be given on which†¦show more content†¦(Richelson, 2011) Further, the CIA cannot collect foreign intelligence on U.S. citizens. Only special circumstances can CIA assets be used to gather information domestically and it takes the approval from senior leadership. Another CIA downfall is that the agency does not have arrest authority and must rely on local law enforcement or other federal agencies to fulfill any arrest requirement. The third organization that will be part of the â€Å"super agency† is the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The primary function of the DIA is to provide military intelligence information to the Department of Defense and its leaders (About DIA, 2012). The DIA was created due to the fact that all the military branches had their own intelligence divisions. In the late 1950’s a study group was created to study all the military intelligence agencies. The group concluded that each of the military intelligence branches duplicated the same work costing the tax payers millions of dollars. The rec ommendation from the group was to have one centralized military intelligence division thus the creation of the DIA was formed (Richelson, 2011). Now that a little background has been laid about the agencies that will be utilized in the creation of the United States super intelligence agencies the framework can now be laid. First and foremost the agencies would keep their actuallyShow MoreRelatedIntelligence Reform And Terrorism Case Study1085 Words   |  5 PagesThe Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is a 235-page Act of Congress, signed by the president affecting the United States laws of federal terrorism. The titles and subject issues were composed to better enforce the procedures for any future terrorist’s attacks. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act established the Director of National Intelligence, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Capital Punishment And Its Effect On Society Today

1.0 Introduction My report is about capital punishment and how it has an effect on our society today and why I am for capital punishment. 1.1 What is capital punishment? Capital punishment or the death penalty is a legal process where a criminal has committed a serious crime like rape or murder and is then decided if he or she should be put to death. Capital punishment has in the past, been practised by most societies, as a punishment for criminals, and political or religious dissidents. Historically, the carrying out of the death sentence was often accompanied by torture, and executions were most often public. 2.0 Where does capital punishment happen? Capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world, but in the last decades many have stopped using it. Usage of capital punishment is set in four categories set down below: †¢ More than 51% of all countries have stopped using capital punishment. †¢ 4% retains it for crimes committed in exceptional circumstances †¢ 25% permit its use for ordinary crimes, but have not used it for at least 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of carrying out executions, or it is under a moratorium †¢ 20% maintain the death penalty in both law and practice 3.0 why the death penalty should be bought back into Australia? It has been over 47 years since the execution of Ronald ryan and 38 years since the death penalty had been abolished in Australia. Here are some reasons whyShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment1534 Words   |  7 PagesThe death penalty has been around for many centuries and will probably be around for many to come. Although some citizens feel capital punishment is ethically wrong, it is necessary in today s society for various reasons. Society must be kept safe from the barbaric acts of murders and rapist, by taking away their lives to function and perform in our society. Most criminals don t take into account the results of their actions. If a person intending to commit a crime, sees another criminal put toRead MoreCapital Punishment Results in a Better Society Essay795 Words   |  4 PagesCapital Punishment Results in a Better Society When it comes to capital punishment most people think of the death penalty. I dont think people realize how many papers, books, and controversies there is over this topic. One of the many questions that arise when people think about capital punishment is how it affects crime, and more importantly, if we use the death penalty more effectively, it not only becomes a deterrent to crime, but also brings about a better society. When we use theRead MoreThe Deterrence Theory Vs. Deterrence853 Words   |  4 Pagesrewards and punishments that would result from such actions. Which has led many theorists to believe that the proper to punish, a defiant act is by severe, certain, and swift punishment was the key to deterrence. The deterrence theory relies on three individual components: severity, certainty, and celerity. It is thought severe penalties, will desist from criminal acts, which thus prevent crime. However, if the sentence believed to be too harsh would be considered unjust. While, punishments not severeRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Cruel And