Monday, September 30, 2019

Spanish and Italian Borrowings to the English Language

Romanic languages, group of languages belonging to the Italic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages. They are spoken by about 670 million people in many parts of the world. Among the more important Romanic languages are Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. My report is particularly about Italian and Spanish borrowings to the English language. Spanish borrowings appeared in English in 16 century. Historic circumstances which influenced on these borrowings are associated with some geographic discoveries at that time.There was a colonization of the South and North America by the Spanish. So the close cooperation with Spain contributed to the developing of borrowings from Spanish into English language. In 16 century close political and economic ties of England with Spain and of Spain with France led to borrowings both directly from Spanish and through the French language. In the beginning of the 16th century there were many Spaniards in England due to dynastic relations between England and Spain. So England inherited many Spanish words which related to Spanish manners. Associated essay: Reasons for Failure in English LanguageMany Spanish words have come to us from three primary sources: many of them entered American English in the days of Mexican and/or Spanish cowboys working in what is now the U. S. Southwest. Some words were borrowed with the Spanish culture-dances and musicals instruments. Words of Caribbean origin entered English by way of trade. The other major source is the names of foods whose names have no English equivalent, as the intermingling of cultures has expanded our diets as well as our vocabulary. There are the following semantic groups: ) trade terms: cargo- , embargo- , contraband-; b) names of dances and musical instruments: tango, rumba, habanera, guitar; c) names of vegetables and fruit: banana, cocoa , chocolate, cigar, cork – , , potato, tobacco, tomato. All of these were the objects of trade. They were borrowed from Spain to England. Anglo-Spanish War also greatly enlarged the vocabulary of English language which included such military terms: galleon – , , guerilla – .Besides during the Renaissance period the whole layer of everyday Spanish words came to the English language. For ex: bravada – , canoe – , , Negro – , ranch – , desperado – , , peccadillo – . In XIX century many borrowings from Spanish were brought through American literature. Such words as: cigarette, lasso, mustang – . There are following words among the recently borrowed ones: macho, amigo, gringo – .As we see, the majority of borrowings from Spanish retain their shape and are commonly used in English in the stylistic purposes to give the narration some Spanish shade. Of course it makes our speech more interesting and shows that we are culturally enriched. For example, we can say â€Å"adios† instead of â€Å"bye† to diversify our communication. English| Spanish| Alcove| Alcoba| Alfalfa| Al falfa| Artichoke| Alcarchofa| Apricot| Albaric oque| Calibre| Calibre| | Armada| Armado| Apricot| Albaricoque|Binnacle| Bitacula| The Italian language had the strongest influence on the English language in the Renaissance period. The art and literature had the great importance for the whole European culture. Italy was the leading country in the economic, politic, cultural fields, so familiarity with the rich Italian literature of this period, painting, sculpture and architecture, traveling to Italy, an interest in the country itself, was reflected in the loans from the Italian language.We should notice that, due to the wide spread of Italian debt in the European languages , some Italian words were borrowed to the English language, not directly but through other languages. Most of the Italian words was borrowed through French. And only in the XVI century, the borrowings were directly from the Italian language. The earliest borrowings related to trade and military affairs. There were borrowed the following words from the field of commerce and finance: ducat – coin, million – million, lombard – pawnshop, bank – bank.From the field of military: alarm – alarm, brigand – bandit, bark – bark, colonel – Colonel, squadron – squadron, sentinel – guard, pistol – gun. The greatest number of words borrowed from Italian related to the field of art, literature, music, theater and architecture. For example, canto – song, sonnet – a sonnet, stanza – stanza, slogan, model – model, miniature – miniature, madonna – Madonna, fresco – fresco, balcony – balcony, mezzanine – mezzanine, mezzanine and so on.Especially a lot of borrowing were from the field of music, such as: – The names of musical instruments: piano, violin, piccolo; – The name of singing voices: bass, baritone, alto, soprano; – The name of music: opera, sonata, aria. Among the 20-th century Italian borrowi ngs we can mention : gazette, incognitto, autostrada, fiasco, fascist, dilettante, grotesque, graffitti etc. We should be notice that there are used even whole phraseological combinations in English, for example, sotto voce – whisper.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Days later analysis

Days letter in my opinion is one of the best zombie films that has been produced in my generation and revalidated the Zombie genre. This is one of my favorites because of its intriguing story line and a great acting performance by all characters. 28 days later provides a plethora of horror engineering, social attitudes, as well as social critique. Released in 2002, 28 Days later draws its viewers in right from the start. At the beginning of the film we see a group of PETA extremists breaking into what seems to be an animal testing facility.This group of people who are breaking into the facility to free a group of monkeys who are being used as science experiments and being injected with what is called the â€Å"Rage† virus. As the group goes to break the monkeys out of their fiberglass cages, a scientist who works at the facility catches them in the act. Here is where us viewers are first introduced (briefly) to the rage virus. The scientist warns them that the monkeys are inf ected with Rage and that what they are doing is extremely dangerous.The scientist begs them not to open the cages but ultimately they end up doing it anyway. The female in the group opens the cage and the infected monkey runs out and attacks the group where the virus first begins to spread. The rest of the film shows Jim as he embarks on his journey though post-apocalyptic London. Jim wakes up naked in a hospital bed where he has no idea where he is. After he detaches all of the hoses and wires from his body he ventures out into the rest of the hospital where he discovers that something is right.Later in the film Jim runs into a few more survivors and rest of the film shows them making the trip to a military stronghold that they heard about on a radio broadcast. 8 Days later is without a doubt a film that revalidated the zombie genre. While the zombies in this film aren't what the type of zombie fans are used to seeing, this film is still extremely terrifying! 28 Days Later employs horror engineering techniques to add to the mass amounts of â€Å"scariness† that already exists throughout the film. The first horror engineering technique that is used throughout this film is formlessness.Formlessness is focusing a little more on the creatures appearances throughout horror films. In this case formlessness is employed to make these flesh hungry zombies even scarier than they already are. The zombies in 28 Days later are extremely terrifying not only because they want to eat the uninfected' flesh but mainly because of their appearance. Like I said before, the zombies in this film aren't like zombies fans of this genre are used to seeing. They are dirty, they are deformed, and they are fast†¦ Really fast.When these zombies are chasing their prey, they sprint fast as lightning and their arms sway in a fluid motion. This is a small detail that adds massive amounts of horror into the film. There is Just something about these zombie's fluid body motions that makes them so scary. Another horror engineering technique that was employed frequently throughout the film is mastication. The concept of Mastication is the creature in the specific film involving swarms, crowding, and teeming to overrun anyone that is not infected with the rage virus.Just about every there is a scene with zombies in it (aside from the one that's chained up) there is an extremely large number of them that require the uninfected to take immediate action. The zombies in this film are already scary enough, but with a group of at least 20 of them chasing after Selene, Jim and the others in the group of uninfected. One scene in particular that is absolutely petrifying is when the Jim and co. Car breaks down in the traffic tunnel. As the tire is being changed we see tunnel rats running in a group the opposite direction.Soon after that Jim notices the silhouettes of the zombies' shadows on the tunnel walls running in their direction. Things don't seem too alarming at first but when the zombies come in sight there is more than a few of them, there is a group of 20+ zombies in an all-out sprint running toward them. Luckily the group barely escapes but, that scene alone was enough to get viewers blood pumping! Mastication makes this film even scarier than it already is, because one of these zombies alone is scary enough let alone a group of 20 or more!In this film there are also social attitudes that are present. One of the more prominent social attitudes that are present in this film is the views on modern bio power. In the beginning of the film we see the infected test subjects that happen to be monkeys. It is unknown why the monkeys are infected with the rage virus in the first place but it seems as if scientists were trying to come up with up with a cure for the rage virus where the experiment looked to be ailing because of all of the test subjects that were present in the lab. 8 Days Later has a negative view to this modern borrower that is being u sed. It seems Danny Bayle and Alex Garland (Director and Writer) were trying to send a message that the modern evolution of borrower can be risky business if we aren't careful. 28 Days later was a clear depiction of what life would be like if the use of borrower wasn't carefully handled. In the case of the film scientists were not careful because of the way a small group of PETA enthusiasts were able to sneak into the science facility and let the rage iris lose.It would be extremely difficult to imagine Danny Bayle and Alex Garland directing and writing a movie where modern borrower is a raging success, probably because it would be difficult for borrower to have that type of outcome. Other social views that are in this film are the shifting attitudes towards gender. One of the first characters that are met in this film happens to be an African British female by the name of Selene. She and another male are the first two people that Jim meets right when he gets out of the hospital and begins to wander the streets of London.For the iris half of the film, there is a positive social attitude towards females. Selene is a walking zombie killing machine and is extremely knowledge on how to take care of her self in post-apocalyptic times. In other words she is a complete bedaubs! Selene even teaches Jim a few things such as after the first time they are attacked together she asks Jim if he got zombie blood in his eyes or mouth. Selene then proceeds to tell Jim that if someone is bitten then you only have a short period of time to kill that person before they turn. Selene shows Jim her ways and even saves his ass every once and a while.The positive views towards the females in the film are apparent and wouldn't be surprised if female viewers were to shout muff Go Girl† a few times throughout the movie! To contrast, these positive views kind of disappear in the second half of the film. As the group makes it to the military stronghold the Major Henry West informs Ji m that he had promised all of his men women if they were to send out a radio broadcast about their location. After Jim is informed is when things shift downwards in terms of social attitudes towards female at least for this part of the film.It is night and day when comparing the views towards females from the first half of the film to the second. In the first half Selene is a zombie killer with a ton of different skills that she uses in order to survive. In the second half Selene and Hanna are nothing but sex dolls for the soldiers at the strong hold to play with. The soldiers begin to harass and inappropriately touch Selene and Hanna to the point where zombies aren't the only things they should be afraid of anymore. At one point the horny soldiers think it would be a good idea to get Selene and Hannah all dressed up n extravagant dresses to make them look even more appealing.Hannah and Galena's stay at the makeshift military base is not a pleasant one to say the least. 28 Days Late r also does a fantastic Job at illustrating what life would be like after society has failed. At the very beginning of the film we see one of the test subjects being shown montages of global disaster and conflict. It seems that the film was trying to send us a message, and that message was if we as a society keep on the same track then the ending could be a disaster and something to similar to 28 Days later could become a reality.Some perspectives could see this opening scene as humanity being the tied up monkey watching these tragic events happen before our eyes and then facing death from the rage virus. 28 Days Later at the time was a misunderstood masterpiece where over time it has shifted into a classic film that revalidated the zombie genre. 28 Days Later will without a doubt go down as a classic film as it perfectly summed up how crazy our society is and what it could become if we aren't careful. Danny Bayle and Alex Garland did a fantastic Job at putting this film together ma king it one of the best and most recognizable zombie films of my generation!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Policy advised to Sigma Global-Free-Samples-Myassignment

