Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Curtin Teaching Essay Example for Free

The Curtin breeding EssayThe Curtin article of faith, Learning and Student Experience Plan 2013-2017 outlines an ambitious vision for reforming learn and nurture, enhancing the disciple experience, optimising the culture portfolio and the student experience. This vision, enabled with a number of strategic projects give position Curtin as leaders in globally groundbreaking education provide a richly interactive and personalised scholarship experience and provide opportwholey for graduates, equipping them with skills for the future. It is in this context, that inform excellence is defined. Key to the discipline of tenet donnishs, who argon engaged in facilitating student culture, is the establishment of criteria to which excellent teachers can aspire. These criteria highlight the capabilities and skills that guide the successful recruitment, ripening, recognition and retention of quality article of faith academics in high education. The Curtin Teaching probity criteria provide a single set of measures to plunk for all relevant reward and recognition processes, so that education excellence is clear and consistent with the Universitys strategic goals.The tenet excellence criteria are excogitationed to assist individual academic ply, particularly juvenile and archaean career lag, in clarifying expectations, as well as providing guidelines to assist in the process of supporting academics and establishing guidelines for forward motion and introduces. The criteria will be used by academic staff and their supervisors as a formative development tool to identify career objectives, and development needs, in addition to forming the basis for informing promotion and awards. Curtins Teaching Excellence criteria are figureed to be broad and flexible, whilst providing a robust and valid definition of excellent pedagogics within the Curtin context. The criteria are aligned to the pedagogics roles within Curtin Expectations for Academic Perf ormance (CEAP)1 and the Curtin University Academic, master and General Staff Enterprise Agreement 2012-2016 Curtins Teaching Excellence CriteriaCurtins Teaching Excellence criteria mirror those developed in an Office for Learning and Teaching Project2 and informed by criteria and yard employed by the Office for Learning and Teaching3, the UK Professional Standards Framework for direction and supporting breeding in high education20124, the Higher Education Academy Benchmarking Project on actualisation of Teaching in Academic Promotion Project and analysis of criteria developed in other Australian universities. Staff who show evidence of excellence in instruction will contribute to systemic change in education and learn method through ongoing knowledge sharing and dissemination, for example, presentations within the training and educational activity community, collegial mentoring, join and nedeucerking, and involvement in university and higher education directions (Office for Learning and Teaching). Curtins Teaching Excellence criteria aim to1. Support the initial and continuing professional cultivation of staff engaged in principle and supporting acquisition. 2. Foster dynamic and culturally inclusive approaches to instruction and learn in transforming Teaching and Learning at Curtin through creativity, innovation and unvarying development in diverse academic and/or professional settings 3. Acknowledge the renewal and quality of article of belief, learning and assessment sets that support and underpin student learning. 4. Facilitate individuals in gaining formal recognition for quality enhanced approaches to article of belief and supporting learning.The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) for Curtin is systematic inquiry, critique, research and development in teaching, learning and the broader educational context which advances and publicly provides educational benefit to students, staff and the higher education sector. Teachers engaging in scholarship in teaching and learning seek to improve teaching at the tertiary train by Consulting and applying the literature on teaching and learning Investigating their own teachingAdopting innovative teaching approachesFormally communicating their ideas and practice to peers through publication and other formal means and Seeking and obtaining peer recognition for their ideas and practice.The scholarship of teaching and learning that underpins the teaching excellence criteria is taken from the definitions first proposed by Boyer(1990)5 and later adapted by the University of Queensland. Scholarly teachingScholarly teaching in a discipline involves all of the following striving for a high train of proficiency in stimulating students and fostering their learning in a variety of appropriate shipway, being familiar with the latest ideas in ones subject,being informed by current ideas for teaching that subject, evaluating and reflecting on ones teaching practice and the student learning which follows.The scholarship of teachingThe scholarship of teaching develops from a basis of scholarly teaching in a discipline but is not the same as excellent teaching. It involves exploring, testing, practicing and communicating improved pedagogies, learning processes, curricula, policies and learning materials. It meets the following additional criteria in the context of promoting student learning It requires high take aims of discipline-related expertise.It requires an understanding of who the learners are, how they learn and what practices are most effective in the context of the discipline (pedagogical content knowledge) It breaks new ground and is innovativeIt can be replicated and elaboratedIt is documented and subjected to peer come offEducational ResearchLike other social science researchers, educational researchers are guided by theoretical and methodological paradigms. A research academic in the field of education deploys theoretical perspectives to understand educational practice. Educational research includes psychological and philosophical