Violent Process1343 Words   |  6 PagesThesis: Capital punishment is a cruel and violent process that is extremely expensive to many taxpayers, discriminating against one s race and well being in justifying cases, and overall has a negative effect on society. I. High in cost A. Life in prison B. Cost of taxes C. Cost of programs II. Discrimination in cases A. Wealth B. Racism III. Violent in application A. Cruel and unusual B. Denial and rights IV. Counters of argument A. Statistics B. Deterrence C. Life Capital punishment is a cruelRead More The Benefits of Capital Punishment Essay1044 Words   |  5 PagesBenefits of Capital Punishment Justice is about enforcing consequences for one’s own actions to endorse personal responsibility and the notion of capital punishment does just that. Capital punishment is an effective and efficient method of deterring would be criminals and preventing criminals to commit more crimes. It is by far the oldest form of punishment in the world and remains in effect in many nations. Through discussing many arguments in support of capital punishment it is obviousRead MoreThe Need for Regulations on the Death Penalty Essay1102 Words   |  5 PagesDo psychopaths who have no remorse in taking human lives deserve to live, or should they be executed with the same cold death they showed toward their victims? If the state governments establish the regulation of capital punishment, it would contain peace within the victim’s family and local communities. To be considered a serial killer, the average associated murders are at least three. However, it also only takes three victims to be justified for the death penalty. A former organization knownRead MoreThree Arguments For The Continuance of Capital Punishment Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagesstandpoint to the Justice System regarding the case on whether or not to abolish capital punishment. There is indeed a present case as of today that one US state had declared their petition on permanently removing death penalty in the entire United States. I believe that this is a very callous appeal – one main reason we have capital punishment is to develop a sense of morality as well as protection within the whole society, not to put such great emphasis on the criminals who deteriorate the rest ofRead MoreThe Deterrence Theory : Deterrence And Punishment831 Words   |  4 Pagesrewards and punishments that would result from such actions. The theorists believed the severe, certain, and s wift punishment was the key to deterrence. A rational person is thought to measure both the gains and losses before committing a crime and would more than likely to be deterred from violating the law, they believed the loss was greater than the gain. Classical philosophers thought that certainty was more efficient in preventing crimes than the severity of punishment. They rejected capital punishmentRead MoreThe Debate Over Death Penalty1618 Words   |  7 PagesParker Coss Professor Reiner Writing 39C 7/20/16 Debates over Death Penalty in the United States The issue of death penalty today is a popular topic for numerous public and scholarly discussions. The death penalty has a long and distinguished history in the United States, as it has been around in some form—either official or otherwise—since the beginning of American society. America originally adopted the British justice system, with hundreds of crimes being punishable by death. Slowly but surelyRead MoreIs Capital Punishment Right or Wrong?870 Words   |  4 PagesIs Capital Punishment Right or Wrong? One might say capital punishment is morally wrong and inhumane; I strongly disagree with this statement. The crimes committed by prisoners such as multiple aggravated murders, serial rapists, and brutal child molestations is malicious and cold-hearted. These actions deserve like punishments in return. People who do those things have no purpose of being part of mainstream society. Bringing justice and closure to the victim’s family, deterrence of crime,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Brief Describe- History and SWOT Analysis Of The Dove Shampoo Brand

Question: Write an essay on Dove Shampoo. Answer: Dove Shampoo is one of the major products of Unilever that facilitates the organization to obtain profitable outcome from the business. Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational organization. Dove Shampoo is a premium beauty product that takes care of hair. In the recent days, the particular product has been increasing its popularity due to its premium quality. However, the brand has huge competitors in the global market. In this context, the researcher has provided the marketing communication process along with its distribution process. Moreover, the researcher has provided the competitors analysis based on the current market statistics. Owner and History of the brand: Dove is a personal care brand that is owned by Unilever. The origin of the brand is in the United Kingdom. Lever brothers first launched Dove in 1957. The popularity of the brand increased in the mid of 1970s. In 2002, the organization started campaigning for real beauty. In the mid of 1990s, the organization made footstep in 55 countries and by 1996, it expanded its business more than 80 countries. The parent company of Dove is Unilever. Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational brand and the co-head quarter of the brand is in London, United Kingdom, and Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dove includes a wide range of products including food, beverages, cleaning agents, and personal care products. However, the personal care products are increasingly popular in the market. Dove is the third-largest consumer goods company measured in 2012. The organization was founded in 1930 by the merger. In 2015, the organization has collected the revenue of 53,300,000,000. A total number of employees are 172, 000. In 2004, Dove began its campaign for real beauty. Among beauty products, Dove shampoo has become increasingly popular in the market due to its premium quality. The organization has been trying to promote the particular product on the global platform. Offered product service: Doves products line includes deodorants, body washes, beauty bars, lotions, hair care and facial care products. Dove is primarily made of surfactants, vegetable oils, salts and animal fats, etc. the organization has launched mens toiletries ranged in 2010[3]. The organization has been leading in the market due to its hair care and facial care products. Unilever, the parent company of Dove, offers a wide range of products including foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. The organization has more than 400 brands that are categorized into four sections including foods, refreshments, home care and personal care. Unilever is selling brands such as Dove; Ben Jerrys; Axe/Lynx; Heartbrand; Lipton; Lux/ Radox; Sunsilk. On the other hand, Unilever is one of the biggest ice cream manufacturers in the world. Moreover, the organization has a wide range of the food and beverages such as Aromat, Becel, Pot Noodles, and Chicken tonight, etc. the beauty care products of Unilever is increasing popularity, as the organization has been enhancing the particular products promotion in the global platform. The organization has been selling its products in more than 80 countries and the brand offers products for both men and women. Marketing Communication: Brand Elements: Doves logo is a silhouette profile of the brands namesake bird. The slogan of the Dove shampoo is No Girl Should Need a Guy to Get that Fresh all over Tingly Feeling. Dove is a premium care brands that facilitates to enhance the beauty of both men and women. With the involvement of this slogan, the organization attracts women for enhancing the brand value in the market. The packaging of the products is also an attractive part of the products. The stylish packaging of the products attracts customers obtain the particular product. Hence, it can be assessed that the brand elements of the products influence women to realize their potential personal beauty. Moreover, the organization has been trying to include more features to its brand elements in order to enhance its productivity in an effective manner. Websites: Social Media: Social media platform is one of the major platforms for product promotion. In recent days, the organization has been enhancing the social media engagement in order to enhance the productivity of the business. Dove shampoo is one of the favorite choices for the hair care to women. Hence, the organization involves several social media platforms including Facebook, twitter, and other online promotional activities for flashing their product messages to the global platform. On the other hand, the company has its website that contains all information regarding Dove products. Women often accumulate information on the Dove shampoo from the online platform and it facilities to increase the product knowledge in an effective manner. On the other hand, the social media facilities the company to communicate with customer across the globe and it contributes in accumulating feedback regarding products. Advertising: The advertisement of Dove shampoo is conducted through various processes including social media, printing media, digital media, word of mouth, etc. among these mediums; the social media is one of the major platforms that facilitate the organization to enhance its sales in the global market. Although the social media advertising is a popular medium for promotion, Unilever has been focusing on the other promotional medium including printing medium and digital medium. Through the engagement of involving TV advertisement, Newspaper promotion, poster, and another medium, the organization expands the promotion in the large demographic market. On the other hand, the organization has engaged some of the celebrities for making the promotional face of the brand. Word of mouth is another traditional form of advertising that facilitates the company to enhance the products knowledge among societal people. Hence, it can be assessed that the enhanced advertisement process has been engaging a huge n umber of women to experience Companys wide range of products. Distribution: The distribution of Dove shampoo consists of a network channel that facilitates the organization to distribute products among societal people. Nowadays, the