To: Mrs. Rania Singh, Customer Service Agent. Subject: To obey recommendations discussed in the memo The propaganda of this memorandum is to give an insight on the changes in the information provided to the future prospect for business. The change in policy will help in the betterment of the service provided by the organization to its clients. The agents of Sigma Global are advised to get approval of the material prepared for local marketing and advertising. As it is the most basic and initial projection of the organization to the local clients. Agents are warned and adhered to avoid unethical advertising and marketing to lure prospect clients. False information to the students will hampers relationship with the organization and is not acceptable at any cost. Agents should understand that we aim to guide the student and not to mislead them. It will result in Agents termination if found guilty of charge It had brought into our attention that our clients are finding it difficult to comprehend to the information on different services provided by the organization. To clear their misunderstanding it is necessary from our behalf to change the rules and policy to enlighten the student in a language that they would understand and comprehend best. Students are finding it difficult to understand the answer of few basic questions, which should have been clearly delta with by out agents. It is it important from our behalf to help the student choose the best university as per their need and preferences. To start with, agents should make the student comfortable and ask question regarding different aspect of their need and requirement. Agents should work on the soft skills and try to build repo with the student to understand their want. The inquiry should be conducted in a conversation manner so that it will make students comfortable and help them to easily interact and convey their requirement once that phase is cleared, the agent will now ask about the education qualification and would try to understand what the student want to pursue and from where. If the student have proper knowledge about the course and the institution he want to opt from the Agent will then ask related and relevant question to understand all the requirement o f the student and will try to suggest best alternative if needed. Agents are requested that student with no proper knowledge about courses and universities should be approached with calm and willing to help attitude as it will make them ease and help them open up. We want to make them understand that we are willing to help and shying away will hinder the process. Agents will ask these students about their aspiration and motivation and would try to figure the reason they want to study abroad. In addition, once the agent, relevant information about the course, understands it and university which will help accomplish the desired results should be provided. Agents are asked to provide information of the relevant universities and colleges offering the degree the student require as well as clear overview of all the other alternatives, the ranking of different universities as well as eligibility of different universities based on merit list should be made clear to the students from agents end.   Agents are requested to ask question about financial stability and source of income from students to help them acquire the best university and accommodation facility whilst their stay abroad. Agents are requested to represent all the universities and colleges in equal and fair manner to the students, so that it would look like as a choice given to the student to choose upon. It will give the versatility to the student to determine the place and the university he would like to opt. Agents are request to make students understand that studying aboard is all about practical implementation and usage of the education. It is equally important from student’s behalf to look into the different recreational activities and co-curricular prospects given by different universities and fun learning sessions provided by the universities. Agents are informed that it is necessary to understand the need of student’s requirement about the stay and the option we have and can provide to the s tudents. Accommodation advice to the student should be accurate and must be exactly as promised. It is important that the expectation that they will have about the accommodation met as per requirement or else it will hamper the after sale service which will again lose us prospective clients. Agents are requested to inform students about all the facilities that can be availed from the organization and it is important for the agents to advice the students taking admission in the distant universities and colleges about the transportation facility which can be availed by them from our organization. Agents should let the students know that we are providing a substantial amount to every student to help them start in the new country, which can be utilized for the transportation allowance. The initial transportation fee will be given special discount of 20% if booked with the full amount of admission fee and rest of the expenses. Agents are informed that students need assurance about the un iversity and the value of degree after completion of the course. It is necessary to provide proper information about placement cell and universities previous record of accomplishment agents should bring students attention about important rules and regulation, which needs to be mandated by the students in the country they will go for studies. Agents are warned again about providing false hopes, guarantee of permanent visa and work placement to attract the student is wrong practice, and Agent should avoid it. Honesty to build strong relationship with the students during the application process creates a transparency about the procedure. Honesty is a virtue and same is the motto of the organization so Agents should uphold companies values to its clients Olaleke, O.O., Taiye, T.T. and Olumide, E.O., 2014. Customer relationship management approach and student satisfaction in higher education marketing.  Journal of Competitiveness,  6(3). Stebleton, M.J., Soria, K.M. and Cherney, B.T., 2013. The high impact of education abroad: College students' engagement in international experiences and the development of intercultural competencies.  Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad,  22, pp.1-24. Taylor, C. and Robinson, C., 2014. 'What matters in the end is to act well': Student engagement and ethics. Hanson, V., Caputo, John S., & Caputo, Giovanni. (2015).  Studying Abroad: Adaptive Communication for Effective Intercultural Interactions,  ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Nguyen, M. (2012). Vietnamese Students' Transitions in Study Abroad Programs.  Australian Journal of Career Development,  21(3), 13-22. Quick Tips for Students who want to Study Abroad. (2015, March 03).  UWIRE Text, p. 1. Highum, A. (2014).  Undergraduate Global Education: Issues for Faculty, Staff, and Students. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. Zhuang, Weiling, King, Kristen, & Carnes, Lana. (2015). Studying Abroad: Understanding the Relationships among Beliefs, Perceived Value, and Behavioral Intentions.  Journal of Teaching in International Business,  26(1), 32-45.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Community Policing in Your Neighborhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community Policing in Your Neighborhood - Essay Example As the initial step of this strategy, police departments strengthen their relationship with local people, thus increasing the rapport. As a part of this strategy, door-to-door visits and residential area meetings are conducted. Through such interactions, citizens are educated on ‘crime prevention, observing the neighborhood, and helping the victims’ (Understanding Community Policing, A Framework for Action, n.d.) This method has its value in military too. The US military is using this strategy to improve the relation with local people, and this is evidently seen in Iraq. Thompson (2009) writes about ‘Operation Backpack’, a mission in which school supplies backpacks are distributed among school children in Iraq. The purpose, as he observes, is to improve the relation between the local people and the coalition forces. From the Iraq issue, it becomes evident that this approach is of high value to military especially for handling insurgencies and in community is sues where one person’s foe is another person’s father. In such cases, suppression or the police way of investigation may be considerably ineffective.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Real Computer Virus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Real Computer Virus - Essay Example It is, however, examples with dangerous consequences that give a chilling shock to readers and forces them to take notice of effects of disinformation. Careless use of unsubstantiated information can have dangerous and lingering effects on social groups. Cannon recalled that in a â€Å"PrimeTime Live† show hosted by Dianne Sawyer, she claimed a â€Å"government statistic† indicated that gay teenagers were thrice as likely to commit suicide than others. Though she later shunned responsibility by attributing this information to Ellen Degeneres, the guest on the show, the effects were long lasting. Investigation revealed that this assertion about gay teenagers was not a statistic but just an opinion of a social worker in San Francisco. In fact, real studies by professional organizations like the CDC had concluded that there was no evidence to back this claim. Still, the myth of gay teenagers being amenable to suicide crept into the Internet domain and newspapers of repute such as New York Times, Chicago Tribune and others. Television networks picked it up and propagated it further. Gay rights activists too, including a Governor of Massachusetts, used it to gain public relation victories. In reality, however, this compartmentalized the gay community further and labelled them as suicide prone. Other than unsubstantiated labelling of a social community, this disinformation also could become a false refuge for gay teenagers who struggle for their identity. In yet another example, a major health disaster loomed over South Africa as a result of believeing an already discredited piece of information on the Internet. President Thabo Mbeki, refused discounts for South Africa on life-saving drugs for AIDS simply because he believed they were not the cure. His source of this information, or rather disinformation, was a website. With many theories surrounding the disease of