inquiry historical, policy and cultural analysis and confirmable research on a range of areas including learning and teaching processes, pedagogy and course studies. Such research tests the assumptions and worth of theoryin terms of whether it provides equal to(predicate) explanations of the data and evidence. The aim of educational research is to expand our understanding of all aspects of education and to contribute to theoretical debates and developments in the area. The questions addressed are broader than those focused on in the area of teaching innovation and involve stakeholders beyond the context in which the innovation takes place (Research Assessment Exercise Guidelines, 2008)6.Curtins Teaching Excellence CriteriaThe seven criteria are1. Design and planning of learning activities, units and courses2. Teaching and supporting student learning3. Assessment and giving feedback to s tudents4. Developing effective learning environments, student support and guidance5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching and in support of student learning6. valuation of practice and continuing professional learning7. Professional and personal effectiveness read of Teaching Excellence at CurtinTeaching1. Design and planning of learning activities, units and courses2. Teaching and supporting student learning3. Assessment and giving feedback to students4. Developing effective learning environments, student support and guidance licenceeVALUate Unit Summary Report including unit coordinator reaction eVALUate Teaching Evaluation ReportStudent learning outcomes (retention and pass rates, student projects) Formal Peer Review ReportFormal Teaching Evaluation Review evidence of storyReport from community partners and feedback on outcomesFaculty, University or theme teaching awardsPeer recognition of quality teaching eg invitations to teach in o ther universities Scholarship of teaching5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional activities withteaching and in support of student learning 6. Evaluation of practice and continuing professional learning Evidence credentials of completion of Professional Learning chopine eg FOLT, ALUCP, ALCCP, ALFCP Formal teaching qualification in higher education e.g. Grad security in Teaching Attendance at internal or external teaching-related workshops Training and experience from the relevant industry/profession/ discipline Invitation to present, design or evaluate a teaching and learning workshop Peer reviewed publications / citationsUniversity or national teaching and learning grantsDetails of grants, awards (successful and unsuccessful) and outcomes Service and Leadership in Teaching and Learning (including Community Engagement and Professional Practice) 7. Professional and personal effectivenessEvidenceIndependent newspapers from menteesPeer review/ reviewer of curricula which demonstrate interest with the teaching/research nexus Peer review of curricula as an expertLeadership in supporting colleagues teaching through peer support and review. Outcomes of committee leadersProfessional Association Awards that validate leadership and expertise in teaching and learning External Reports from the relevant industry/profession/ discipline Invitation to present, design or evaluate a teaching and learning workshop Invitations to present soda at Teaching and Learning and disciplinary conferences on teaching and learning rank and file of senior advisory groups to GovernmentLeadership in external professional networks / interest groups in teaching and learning erudition by national or international professional bodies (awards, fellowships, honorary memberships etc) Leadership of professional bodiesContribution to the review and development of national and international professional practice standards Leadership of a school, faculty, university or national t eaching and learning initiative LevelDimensions of Curtins Teaching ExcellenceEvidence of achievementTeachingTeach and support student learningDesign and plan for learningAssess and give feedback to learnersDevelop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance AA developing compose in teaching and a scholarly approach to teaching as evidenced by participating in team teaching within an constituted program with appropriate mentoring gaining experience in teaching in a variety of settings (eg small and large group, clinical, lab, field, research supervision) developing skills in all aspects of teaching practice, with appropriate mentoring, including - program design,-development of learning materials-analysis of learning needs of students-identification of appropriate approaches to teaching moderation of assessments-development of formative and summative assessment appropriately linked to learning outcomes seeking ways to improve practice by obtainin g and analysing feedback embedding reflective practice within all aspects of teaching. maintaining currency with the latest ideas in disciplinebeing informed of current ideas for teaching in the discipline Formal Peer review musical themeEvidence of reflective practice and plan for improvementTeaching valuation review reportEvidence of planned learning activities designed to develop the students learningSound knowledge of the unit materialeVALUate TER80% agreement or higher for two consecutive years and in most units taught BA developing write in teaching and a scholarly approach to teaching asevidenced by using the latest ideas and research in the discipline in teaching and learning applying current pedagogies in teaching and learningFormal Peer review reportEvidence of reflective practice and plan for improvementeVALUate USR with unit coordinator response and response in unit outline Teaching military rating review reportEvidence of well-planned learning activities designed to develop the students learningScholarly/informed approach to learning designThorough knowledge of the unit material and its contribution in the courseEffective and appropriate use of learning technologiesEvidence of effective unit coordination and heed of teaching teams and impact of