Thursday, July 25, 2019

Teams and Groups Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teams and Groups - Case Study Example The market for timber is price-competitive and products are differentiated by their presentation and appearance. Thus customers have started to shift to the other competitors who produce similar products but of a greater quality for the same price. The activity within the packaging team of adopting time-loss pattern has become a norm to this particular work team. Thus, all temporary workers when given a chance to become part of the packaging team adopts this norm. Management can change the supervisors and instead of allowing the sawmill supervisor to overseer the packaging department choose a supervisor from packaging instead. This will assist in the empowerment of the workers when workers feel empowered they produce better. In addition, a supervisor from the packaging department would understand the culture and be able to make changes to the norm easier than an outsider. The overtime costs which would be cut can be used to provide additional incentives to this department. In order to arrest the decline in the mill’s ratings management can perhaps use the overtime money which will be reduced to use more than one supervisor in this department. One for the general overseeing of production and one for the testing of the quality of the finished products. The market for timber is price-competitive and products are differentiated by their presentation and appearance therefore Treetop must begin to differentiate based on sound quality and good appearance again. Treetop’s management can divide the packaging department into teams and allow there to be competition amongst the teams for improvement in productivity. Competition would create a focus for the team and motivate them to produce at their best. Consequently, the overall costs should begin to decline when workers begin to produce optimally due to

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