Marriage (ritual) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marriage (ritual) - Essay Example "Ego conjungo vos in matrimonium in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. In this prayer the priest prays that â€Å"I unite you in marriage in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost† (Keefer & Rohret 59). Priest confirms marriage by saying the above prayer in front of the wed couple. Then groom receives a ring from the priest and places it in the ring finger of bride as a ritual. Then the ceremony is followed by benedictory prayer. "If, however, in any provinces, other laudable customs and ceremonies are in use besides the foregoing in the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony, the holy Council of Trent desires that they should be retained" ( Decreta Conc. Trid., Sess. XXIV, De Reformation, cap. 1). (Keefer & Rohret 93) The brilliant patience shown here towards variety of ritual is easy to gain. Wedding is reparation in which the contracting parties of both sides are assumed as ministers, it is simple that its vital forms must be uttered not in Latin but should be told verbally as well. Therefore this fact also introduces certain component of deviation (Rubio 51). The second stage after pre-liminal is known as liminal and Turner quotes it as â€Å"betwixt and between†, the other way around. Now this is the stage where proper ceremony takes place and bride is formally handed over to groom by the priest. A lot of love and gifts are exchanged to celebrate this happy moment of life. This ritual is performed in presence of a priest, in Roman Catholic variant, or a minister, in the Anglican Church (Rubio 68). After the marriage the next stage is liminal stage which brings certain changes in the life of wed couple. These changes can be related to financial affairs, health, sickness and other day to day problems which change the routine life of married people. Special prayers are made for this period in the wedding ceremony in England. The prayer is said in the following words. "I, N. take thee, N. for my

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The connection between Networks and the Internet Essay

The connection between Networks and the Internet - Essay Example In a computer network, all data transmitted consist of a node which refers to any computer or digital device using the network links (Krol 49). The finest way to lead in the world of business today is to network systems in organization and businesses. Data networks are essential to all existing modern organizations. They facilitate in faster and easier ways to access any data and resources that are within the organization (Krol 53). There are many types of networks used in the entire world today both commercially and homes. Networks cab categorized according to their scope and scale, historical grounds, favorites for networking industries, their design and implementation matter (Krol 59). WAN - Wide Area Network - This network covers up a larger span for communication between the network devices. It is an interconnection of many LANs through routers, and its example is the network which is covering the entire globe. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network - This type of set-up is not common, but it can be useful in governmental departments and large organizations such as banks. It falls at the middle of LAN and WAN. It covers a larger geographical coverage compared to Local Area Network but smaller than Wide Area Network.   Ã‚  CAN - Campus Area Network – This network interconnects several multiple Local Area Networks but smaller compared to a Metropolitan area network. This type of network generally can be useful relatively in vast universities or buildings and local business offices.    SAN - Storage Area Network - This technology is mostly used for data storage. It’s mostly crucial to those organizations that are data oriented. This network connects servers to the data store devices through fiber channels technology. A network topology illustrates the arrangement of machines and devices on a network. It describes the way the computers and other devices within the network are laid down and linked to each other. Common network

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critical discussion of verbal and non-verbal communication Essay

Critical discussion of verbal and non-verbal communication - Essay Example Poor communication constantly occurs in hospitals and is believed to be responsible for a majority of hospitals treatment errors that cause death to many patients (Harrison and Hart, 2006). These communication breakdowns are likely to occur at specific points especially when breaking news to patients regarding their health, when doctors are being informed by nurses about patients’ health, when there is a medical emergency that requires quick treatment and during diagnosis and prescription of treatment. Various reasons have been found to lead to these lapses of communication that leads to wrong diagnosis and treatment as well as patients not being informed of their condition properly (Shives, 2008). Poor communication in hospitals has occurred frequently due to a lack of proper hospital policy in place to ensure that there is a basic protocol followed in the general treatment, resulting to nurses using different methods of treating. These errors could occur during discharge pro cedures as well as the report methods used during admission of emergency cases (Minott, 2008), as both nurses and doctors use different standards of measurement in report filling, making prescriptions and document handling, errors of interpretation are likely to occur. ... Hence, a mental model framework is imperative for the comprehension of verbal and non-verbal cues as well as for staff to share meaning and be able to develop common knowledge (Davidson and Blackman, n.d.). Lack of rules for face-to-face or any other verbal communication such as via telephone could also result in communication barriers forming during treatment especially while changing shifts. Different patients will respond differently to the rapport used by medical staff and although it is difficult to find a universal tone of conversation to use in conversation, it must be noted that it can result in patience feeling uncomfortable communicating as well as shutting down due to a feeling of disrespect or prying by the doctor. The use of vague language and unclear syntactic and pragmatics will also result in the misdiagnosis of patients and the inability of fellow staff members comprehending the sincerity of the patients’ illness (Byrne and Byrne 1992; Morrissey and Callaghan, 2011). A differing opinion on what is necessary and what is not is a serious impediment to effective communication between both patient-staff and staff-staff briefing. This is because different opinions have often led to scenarios where vital patient information about welfare is left out as either the patient or the nurses available feel that it is not necessary to explain some details especially if the affected area is very private or if it appears that they are healing and do not want to seem petty. This is more common during oral communication and emergency treatments than when viewing their chart files as different people will have various thoughts on what is important and what is not and information can be forgotten or left out. Infrequent communication by

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social Determinants of behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Determinants of behaviour - Essay Example Social Determinants of behaviour This paper focuses on the psychological approach to explaining the reasoning behind prejudiced behavior still occurring in society today despite social sanctions that have been put in place against it. Negative behavior involving prejudice has been punished over the past several decades due to social sanctions being put into place. These sanctions have resulted in many individuals who would otherwise display prejudice behavior to change their stance or to at least keep their opinions to themselves and not act out in public. However, quite a bit of prejudice behavior still appears in society despite these social sanctions being put into place. There is a social psychological reason for this prejudice behavior continuing in society today. Among the things contributing to this fact are social cognitive processes such as stereotypes and categorization, as well as psychological theories, concepts, and research. According to Kanlouh, Koh, and Mil, "In culturally diverse and immigrant receiving societies, immigrant youth can be subject to prejudice and discrimination. Such experiences can impact on immigrant youth's cultural identity and influence their psychosocial outcomes. Four main themes emerged on participants' experiences of prejudice and discrimination: (a) societal factors influencing prejudice; (b) personal experiences of discrimination; (c) fear of disclosure and silenced cultural identity; and (d) resiliency and strength of cultural identity.† " Policies and practices that are inclusive in nature need to be put into place in order to counteract the disintegration of youth. The problem is not limited to just general culture. A big problem occurs in school systems throughout the world as well. According to Valeo (2009, pg. 1), "Ontario's current education system is struggling with the task of fully including children with disabilities in the regular classrooms of their neighbourhood school. While many educators understand that it is wrong to deny admission to publicly funded schools because the child may be Black or female, they nonetheless feel that segregation of students with disabilities is warranted and not discriminatory. An examination of their experiences using a narrative format seems to suggest that the institution of education has never welcomed difference in any form and at issue is not whether education can ever welcome students with disabilities, but whether it was created to be anything but an exclusive enterprise." Some people believe that prejudice occurs naturally, as in people are born with it, and that it does not develop as a result of society. Others disagree. They claim that it occurs because of how a person is raised, the situations that occur around him or her, or the like. In arguing the latter point of view, prejudice may occur as a result of the establishment of institutions, the status of a particular individual compared with those around him or her, a person's role in society, laws, belief systems, the overall distribution of the population, social currents, the experiences of groups, emotions, and urbanization (Valeo, 2009). There are both formal and informal social sanctions. An example of formal sanctions includes the law of the land. Examples of informal sanctions i