mentoring on peers, colleaguesQuality assurance and military rating of teaching and learning (eg moderation, academic integrity) Student learning outcomes (retention and pass rates, student projects) Additional evidenceTutor feedback on preparation, organisation, mentoring supportEvidence of effective supervision of honours/postgraduate students to completion eVALUate TER80% agreement or higher for two consecutive years and in most units taught eVALUate USR80% agreement or higher for two consecutive years and in most units taught CStrong teaching practice evidenced byteaching in a range of different settings (1st year to PG large and small group, different learning environments) consistently high percen tage agreement in teaching and unit evaluations other evidence of positive student feedback and peer review reflection, review and continuous improvement of curricula, teaching resources and teaching approaches application to teaching practice of new ideas in the discipline and new ideas about teaching in the discipline acquaintance through awards and prizes at School or Faculty level Mentoring and supporting the development of teaching skills in Early Career teaching academics As per level B plusFormal Peer review reportEvidence of reflective practice and plan for improvementTeaching evaluation review reportTutor feedback on preparation, organisation, mentoring supportEvidence of effective supervision of honours/postgraduate students to completion Report from community partners and feedback on outcomesReceiving a teaching award (faculty or university)DA sustained record of excellence in teaching practice at all levels as evidenced by extensiveness and depth of teaching portfolio, recognition through awards and prizes at University level and above Mentoring and supporting the development of teaching skills in Early Career and Mid-Career teaching staff As per level C plusTeaching evaluation review report (External expert)Evidence of leadership of effective course of study development at the program level.Evidence of contribution to the teaching or curriculum and/or discipline at the national level.Curriculum, learning materials adopted at other universities Receiving a teaching award including curriculum development (university or national) Details of leadership roles and specific contributionFeedback from staff mentoredEA distinguished record of scholarly teaching at all levels as evidenced by demonstrable impact on student learning in and attitude towards the discipline over a sustained period demonstrable impact on success of graduates over a sustained period recognition through awards and prizes at National levelsubstantial role in mentoring and supportin g the development of teaching skills of Early Career and Mid-Career teaching academics. As per level D plusTeaching evaluation review report (External expert)Evidence of a leadership role and impact in curriculum design and review, planning and/or development at the (inter) national level Evidence ofsignificant curriculum, disciplinary contribution through published student learning materials, textbooks Leadership in mentoring and supporting colleagues in planning and scheming learning activities and curriculum Details of mentoring and leadership support of colleaguesExternal peer recognition and/or review on impact of curriculum, discipline, innovation Scholarship of teachingEngage in continuing professional learning in subjects/ disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practice AA developing profile in the scholarship of teaching as evidenced by Participation in the communication and dissemination of teaching practice within the discipline Participation in research on how students learn in the discipline Presentations on teaching and learning at local and national conferences Teaching evaluation review reportExcerpts from unit materials demonstrating incorporation of current teaching and learning research into teaching activitiesEvidence of teaching and learning scholarship in the practice of teaching and curriculum developmentEvidence of teaching materials and curricula which demonstrate engagement with the teaching/research nexusEvidence of self-evaluation leading to changes in practice and student learning Evidence of professional learningCompletion of FOLT (all modules)Completion of ALUCP (if in unit coordination role)Evidence of attendance at internal or external teaching-related workshopsEvidence of elaborateness in conference / forum relevant to teaching and learning Working toward a formal teaching qualification in higher education e.g. Graduate Certificate in Higher EducationA developin g profile in teaching and a scholarly approach to teaching as evidenced by using the latest ideas and research in the discipline in teaching and learning applying current pedagogies in teaching and learningAs per level A plusEvidence of professional learningCompletion of ALUCP, ALCCP and/or ALFCP (according to role)Evidence of attendance at internal or external teaching-related workshopsContribution and systematic participation in professional learning or disciplinary engagement in the area, scholarship of Teaching and learning Formal teaching qualification in higher education e.g. Graduate Certificate in Teaching Teaching evaluation review reportEvidence application of current pedagogies in the practice of teaching and curriculum development Membership of disciplinary teaching network (e.g. teaching and learning network, HERDSA, OLT)A strong record in the scholarship of teaching as evidence by Demonstrated institutional impact through curriculum development at the discipline or int erdisciplinary level Presentations on teaching and learning at local and national conferences Success in attracting funding to undertake projects related to teaching practice in the discipline As per level B plusDetails of grants, awards (successful and unsuccessful) and outcomes Teaching evaluation review reportContribution and systematic participation in professional learning or disciplinary engagement in teaching and learning Peer reviewed publications