Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Informal Speech Outline

First man in spot Topic Yuri Gagarin General Purpose To aver Specific Purpose To inform my consultation ab out low gear objet dart who escape Earths gravity and appeared in plaza. Thesis Gagarin was to be the very fresh worldly concern man being in musculus quadriceps femoris. founding Attention Getter What would you think if I intercommunicate who was the stolon man in topographic point? First idea is Neil Armstrong? Isnt it? muchover what if I say that there was spaceman from Soviet Union who traveled in space whizz socio-economic class preceding? Significance of Topic Sounds not familiar?Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made accounting on April 12, 1961 when he became both the premier person in the world to insert space and the first person to eye socket the Earth. Establishment of Ethos Since childhood, this man was a hoagy of mine thats why I decided to investigate his biography more detailed. Thesis Gagarin was to be the very first man being in space. daw dler Statement So today we exit go on tour to the spacecraft and take a look at Yuri Gagarins spirit scope, his road in becoming a cosmonaut, and the historic feather itself. (Transition So lets fount our trip by finding out Yuri Gagarins action background. Body I. accord to article Life and demolition of Yuri Gagarin make in Engineering and Technology powder store on April 2011, Yuri Gagarin was born in present 9, 1934 in a small village west of Moscow in Russia (then cognise as the Soviet Union). Yuri was the third of four-spot children and spent his childhood on a collective farm where his father, Alexey Gagarin, worked as a carpenter and bricklayer and his mother, Anna Gagarina, worked as a milkmaid. A. bid millions of people in the Soviet Union, the Gagarin family suffered during Nazi occupation in World struggle II. After a German police officer took over their ouse, the family constructed a small stiff hut where they spent a year and nine months until the e nd of the occupation. 1. Life was ticklish during the war and the Gagarins were kicked out of their home and go to another city. B. When Yuri was fifteen he entered a vocational trail and learned to be a metalworker. 1. In ii years as the best student he was sent to continue his study to Saratov higher(prenominal) technical school. a. While studying there, he joined the Aero Club where he deft to fly an aircraft. b. This hobby predetermined his approaching charge Gagarin decided to devote his life to aviation.C. In 1955 he enrolled into the Russian agate line suck up and two years after graduated with honors from the Soviet Air Force Academy. 1. However, while Gagarin enjoyed being a hotshot pilot, what he really cute to do was to go to space. a. Since he had been following the Soviet Unions progress in space safety valve, he was confident that soon they would be send a man into space. b. He wanted to be that man. (Transition Now that we k today life background of Yuri G agarin, lets move to a how Yuri became a cosmonaut. ) II. His desire was so strong that in 1960 he applied to be a cosmonaut. A.According to First man in space published in About. com on may 5,2010, Yuri Gagarin was just nonpareil of 3,000 applicants to be the first Soviet cosmonaut. 1. Out of this large meter of applicants, just 20 were chosen and Gagarin was one of the 20. B. During the extensive physical and psychological interrogatory required of the chosen cosmonaut trainees, Gagarin excelled at the tests while maintaining a calm look as well as his consciousness of humor and readiness to the upcoming flight. 1. Later, Gagarin would be chosen to be the first man into space because of these skills. (Transition Now lets take a look at the historic flight itself) III.So on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin boarded Vostok 1 (the name of the spaceship) at the Baikonur Cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan. A. Although he was in full trained for the care, but no one knew if it was goin g to be a advantage or a failure. Gagarin was to be the very first human being in space, truly going where no man had gone before. B. Gagarin was rocketed into space, using an automated system. 1. Gagarin was not given the control to the spacecraft during his mission because scientists were worried about the psychological set up of being in space it wasnt discovered by that time. C.After entering space, Gagarin undefiled a single orbit around Earth. The spaceships top press forward reached 17,600 miles per hour. At the end of the orbit, spaceship reentered the Earths atmosphere. 1. Gagarin was in space exactly 108 minutes circled the integral globe. 2. Right before he landed, a farmer and her daughter spotted Gagarin float down with his parachute. a. Once on the ground, Gagarin, change in an orange spacesuit and wearing a large white helmet, Gagarin terrified two women and it took him a few minutes to dispose them that he is a human, not an outlander and to direct him to t he nearest phone.D. For this accomplishment Gagarin was awarded ornamentation and title hero of Soviet Union. 1. Yuri Gagarins successful flight into space paved the way for all future space exploration. Conclusion Summary Statement So, now you know a life background of Yuri Gagarin, his road in becoming a cosmonaut and his historic flight. References Bizony, Piers, (April, 2011). Life and Death of Yuri Gagarin. Engineering & Technology. 31 (2), pp. 35-37 Rosenberg, Jennifer (May 5, 2010). The First Man in Space. Available at http//history1900s. about. com/od/1960s/a/yurigagarin. htm. Last Accessed manifest 15, 2013.

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