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ken from Whose Life Is It Anyway Persuading the Judge to Let Him Die Essay Example for Free

Ken from Whose Life Is It Anyway Persuading the Judge to Let Him Die Essay In this essay, I will be describing and analysing how Ken, from â€Å"whose life is it anyway†, used persuasive techniques to persuade the judge to let him die. Ken is trying to persuade the judge to let him die, and he persuades him with this quote â€Å"†¦and I find the hospital’s persistent effort to maintain this shadow of life an indignity and its humane. † this quote is clearly showing that he does not want to rely on other people. The word â€Å"maintain† stands for holding something like an object in your household. He does not want the hospital and the doctors to â€Å"maintain† his shadow of life because he thinks that he is â€Å"dead already†. In the quote â€Å"†¦but the dignity starts with their choice. If I chose to live, it would be appalling if society killed me. If I chose to die, its equally appalling if society keeps me alive. † This quote shows that he cares about other people not just himself. The word â€Å"society† is used because it shows that he thinks truly not only about himself. Also there is a word â€Å"choose†, this clearly shows that there is no modal verbs and it is more effective and emotive, as that word, it self, shows that he thought everything though what he actual said. I like the way Ken uses strong words like â€Å"appalling†, by saying this, he is exaggerating and by doing this, he is shocking. Ken doesn’t thing letting someone live although they’re against it is terrible, but the fact that they don’t get the choice. â€Å"The cruelty doesn’t reside on saving someone or allowing them to die. It resides in the fact that the choice is removed from the man concerned† this quote means exactly how ken feels at that moment. The choice is about to be taken from him, and that will make things even harder for him. The word â€Å"cruelty† is a very strong word. Using it, Ken, creates sympathy and it made the whole quote more persuasive and he was saying that people are cruel by taking the choice from him. Also I this quote, he is stating by using words like â€Å"is†, â€Å"fact†, â€Å"it resides†. All of these are modal verbs and show that he knows what he is talking about and is confident with what he thinks and knows. The author chose the techniques for a reason, and the reasons are that the whole fact about persuading the judge needs to be pointed out as it’s the most important bit in the story play, the judge will judge from whether to save the man or let him die as he wanted. It’s a life or death situation. Ken also uses rhetorical questions to make the judge think, â€Å"Is that surprising? † Ken said this on purpose as it is very effective persuasive technique like in the one. Rhetorical questions overall, start arguments and debates in which this story is all about. Overall I think that the judge did the right thing letting ken die. He would be suffering mentally and physically if he didn’t. This story has many different writing techniques and only very few I have analysed in this essay. I think they are very effective upon this story and the story wouldn’t make sense and so much drama if it didn’t.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Soviet Union Private Enterprises and Economics

Soviet Union Private Enterprises and Economics When we talk about the Soviet Union, many of us imagine a largely monolithic structure, in which most of the processes were controlled from the centre, with very little initiative from the side of common people. This stereotype is especially strong regarding the economy. After all, it was officially called â€Å"planned,† which suggested that all production was owned and regulated by the state. However, it may come as a surprise that during the first half of the USSR’s life, private enterprise played a large role in everyday life of Soviet citizens. Furthermore, during the birth and development of Soviet Union, non-government owned companies completely legally produced a large variety of consumer goods. Most of these were small-size individual entrepreneurships and cooperatives, as opposed to large industrial complexes operated by the state. That small-scale private production supported the government-owned heavy industry, and was largely beneficial for the country and the people of USSR. It provided many goods and services to the people which the state-owned companies couldn’t provide. Surprisingly, private entrepreneurship has always been a part of Soviet economy, and furthermore, it provided a substantial part of foodstuffs and consumer goods to the society. The first topic to be discussed is the period that begins at the end of the civil war, when the Soviet system was finally dominant and its leaders had to commence post-war restoration. The economy of this period was largely characterized by the NEP – New Economic Policy. It primarily influenced agriculture, replacing â€Å"War Communism,† which involved direct food requisitioning, with food tax. Moreover, individuals were allowed to operate small private companies, while heavy industry and financial institutions remained under the state rule. The state economy, guided by the directive principles of War Communism, was unable to meet the demand for goods, especially agricultural ones, which was proven by the famine of 1921, during which six million people died. As a result, food requisitioning ended, and private business had to be allowed, which helped to alleviate economic hardship for many people. An objection may be raised that the policy was highly controversial both with the people and the government, and that it met resistance in higher circles. Furthermore, it gave birth to a new class of nouveau-riche â€Å"nepmen,† owners of small companies, who were seen by most people as little more than capitalists against whom they have been fighting all that time. The Party was indeed discontent with the development, seeing it as an abandonment of the principles of Socialism – according to the History Learning Site (2014), not only it meant abandoning planned economy, it also presented a threat of eventual restoration of full-scale capitalism (par. 9, 10). However, the argument here is not whether the policy corresponded with the ideological principles, but whether it was efficient or not. And the answer here is definitely yes – the NEP was very successful, allowing agriculture to restore itself to 75% of the pre-revolution level and staving off the fear of famine. It also contributed to the development of the light industry, stimu lating the demand for consumer goods (par. 12). This shows that during that period, private production contributed significantly to the wellbeing of population. Lenin has famously said on NEP â€Å"we are taking one step backwards to later take two steps forward,† and called War Communism â€Å"a grievous error,† which shows that he could modify the theory based on real-world experience, and understood the necessity of having private production, even if it was small-scale. The next stage went on from 1930 to 1960, and encompassed industrialization, Second World War, and postwar restoration. While NEP was cancelled, it did not mean that private initiative was restricted. Surprisingly, Stalin allowed much leeway for independent producers – many of them existed in a â€Å"gray area†, viewed with suspicion by authorities, but not restricted. The manufacturing and service sector remained relatively free, and people were allowed to have their own plots of land to grow food on, which they later would sell on peasants’ markets. According to Jan S. Prybyla (1961), â€Å"In 1956 the individual plots accounted for 67% of the gross output of potatoes, 87% of the output of eggs, 57% of the milk production, 55% of the output of meat, and about 42% of the production of vegetables.†(p. 218) And according to Frederick A. Leedy (1957), in 1954 independent cooperatives â€Å"manufactured 35% of furniture, 56% of iron dishes, 22% of metal beds , 45% of primus stoves, and 31% of felt boots. (p. 1067) Small businesses, such as barbershops and seamstresses, were also legal, as well as cooperatively-owned larger companies, which provided the majority of consumer goods, such as furniture and clothes. Julie Hessler (1998) asserts that many cooperatives were in fact covers for private entrepreneurs, who made massive profits from the activities. In 1948, most of them were arrested, or had their licenses revoked, however. (p. 539) Despite that, during Stalin’s era, independent production and trade were strongly developed, and Soviet people â€Å"spent between one-third and one-half of their incomes on the legal free market in all but few years of Stalin’s rule.† (p. 516) Even during the war that practice continued, with local authorities largely tolerating small-scale trade. (p. 523) This proves that, during this stage, independent production and free trade did play a large role in the lives of Soviet citizens . It can be argued, however, that the contribution of private producers to the economy was very small, and did not influence it in any significant way. After all, the individual producers constituted a very small share of total labour force – 1-2 million out of 60-80 million. (Leedy, p. 1066) This, however, ignores the fact that in regard to consumer goods and foodstuffs, independent producers accounted for a large share of production – from 22% to as high as 87%, as stated earlier. Possible explanation for this is that most people employed by the government worked in heavy industry sector, while in the light industry sector, share of independent producers was higher. Thus, private production did have significant influence on the economy. The third stage, however, which started from the 1960s, was characterized by the restriction of almost all private initiative, and nationalization of all non-government companies and land. That, in turn, gave birth to a widespread deficit of consumer goods, stagnation of the system, which could not develop without initiative, rising discontent, and, eventually, collapse. However, just because private enterprise was outlawed, doesn’t mean that it disappeared. Because state-owned companies produced consumer goods in insufficient quantity and inferior quality, people started looking for foreign goods to satisfy their needs. That period was characterized by increasing size of black and gray economy, with people semi-legally or illegally trying to acquire goods which they couldn’t find in stores. Eventually, as deficit for consumer goods became more prevalent, black market and informal economy have turned into a daily feature of Soviet life. At that point, a counterargument may be raised that the deficit was caused primarily by technological development and by increasing demand for more sophisticated goods, and not by restriction of private entrepreneurship. As standards of living increased, along with technology level, people started demanding more advanced goods in large amounts, which the economy couldn’t have provided even if private production had been left unrestricted. However, it doesn’t explain the deficit for foodstuffs, or for basic goods, such as furniture and clothing, from one-third to one-half of which were provided by independent producers in the 50s with no noticeable deficit (Leedy, p. 1067). Thus, it still means that Soviet economy of that period was inadequate to the task of providing basic consumer goods that were demanded. So naturally, people turned to black market. Due to its secretive nature, it is almost impossible to accurately calculate its penetration, and only a rough approximation can be given. As Lucille Be audry and Luc Duhamel explain (1984), by the 80s the black market has â€Å"completely integrated in Soviet system,† and it would not have been possible to curb it except by liberalizing the economy (p. 102). This proves that, even when the economy was under total control of the State, people still participated massively in independent trade. But the restriction of commerce had even further-reaching consequences. The shadow economy which arose as a result of private entrepreneurship being made illegal carried numerous problems: not only was it hard to combat, but it also degraded the respect for the system by common people, who had to engage in illegal activities just to satisfy their basic necessities. That, in turn, was one of the reasons that led to the eventual collapse of Soviet Union and replacement of its state-controlled economy by a free-market one. The first periods in life of Soviet Union were more repressive, but also, paradoxically, more economically free. Small-scale private production, like aforementioned barbershops and personal plots of land, allowed the system to develop more vigorously than it would have been possible otherwise. Along with political liberalization in the 50s, the economy was centralized, which eventually caused its demise. While this is an unexpected development, it also provides something to think about. On one hand, on the basis of these findings, it can be argued that market is important for any country, even the ones with planned economy, and that it is simply impossible to regulate all production from one center. Fate of other socialist countries seems to reinforce that conclusion – especially China, which, since the adoption of free market, demonstrates incredible rates of growth. Even in North Korea, the most restrictive country in the world, the government tolerates small-scale trade and private production. But on the other hand, it tells us something about effectiveness of government control in certain spheres of economy. After all, Soviet heavy industry was remarkably successful, and large-scale projects, such as nuclear power plants, hydroelectric stations, and spaceports, were built by the state. It should be noted that nuclear energetics and space exploration are the spheres which are still predominantly under the control of governments, even in such economically liberalized countries as the United States. In any case, we should study the history of Soviet Union carefully and without any bias, if we want to understand its experience and apply that knowledge to our current problems. Sources: Jan S. Prybyla, â€Å"Private Enterprise in Soviet Union†. South African Journal of Economics, Volume 29, Issue 3, page 218, September 1961. New Economic Policy. 2014. Web. Lucille Beaudry, Luc Duhamel, â€Å"The Causes of the Black Market Phenomenon in the U.S.S.R.†. Studies in Political Economy, Volume 13, page 102, 1984. Julie Hessler, â€Å"A Postwar Perestroika? Toward a History of Private Enterprise in the USSR†. Slavic Review, Vol. 57, No. 3, autumn 1998. Frederick A. Leedy, â€Å"Producers’ cooperatives in the Soviet Union†. Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 80, No. 9, September 1957.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Congress And The Change In Term Limits Essay -- Politics Political