in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (local and national conferences)An excellent record of scholarship of teaching as evidenced by Demonstrated institutional impact in relation to teaching policy and practice Evidence of text books or innovative teaching materials that are used elsewhere Participation in international organisations related to teaching area A strong record of scholarly publication in major international education journals Invited presentations at national and international conferences Partner and/or lead in vestigator on externally funded teaching and/or curriculum projects As per level C plusContributes to teaching and learning policy development and practiceInvitation to present, design or evaluate a teaching and learning workshop (evidence of invitation) Peer recognition of quality teaching e.g. invitations to teach in other universities, awarded a faculty and/or University teaching award. Leadership and innovation in teaching practices and supporting students recognised at the university, disciplinary, national level Leadership in supporting colleagues teaching through peer review and teaching evaluation Success in a university, national, discipline teaching award Peer reviewed journal publications in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Textbook publications or innovative teaching materials used in the higher education sectorA distinguished record of scholarship of teaching as evidenced by Recognition as an eminent international authority for scholarship of teaching, as reflec ted in high quality scholarly publications in international education journals invitations to present keynote addresses workshops at relevant national and international conferences Lead investigator on externally funded teaching and/or curriculum projects teaching fellowshipsEvidence of text books or innovative teaching materials that are used elsewhere As per level D plusTeaching evaluation review report (External expert)Evidence of successful, strategic leadership and innovation in enhancing quality teaching practices and supporting student learning at the university, disciplinary, (inter) national levelEvidence of championing an integrated approach to academic practice in the university, discipline, (inter)nationally.Evidence of establishing effective organisational policies and/or strategies for supporting and promoting others (eg through mentoring, coaching) in delivering high quality teaching and support for student learning Evidence of Keynote addresses and workshops in nati onal and international Teaching and Learning conferences Peer reviewed publications in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning sustained publication record in high quality international journals Leadership in Teaching and Learning, Engagement and Professional practice ADemonstration of potential for leadership in teaching and learningTeaching evaluation review reportContribution and active participation in school teaching and learning committees Evidence of participation in external activities relevant to the discipline/profession and community engagementDemonstration of growing profile in service and leadership in teaching and learning Teaching evaluation review reportActive participation in School committees with measureable outcomes details, role and outcomesIndependent reports from menteesPeer review/ reviewer of curricula which demonstrate engagement with the teaching/research nexus Evidence of significant external contributions to the discipline/profession and community eng agementDemonstration of effective service and leadership in teaching and learning As per level B plusTeaching evaluation review reportSuccessful prosecution of a major line (sustained or one-off project) that enhances performance of School/Faculty in teaching and learningEvidence of supporting the development of teaching skills in Early Career teaching academics Evidence of successful achievement in roles such as mentor, peer reviewerA significant leadership role in teaching and learning as evidenced by Leadership in curriculum development and renewal at School, Faculty and institutional levels Leadership in introduction of new approaches to teaching and learning at School, Faculty and institutional levels Invitations to participate in reviews of teaching and learning at other institutions involvement in national educational activities Participation in collaborative partnerships relating to teaching and learning with other educational institutions or other bodies As per level C pl usTeaching evaluation review report (External expert)Peer review of curricula as an expertLeadership in supporting colleagues teaching through peer support and review Outcomes of committee leadershipProfessional Association Awards that validate leadership and expertise in teaching and learning External Reports from the relevant industry/profession/ discipline Invitation to present, design or evaluate a teaching and learning workshop evidence of invitation Invitations to present keynote at Teaching and Learning and disciplinary conferences on teaching and learning evidence of invitation Leadership of a school, faculty, university or national teaching and learning initiative EA national and international leadership profile in teaching and learning as evidenced by Impact on educational policy and curriculum development nationally and internationally contributions to curriculum debates Leadership in educational activities of national and international organisations Leadership of co llaborative partnerships relating to teaching and learning with other educational institutions or other bodies As per level D plusMembership of senior advisory groups to GovernmentLeadership in external professional networks / interest groups in teaching and learning Recognition by national or international professional bodies (awards, fellowships, honorary memberships etc) Leadership of professional bodiesContribution to the review and development of national and international professional practice standards

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