dove has been marketing in more than 80 countries. Hence, it can be assessed that the distribution channel of the company follows a systematic process. Dove employs the pull strategy to persuade its customers in the market. The target market of dove includes upper and middle-class customers in the society. The distribution process of Dive begins with the manufacturer and then it moves down to the retail stores, modern trade and CSD through CF (Cost and Freight) and stockiest. The activation managers (AM), Assistant Sales Managers (ASM), and Territory Sales in charge (TSI) coordinate the sales process. Re-stockiest Salesman (RSSM) coordinates the operations of the retailers and stockiest. The distribution channel falls under vertical marketing systems. In the recent days, the organization has been focusing on enhancing the selling of the products through improving relations with the retailers including department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, kiosks, chemists and super stone. Dove offers different levels of services for the customers in the society. Marketing decisions of Dove include target marketing, channels, product assortment, communications, and locations. Hence, it can be assessed that the product distribution channels of the company facilitate in allocating products in a systematic method. The easy availability of the products facilitates the organization to engage a huge number of customers in an effective manner. Consequently, it contributes to enhancing the core sales of the company. Competitors: By analyzing the market of Dove Shampoo, it can be assessed that the company has been facing huge challenges from competitors. The competitors of Dove can be categorized into two sections including the internal and external competitors. In the Australian market, Dove has huge challenges for conducting the business in an effective manner. The external competitor of Dove shampoo is Pantene. Moreover, other shampoo brands including Garnier, Palmolive, and Head Shoulders have left behind Dove in the market. Hence, the organization has been trying to uphold the business profit in the marketplace. On the other hand, the internal competitors of Dove include LUX, TRESemme. However, Doves prime competitors are the external brands that lead the market. In the global market, the brand has been focusing on the several promotional strategies in order to enhance the brand The market share of Dove shampoo can be categorized in the similar products segmentation such as Pantene, Head shoulders. Market share indicates that Pantene shampoo includes the largest share of the marketplace. On the other hand, the market share of Dove is 18%. Hence, it can be assessed that the Dove Shampoo is the second highest selling Shampoo brand in the global market. The market share of each brand is very close to others. It indicates the tough market challenges in the global platform. By analyzing the sales volume, it can be assessed that the Dove shampoo is leading the market due to its premium quality. Although the others hair care products including Pantene, Head Shoulders and clear have been enhancing their sales volume, Dove has been focusing on expanding their sales through engaging the huge number of customers across the global platform. Company Sales Demand Dove Women Shampoo 83% 28% Pantene 89% 30% Head Shoulder 74% 22% Clear 60% 20% SWOT analysis: Strength The premium quality of the product facilitates consumers to maintain the hair care in an effective manner The fragrance of the product attracts a huge number of customers for using product Dove contains the 1/4 moisturizing cream which facilitates women to nourish hair properly The flagship of product of HUL with strong brand awareness through branding and advertising It promises to nourish the damage hairs Opportunity Although the brand has been targeting the female audience, the brand could have launched a wide range of products for men. It would facilitate the organization to enhance the business opportunities in the global platform The strong brand assets could contribute to continuous innovation in the product department. New product innovation would facilitate the organization to enhance the customers base in an effective manner. The organization can expand its market in the demographic large area. Hence, the market expansion would facilitate the organization to experience the profitable outcome in the business. Weakness The target marketing for the product is upper class and middle-class consumers in the society. Hence, the pricing model of the company is quite high. Low piecing model would facilitate them in engaging more customers in the business. Dove Shampoo targets only Women. Consequently, the popularity of the product among men is low. The brand innovation of Dove is quite low than other competitors in the market. Threat There are a huge number of competitor brands providing hair care solutions to women, and it indicates threat for the organizations. Dove shampoo for women is popular only in urban society. The product targets only higher and middle-class consumer in the market. The other shampoo brand including Pantene, Head Shoulder, Garnier are the threats of Dove. Conclusion