Congress and The Change in Term Limits In 1994, for the first time in 40 years, Congress was drastically changed. The Democratic majority was uprooted and new, lively, freshmen were instated with a job to undertake. As part of the Republican=s AContract with America,@ these new Republicans had to revise the current Congressional term limit status. In undertaking this task, these men and women ran into a seemingly stone road-block. This roadblock consisted of long-term, carreerists who were unwilling to change. The problem was not that there were no Congressmen who were committed to real change elected in 1994 because there were, but Congress was highly dominated by long-term careerists in both parties who seemed to have more loyalty to the system than to their constituents. As Thomas Jefferson put it, "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." (Oxford dictionary of quotations, p.272) Over time, career legislators are more likely to promote the interest of the establishment of which they are part than that of the larger public. This fact is not surprising. If most of a persons time is spent meeting with lobbyists, constituents, and bureaucrats, that person may actually come to believe what these influential people are saying. This is why new blood needs to enter Congress more frequently, in order to avoid the highly influenced Congress that is filled with old people with old ideals. Needless to say the once optimistic freshmen were unsuccessful in their task, and it=s plain to see why. Until that changes, Congress is not going to change. Congressmen need to get back to basics and realize that they are in office to serve their people, and not themselves. What would change Congress is term limits. By the middle of last year nearly half of the states had restricted, almost all of them by popular vote, the number of terms that their members of Congress could serve. But then the Supreme Court intervened. In U.S. Term Limits, Inc., et al. v. Thornton et al., a narrow five-to-four majority voided these restrictions, stating that "allowing individual States to craft their own qualifications for Congress would thus erode the structure envisioned by the Framers, a structure that was designed, in the words of the Preamble to our Constitution, to form a Amore perfect Union.@ (US Law Week, 1995) Congress, na... ..., Edward H.(2), "Six and Twelve: The Case for Serious Term Limits," National Civic Review, 1991. P. 251. Jefferson, Thomas. "Letter to Tench Coxe" 1799, The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, 3d ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979, p. 272. McLaughlin, Fabrizio, Memorandum to "all interested parties," February 6, 1996, p. 1. (www.poilticalscience/pub/ Moore, Stephen and Steelman, Aaron. "An Antidote to Federal Red Ink: Term Limits," Cato Institute Briefing Paper no. 21, November 3, 1994, p. 21. (Http:// Payne, James, AThe Culture of Spending: Why Congress Lives beyond Our Means@ University Press, 1991 p. 175-80. Smith, Bradley A. "Campaign Finance Regulation: Faulty Assumptions and Undemocratic Consequences," Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 238, September 13, 1995, p. A15 ( U.S. Term Limits, Inc., et al. v. Thornton et al., 63 U.S. Law Week 4413, 4432. May 22, 1995. Wall Street Journal "Conflict in Congress," Wall Street Journal, April 22, 1996, p. A22.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Popularity, Physical Appearance, and the American Dream in Death of a S

For many, the â€Å"American Dream† is the hope for a future filled with success and fortune.   Although many may share the idea of the American Dream, each person has a different perception of what is necessary to achieve this goal.   Willy Loman, the lead character of Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, believes that popularity and physical appearance are the keys that unlock the door to the â€Å"American Dream†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We are first introduced to the importance of popularity and physical appearance when Willy is speaking to his wife, Linda, about their son Biff.   â€Å"Biff Loman is lost,† says Willy.   â€Å"In the greatest country in the world, a young man with such personal attractiveness gets lost.†Ã‚   In this quote, not only is Willy confused about how Biff’s good looks can’t help him get a job, b... ..., Ben, and the elderly man he encountered in his youth.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Willy Loman truly believes that physical appearance and popularity are the keys to success - hard work is not necessary.   Because of Willy’s naive ideas, he is unable to reach his goal of achieving the American Dream. Work Cited Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. Literature. Ed. Sylvan Bates New York: Longman, 1997.

rock & pop :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What has the power to make you get up and move, to both inspire you and enrage you? Rock, rap, â€Å"pop†, country, and blues are all forms of this phenomenon we call music. Music has been a part of each and everyone of our lives. How often have you heard a song and it brought you back to a place in your past, or reminded you of someone? Chances are you were listening to music that fell into one of the two most popular categories, rock or pop. Both rock and pop can be considered movements in society, however the motivation for these movements were on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Also another thing that they have in common is that once the artists are famous the may both have a tendency to fall off the deep end. This may entail spending thousands of dollars on drugs and alcohol. Eventually many of both pop and rock stars end up in rehab. Even though the lines between rock and pop can be blurred at times there are many distinct differences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most profound differences is the way both types of music came about. Rock and roll started back in the early 60’s. It was a time when the Vietnam war had just begun. Steppenwolf, The Beetles, Jimi Hendrix, and The Doors all were sending out soulful messages through their music. They were singing about war, drugs, and love instead of war. There lyrics were from the heart. It provoked feelings of rage for the government, and love for one another. The rock and roll movement began out of pent up energy that had to be released in an positive manner. It had very pure, honest intentions. On the other hand pop, short for popular, music was contrived from the beginning. It too had it’s beginnings in the 60’s starting with the Monkeys. Four guys were brought together by some corporate bigwigs to create an American version of the Beetles. Little did the public know that they were not even singing their own songs. They were lip-singing the whol e time. But, they managed to top the charts and make young girls faint. That could be considered the first pop music.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another major difference between rock and pop groups are the way they get started. Pop groups are usually formed by record companies with preconceived notions of what kind of image they want the artist to have.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Television Programme

ogrmI am someone who doesn't watch TV at all. But there is one show that I just can't afford to miss ‘the fresh prince of bel air'. This show got me hooked the first time I watched it, my brother was watching TV and I was there in the living room reading a book. I like reading a lot. I did not realize when I stopped reading and started watching the show instead. The fresh prince of bel air is an American comedy sitcom, with a big star will smith.It was originally aired in 1990s. So the main character is obviously will smith. He is the fresh prince from west Philadelphia sent by his mother to California to live with his aunty, uncle and cousins. The story is about how his life is changed and how he changes their life. This is a show from 90s but I am watching the reruns now. Can't believe I missed out on a show like this. I really think the 90s show were more entertaining than the shows we have today.I don't like reality shows because I think they are not real at all and its all scripted. I like comedy and so I like this show and the only thing I watch on TV at the moment. The best thing I like about this show is that its very well written. It sends a good message by the use of comedy. The show makes you think, makes you cry and makes you laugh a lot. what makes it even better is the acting by all the actors especially will smith and Alfonso Ribeiro. All characters are very likeable and well developed.My dilemma is I can't choose between will and Carlton, (Alfonso Ribeiro) both are equally as good. So I would say they are both my favourite characters as their humour and sarcasm is awesome. The chemistry between the two is amazing. I like how will is always cracking jokes about Carlton's height and Carlton makes fun of will's low intellect. The best thing about Carlton is the funny dance he does, nobody can do it better, it really makes me laugh a lot. Another character that I really like is Hillary ( Karyn parsons).She is as dumb as a donkey, which is what makes her really funny. She has a very bubbly personality, and is shown to be very shallow all she cares about is her appearance. Uncle Phill, aunty Vivian and Ashley are the least humorous out of them all but still are really good at their character. This is the only show that I love watching and know that I will not get tired of watching it. This is the best show ever according to me great fun and laughs for the whole family.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Can We Organise Our Thinking Essay

Psychologists who study the mental process of thinking, as well as perception, learning, memory and language, work in the area of cognitive psychology. Thinking is probably one of the most difficult processes to describe, as we think in three ways. We think in words and meaning: semantic thought, we think in images by making mental pictures: iconic thought and enactive thought based on impressions of actions, such as tying a shoelace. Our memory provides us with the ability to remember the past and things that we have learnt in the past. On a daily basis we are overloaded with information, so how do we process it? Firstly, we can organise our thoughts by involving and using mental images which helps us memorise better verbal and written information. So, we think about things by making a mental picture in our mind. When starting to learn the a new language, mental images are very helpful to learn the basic vocabulary. A very good example of this is the key word technique. To explain this further, imagine a picture of a bell with a lid on it, which has a nasty smell, the French word is â€Å"La Poubelle†, and is pronounced pooh-bell, which means â€Å"bin† in English. You can then make a mental picture of yourself lifting the lid off of the bell shaped bin and saying â€Å"pooh†. This key word technique created by Michael Raugh and Richard Atkinson, who experimented on two groups of participants, who were asked to learn a list of 60 Spanish words. The group that used the key word technique, when all participants were tested, scored an average of 88% and the group that did not use these key words scored 28%. This proves that the use of mental images help us remember things, and we can develop different memory stagegies such as mnemonics, which are an aid or verse to remember facts. An example of this is, to aid us when setting up a snooker table with the different coloured balls. Most of us know all the red balls go in the triangle, and the location of the black, pink and blue balls. However, we do forget the order of the green, brown and yellow because they are placed in a row of three next to each other. An easy mnemonic way to remember this order of balls is: God Bless You. Second, another important way we can organise our thoughts is by putting them into categories. This is known as concept formation and is the process of developing mental representation by developing categories of a group of objects or events that share similar properties. For example, the concept of â€Å"animal†, this concept contains other sub-concepts and then further sub-concepts. You divide animals into birds, fish and mammals. Then, divide birds into robins, sparrows and owls etc. Using our concepts we can define the features that we associate with birds, such as wings, feathers, beaks, flying.These defining concepts of a bird, do not have to be applied rigidly, as certain birds cannot fly, such as penguins and ostriches. Weston Bousfield conducted an experiment where participants were asked to learn a list of sixty words that could be divided into four categories. Example: furniture, fruit, clothing and flowers. Although the words were presented in a random order, the participants tended to remember them in groups which belonged to the same category,so if they remembered apple, they would remember peach, lemon and strawberry.This shows us that the information was available, but without the category clues given above, we cannot access all of this information. Now, when we try to recall this information that has been arranged in to categories. Each piece of information then cues the next in turn, as it has been stored in our mind in an structured way, as opposed to a random and arbitrary way. Finally, schemas are a vital way to organise our thoughts, as they allow us to remember information about particular things. A schema is mental framework of knowledge developed as a result of experience, that can help us recall information that has been stored, and so provide more cues to prompt our memory. Hence, we file our knowledge about objects, situations, groups of people and ourselves into a large filing cabinet in our mind. The term schema (plural schemas or schemata) that was used by Jean Piaget an influential Swiss psychologist, who spent over 50 years, investigating the way children developed their thinking and cognitive skills, learning and memory.This was done by developing schemas which built up and developed by their result of experience in the world. Simply this means that our memory is a large filing cabinet and each file in the cabinet is a schema. If you opened a schema labelled † going to the cinema† it would contain all your knowledge about trips to the cinema. Buying a ticket, seeing a film, sitting in the dark and eating popcorn. So, if you went to a cinema that you had not been to before, you would open up your â€Å"cinema schema† file in your memory and this would lead the way. John Bransford and Marcia Johnson conducted an experiment, which illustrated the role of schemas.They asked participants to read a passage from a book and recall it as accurately as they could. Half the participants were given the title of the passage and the other half without the title of â€Å"washing clothes†.The title provides a schema, so that the information can be set aside and remembered more easily. In conclusion, we have explored the ways that we think and the ways that organising our thoughts our can improve our memory. So, mental images give us pictures, concept formation puts information into groups of categories, and developing schemas, allows us to construct and remember mental packages about relevant information.Therefore, our memory is the key to how we function and who we are.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Life of Pi Pre-Read Socratic Seminar

Pi reflects on religion constantly, but he does mention that he always goes back to his Hindu customs and rituals that he grew up with. Do you believe that religious or people with strong belief systems growing up always have that religion as their bases for many decisions in their life? Does that religious belief ever change? I feel as though the religion will always be the base for decisions. Even if the person may stray away from that religion, the foundation that was put into their mind by that religion will stay. I know that for me, I grew up in a Christian environment.I went to all the Sunday school classes, VBS activities, volunteered at church, but I remember soon getting very agitated with the very people who I knew to be Christian. My family were leaders within the Christian community: pastors, musicians, teachers, wives of pastors, so it didn’t quite make sense that I saw them in acts of betrayal, dishonesty, and anger toward one another. Despite my becoming Atheist at that point in my life, I couldn’t relinquish the morals that I had grown up with: unconditional love for others, forgiveness, non-violence and conservation of the body and mind.I may not have sensed God’s presence then and there, but the religion was still there. In all instances of my life, I still find myself trying my best to follow the morals I grew up with no matter what I come to believe. I see that today in society it is important to raise our children in a well-mannered household. If a parent wants them to grow up well, they must teach them first the morals they want their family to uphold. But they must also place a certain amount of importance on it and let the child understand that it IS important and MUST be followed or it won’t stick with them.I don’t think that the religion or morals change, however meld themselves to fit the new beliefs of the person. If they believe so strongly toward something, they WILL keep it and honor it. Pi state s that the compulsion to make life more livable by inventing a better story is natural instinct both to mankind and animals alike. Is this so of society today? Do we still have the need to conform? How much of a â€Å"better story† can one make before it becomes too unrealistic? Psychologically it is a need to make ourselves look and feel good. It is a way for us to maintain an image of ourselves.It’s a way we attract our mates and a good self-esteem booster. Confidence and consistency is key in this world for us to achieve our desires. We want to be agreeable, make a social situation run smoothly, and avoid disagreement and discord at all costs, yet we do that with the price of breaking the intimacy and trust that holds a bond together. I believe that in order for humanity to survive it needs to face the facts and deal with the blows as they come. Then and only then will true strength of an individual and that individual’s relationship will come forth.I feel th at if humanity continues to lie to themselves, things will not get done. Global Warming for example is considered a myth by many because we don’t want to accept the reality that it will cause our Earth great harm; that it will cause US great harm. The same with the re-invention of stories to make a person more appealing. We don’t think they will cause harm, but they do. We break down trust and make in the end lose our loved ones and ourselves in the process. I believe ir is at this point we begin to question who we actually are and what we can truly achieve.However, I do also feel that as humanity grows deeper into crisis we need a way to escape from the harsh reality of the world. I think that as long as we are in our confines of our own mind, we can keep altering ourselves for betterment. In Pi’s case he seems to want to escape the past and pass the burden of his story to another person. When Orange Juice fights the hyena, the almost human-like nature of the o rangutan disappears and she becomes violent. Pi realizes that personality that one shows does not always beat natural instinct.Name examples where this is true or provide evidence of where it doesn’t. Can personality triumph over instinct? Personality is a big part of how we shape ourselves. The similarities and differences are shown through how we react to the diversity in the world and how we create or destroy relationships with one another. When a person feels threatened by something, or similarly with an animal, they will react almost instinctively in order to protect their being. If a person feels threatened they will yell, kick, and go bat-shit crazy. So will an animal.There is a fine line between instinct and personality. Over the years we have learned to overcome it, but in times of stress it comes out no matter how hard a person or animal has trained to keep it within. It’s like in the Jungle Book: â€Å"You can take the boy out of the jungle, but you canâ₠¬â„¢t take the jungle out of the boy. † The instinct is our body’s natural way of protecting ourselves. I do feel though that over time and through much work a person and an animal can overcome their fears and obstacles to becomes a less threatening being. So yes, personality will triumph both in my heart and in Pi’s.I think that Pi saw this fine line of personality vs instinct and knew full well how even though society has become more modern, there are still things in this world that offset the balance: natural disasters, politics, and religion. That is why I think Pi puts so much stress on the detail that to him religions were based off love and compassion toward everyone and everything. He is confused with how people react like animals when it comes to their beliefs. Simply put, they are threatened. Scared that the balance will now be leaning more towards one side and that another will gain the power and become the â€Å"Alpha† being.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hallowed Ground – Creative Writing