and Recommendations: It can be concluded that Dove shampoo has been increasing the popularity in the global market, and it expands the brand to the large demographic area. Although the sales volume of the product is a bit higher than another shampoo brand, Dove has some strong competitors in the market that create challenges for conducting the business in an effective manner. The researcher has provided the following recommendations for enhancing the brand value in the global platform. Dove needs to focus on the brand innovation in order to enhance the sales volume in the business Dove could have focused on men hair care products so that the brand could be able to engage huge customers base in the business Dove should focus on the innovative promotional activities in order to attract women in the society Although the pricing of Dove shampoo is acceptable to the middle and higher class community, the brand needs to review their pricing system in order to engage the lower-middle class consumer. References "Beauty Care Products | Deodorant, Skin Hair Care | Dove". Mydove.Com.Au. Last modified 2016. Accessed May 26, 2016. Carnevale, Marina, Ozge Yucel-Aybat, and Lauren Block. "The Added Value Of Contextual Motivations On ConsumerBrand Relationships Of Self-Gifts".J Brand Manag21, no. 5 (2014): 396-407. Chevalier, Michel and Michel Gutsatz.Luxury Retail Management. Singapore: John Wiley Sons Singapore Pte., 2012. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

spoon river anthology Essay Example For Students

spoon river anthology Essay Reality through poetry Contrary to the publics expectation of what poetry should be, Spoon River Anthology gave birth to the most unconventional book of poetry. The poems blunt representation of private yet ordinary lives and its lack of rhymes and verses caused a great controversy. Individually, the poems portrayed extremely realistic situations that most people would ignore but as a whole, Masters showed signs of compassion amidst bitter irony and blunt honesty. The ability to express ones emotions through writing to the point where the reader could fit themselves into the shoes of the speaker is an exceptional gift. We will write a custom essay on spoon river anthology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The poem Abel MelvenY makes one think about life in general. Whats the point of getting so much if you are not going to enjoy what you get? In the poem, the speaker compares his wasted abilities to the farm equipment he had no use for. The speaker feels as if he did not live his life to the fullest; the sad part about it is, he saw himself as one of the machines he bought that Life had never used. The speaker realized he had not made much of his time when he noticed that all of them stood in the rain and sun, getting rusted, warped and battered. After it rains on a piece of metal and hat metal is exposed to the oxygen in the atmosphere, it begins to corrode and eventually fall apart. This time consuming process is the authors representation of the precious time he had wasted. At this point the speaker is remorseful but could not do anything about it because he had gotten close to his end There by my window, growing clearer about myself, as my pulse slowed down. The reality of life is that, we need not wait for Life to use us; we need to do something in order to make a life. The druggist in Trainor, the Druggist made the most out of his life by becoming a harmacist. As a pharmacist, he understood the fundamentals of chemistry and tried to apply it to real life situations. Trainor the Druggist attempted to explain the compatibility of a troubled couple through a subject well known to him, chemistry. He represented Benjamin Pantier and his wife as two of the most basic elements of the periodic table, hydrogen and oxygen. Through these chemicals, the author uses symbolism to explain that Benjamin Pantier and his wifes separation resulted in aggravating their sons wildness. The author described their sons wildness as a evastating fire because oxygen and hydrogen on their own are flammable gases. Conversely, their combination to form water (H20) could have quenched their sons flames. When couples split at some point in their relationship, it is frequently due to the fact that they realize they are no longer compatible with each other. The children, if any are the ones that go through the most trouble. What Trainor is essentially claiming is the harsh reality of what most children go through as a result of their parents separation. This is the reason why Trainor the druggist Lived unwedded. Perhaps if couples were truthful with each other, their union could be as soothing as water. The truth is not an easy thing to digest no matter how it is put. As humans, we tend to be economical with the truth and sometimes lie in order not to hurt the ones we love. wnat oTten nappens Trom tnese situations Is tnat, tne message Is not properly delivered and thus becomes ineffective. This I believe is the reason for Edgar Lee Masterss blunt honesty. WORKS CITED Masters, Edgar Lee. Trainor the druggist. Abel Melveny. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 8th ed. Volume D. New York: Norton, 2012. print.