One damp morning in the spring of 1951, an elderly woman sat in her drawing room, and stared out of the Edwardian window, stretching from the floor to the ceiling. The velvet green curtains fluttered slightly against a draft. This is her place of rest, were she chose to lead the rest of her life peacefully. She gazed into her garden. Her drawing room was vacant when compared with the beauty of nature. The walls were lined with great masterpieces, her tables decorated with beautiful and rare Ming vases. She sat upright against the silk tapestry cushions of the chair. She loved the outdoors, and always felt uncomfortable with the four walls enclosing her, no matter how beautifully they were decorated. She always adored her garden, the white and pink roses in her numerous and perfectly arranged, symmetrical beds. The garden had limestone stairs, and she peered out of the window, down the grey-white steps, to a garden that stretched to the horizon. The grass was a pure deep green. And in the centre, a pond, stretching horizontally from one end of the garden to the other, the only means of crossing was an old bridge of pale wood with small engravings of dragons lining its railings. She watched the golden red carp glitter in the soft morning sun under the water's surface. Her garden shone with pink and white blossoms. The flowers, at this time of year were mainly spring pansies, daffodils and bluebells, dripping with morning dew. The rose bushes stretched all the way across the left side of the brick wall, ruining its foundations. She remembered old age, spreading through her body like the flower, ruining her strength. Her once able body was frail. Time was running out: the hourglass had tipped. She leant forward to the man across the table, sipping his tea and waiting patiently for a reply. She felt his harsh gaze in her eyes. â€Å"So, Miss Amanda Daley†, he began, â€Å"are you considering ever using our services again, perhaps writing another book or novel? I hope you know, and of course you do, being a lady of worth, that our services are at the best of prices and of the highest quality.† His words remained unanswered, and she carried on staring out of the window. His pinstripe suit and unmarked suede shoes were intimidating, and clearly he was a wealthy man, ignorant to suffering. She was uncomfortable in his company, and like a small child, looked at the floor. And yet, she hated silence, the social void, representing her lack of communal knowledge, and gossip could spread about her past. She sat with her back erect, causing her pain. And yet, she felt that etiquette overcame physical pain, as her father had always taught her. Her back throbbed. She was indifferent to her publication anyhow, since she grew increasingly ill, relief succumbed to etiquette. Her back relaxed. And, as she suspected, she felt a kind of paternal betrayal. Finally, she brought herself to mutter a few words, â€Å"Yes, thank you, I know. I shall send a telegram when necessary. My book will be finished in about three weeks. Come to collect the papers when I call.† She led him to the front door, where he stepped into his automobile. ‘Being a lady of worth'- these words irritated her, span around in her head, but she kept calm and showed no discontent. His car vanished through the drive, and she saw no point in waving him off. She had work to do. She was to begin her story. She sat in the drawing room, asked the maid to fetch her a blanket and hot tea, and sat at the oak table near another window. She stared at her aged hands and wrinkled face in the reflection of her silver teapot, each line representing a time in her life, and she also noticed her hollow eyes. The blue veins emerged on her fingers, as if her condition had just appeared overnight. But alas, this was not so. They did not just emerge, but the veins remained; no medicine could possibly cure it. She had simply not cared before. There were more important things to handle previously; age was a meagre aspect amongst her losses. She sat back, and allowed the painful memories to enter her mind. (2) Her mother, whom she adored with all her heart, would tell her stories when she sat up in bed, and listened with the same intent, even though the stories were often alike. Once her mother had left, and she had said her prayer, she looked out of her window to the star-studded sky, against the black sheet of infinity, and rested against it, was the chalky moon. She shut her eyes. At sunrise, she saw her father leaving the house, as usual. He shut the door with the same pessimism. His job was tedious, though he was too arrogant with false masculinity to ever admit it. He was well educated, well dressed, well paid and an owner of a leading company. He paid for servants to look after her family, even though her mother saw it as an intrusion of privacy. The house was situated on the edge of the sea cliffs, and the path following down to the ocean was lined with jagged rocks, sharp enough to cut. An hour later she tore her shoe on the steep path when walking down to the bay. As she stared deep into the horizon, she wondered what was beyond it. The sea lapped at her bare feet and she felt a slight spiritual familiarity with her surroundings, an eternal bonding of the vast and treacherous sea with her small, trusting heart. The sea sang into her ears, the wind caressed her skin and the sea appeared to be studded with thousands of diamonds against a turquoise backdrop. The sun blazed and her skin shone pink. She returned to a silent house. â€Å"Mother†, she called, looking uncertain, bracing herself. A splutter came from upstairs, and the servants were nowhere to be seen. She saw her mother coming down the stairs. The reply was not as dire as she had expected or it was and she simply did not understand. â€Å"Annabella†, her mother said. She spoke in a quiet tone, one that would have been soothing if it were not for the overwhelming fear that she could sense in her mother's eyes and expression. â€Å"Your father has been injured at his factory. Now, I don't expect you to understand this but we are treading on thin ice. We may be in slight financial trouble, but there is no reason to worry.† But there was. Annabella could sense it. What was a pretty Victorian house was now wrought with depression. Annabella stopped walking down the beach, and fell asleep in tears. The month later, she was roused by Victoria, her maid, and was told to dress. She met her mother at the breakfast table. Her beautiful green eyes were now veiled with tears, her curled blonde hair was now matted and greasy. She managed to force out the words, but Annabella knew exactly what she was about to hear. The house was silent again, no coughing, no cries and no shouts. She whimpered and tensed herself. All she heard was, â€Å"He's gone.† No sounds from her father, no reminders of the infected wound. She did not cry. She was grieving ever since he was hurt, and she knew it. Her father had died after a wild fever and her family suffered in horrible grief, his death believed to have been caused by the infected wound. Once she understood the cruel consequences of her father's death; a growing anger came over her, like a flame on oil. â€Å"Why has he left us?† she asked herself. â€Å"He had not taken any care; no money was ever left except for the pittance that remained after debts and taxes. There was no longer any financial help. He left my mother in hysterical tears, a sorry and disconcerting spectacle to their children.† (3) Even though it was many years since her father's funeral, she remembered the light oak coffin in which her father's body rested comfortably against a white silk tapestry. She remembered the echoing aisle sounds of shoes against the limestone floor, her silent mother and wailing brother, still young and too small to understand. During the final stages of his life, he had grown incredibly weak and thin. Two dark pits surrounded his eyes and the red and brown liquid seeping from his mouth. Her mother was always kneeling at his bedside with a damp cloth in order to calm the fever. The injury in his chest had become infected, and his whole chest was swollen, and his temperature soared. He often vomited. He cried during the night and woke up the house. Her mother never allowed servants to look after him, and she stayed by him, feeling that it was her responsibility. The memories of her father stayed with Annabella for the rest of her life, traumatising her, and yet provided her with an inner strength and understanding of the temporality of life. Unable to hold her pen any longer Annabella sat back, shut her eyes and waited till she had the enthusiasm to start the next chapter. The book, rather than being a release of the emotional torments, became a burden of pain.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Your Own Preliminary Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Your Own Preliminary Research - Essay Example It is also evident in the contexts of the national governments. It is very evident that in some countries there are specific laws regarding this field of education. According to the writers, almost all universities in Europe have endorsed the e-learning strategies and actually more, they have endorsed them and included them as a part of their school curriculum. Some courses such as the general courses in communication skills and HIV AIDS skills are exclusively being offered through the e-learning programs.   The adoption of e-learning technology has motivated the learning institutions and colleges to take their tutors through rigorous and mandatory training on how to work with this technology and to be effective at doing so. The e-book article also points out that e-learning processes are enhanced by availability of free materials for documentation hence the universities have found it more or less a better source of studying materials since they only need to provide connection to t he internet for students to access the digital campuses (Brigitte). This source interests me because it is very clear; it is simple to understand the basic arguments and reasoning. The source is also loaded with a lot of important information concerning the research topic mentioned above. From the online open public Library, according to ‘The e-learning e-volution in colleges and university’ by the Advisory Committee for Online Learning. There have been tremendous changes in the manner in which universities have been offering their courses in Canada. The e-book referred above was focusing on Europe and the adoption of e-learning in their institutions focusing on France, Italy and other European countries. Here, the insights on this topic from the Open library are based in Canada. According to the corporate author of this article, most universities and colleges in Canada have at least five courses which are fully offered on the online platform,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

BUSINESS CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

BUSINESS - Case Study Example Hence, this proposal is being submitted to the management of the company with the express purpose of convincing them to ramp up their online presence. The annual turnover of the book industry runs into billions of dollars and the leading retailers like Amazon, Borders, eBay etc have cornered the lion’s share of the market. This proposal seeks to present a case for an online book store that is modelled along the lines of Amazon and with the proposed online version selling physical book as well as e-books. The proposal also covers selling used books and customised books for a specific kind of reader software that is necessary to view and read e-books. The need for this project grew out of the business objectives that were proposed by the management namely that of increasing revenues without diversifying too much away from the core competency of selling books. This proposal is written in a business report format with the summary of the project, the alternative options, the timelines for the project and the expected benefits from the same. A final justification for the project is also provided in the concluding section of the paper. It is hoped that the management of Borders would consider this proposal and the project being considered for the stated objectives as enunciated by them. Borders is a well established book seller and retailer that commands a place in the Top Five book sellers in the United States. Worldwide, Borders has a significant footprint in the way in which it has franchisees and resellers who sell books procured from Borders. The project that is being proposed would involve setting up of the online bookstore that would cover the areas of selling books (physical), e-books and used books. These formats of books are already being sold by Borders with the exception of the e-books. Hence, the proposed project would entail additional costs of setting up the website and the warehouse to stock books along

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nationalized Health Care System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nationalized Health Care System - Essay Example Unfortunately, the government was not interested in the health system and wanted to primarily deal with unemployment. When President Thoreau appointed a committee to look into the issue, the commiteee did not solicit the input of the public but gave conclusion of the National Health Insurance as of low priority as compared to other unemployment insurance and retirement benefits (Hoffman 76). Health care and its estimated costs have now been seen as one of the most fundamental concerns in the current medical strategy of the United States. In essence, a health reform office has been established in the White House, and members of the Congress are considering a proposal on the issue (Hoffman 76). This is because the country had been at the verge of national health reform for numerous times in the past. In 1912, Theodore and other reformers through the Bull Moose Party campaigned on a platform where they wanted an industrial health insurance with regard to all the eight states with a comp ulsory health system that would be addressed by the United States. ... ack of national health insurance did not hamper other major reforms from being enacted, and particularly those that were hugely popular and efficient in the improvement of health access for many Americans. These health insurances include Medicare, Medicaid and the health insurance that was meant for the children: Children Health Insurance Program (Hoffman 79). The United States and Obama Care According to a research done by the Policy Research Institute for the Region (PRIOR), in the United States, today 47 million individuals lack health insurance, where around 1.3 million of them live in New Jersey. In fact, the region has made progress in securing that insurance is available to all children in the states (Starr 20). If anything, the research discussed the latest reform on health care in the United States, including the Obama Care and the prospects of expanding the coverage further in the future. Another research done by the American Public Health Association denotes that national health care is crucial as a government role in providing cover to the entire population and understanding that the coverage can be achieved with the inclusion of private insurers to supplement the insurance market in the United States and other likeminded states. Apparently, the Obama government has come up with a health care dubbed â€Å"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’’ signed in 2010 (Boerner 4). This health care reform was signed into law in order to improve the health industry in the United States. While some of the aspects in the system have already been enacted, others are continually being implemented to ensure that all citizens in the United States are incorporated. In support of national health care, various returns are present. Through the Obama Care, over 32

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Scientific versus Industrial Revolutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scientific versus Industrial Revolutions - Essay Example One revolution preceded the other because every revolution is based on man’s need and understanding at that time. If there was a need to increase production to meet the demands of society, then new ways of doing things will be invented and eventually this may lead to a scientific or industrial revolution. These revolutions only occur in certain parts of the world because not all nations have the resources to carry out a certain revolution. Some countries may not have the technically-skilled people to carry out the change. Furthermore, aside from the lack of resources, some countries may not be prepared or ready to accept a new idea or concept. Other regions may find it difficult to leave their beliefs and ways of doing things. One does not think that this would be true today because with globalization, it would be very easy for change to occur simultaneously in different parts of the world. Moreover, countries have no choice but to accept the new changes, else they will be left out. They will not be globally competitive; thus, may result in a slow growth in their

Monday, September 9, 2019

Kingdom of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kingdom of God - Essay Example One of the major messages that were sent by Christianity focuses on the afterlife of the believers. That is why it is important to explore the concept of Kingdom of God. First of all, one should note that it is not observable (Luke 17:20). In other words, it is not same particular part of the physical world. Another point that should be mentioned is that the Kingdom of God marks a new age in the development of the world. For example, in Luke 16:16 it is suggested that preaching of the new Gospel reflected the transition from old Jewish centered faith to new, international one. So, the actual appearance of the Kingdom will be a major event in the history of humanity. In Mark 10:15 it is stated that if people want to enter the Kingdom of God they should have a child like faith. This is particularly important since it suggests that many people should work on themselves to develop this kind of faith. It is quite obvious that one of the major characteristics of Kingdom of God is love which is the concept that is promoted by Jesus Christ (Mark 12:32). All this results in the understanding that the Kingdom will be based on Christian ideas. Finally, Kingdom of God will come to the Earth unexpectedly, as it was depicted in the parable of Ten Virgins (Matthew 25: 1-13). This means that people should be aware that every minute might be the last and act accordingly: refrain from sinning in order to get into the Kingdom of God.

Perspective on Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Perspective on Business - Essay Example Business should in essence earn profits for its own good. This statement holds true for the business as a whole but the manner in which he has explained the statement suggests that business has to do a lot of social service work apart from the usual profit earning exercises that it usually undertakes on a consistent basis. Because of this, the aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has come about to the fold. This phenomenon is internal to an organization; as it dictates the manner in which it has to plan about the courses of action it has to carry out with respect to the society. This term basically deals with the organization’s set of operations that it carries out for the welfare of the society while existing within itself. However bringing in profits remains a significant aspect no matter what the ethical domains turn out to be. This is a reality and shall remain to be in the long range scheme of things. Moving on further with the discussion at hand regarding the responsibility of business units, we see that these concepts can be applied to a business in a very innovative fashion as well. The company can invest in the social arena with much return in mind, not in the short-term but of course in the long run. Such is the example of Shell, which has introduced education programs for children all over the globe thus acting as a consumer-friendly company. People in return like to buy products of Shell because it gives them the pleasure that some proportion of the money earned by Shell would be spent on its different social and literary programs. Culturally, this can prove to be a very vital agent that can really highlight the problem areas of different people within a particular environment and then go about correcting and reforming them in the best manner possible with the aid of funds and grants1. This is the basic way in which the business has been acting to do something for the sake of community welfare. The companies from the economic aspec ts can earn a due share with arranging all sorts of cultural activities in the name of charity that will benefit their cause and help the poor and needy. Speaking truly from an ethical viewpoint, it is the duty of any business that exists to satisfy a customer through its products and/or services to be responsive towards their needs and defer the financial sides concerned with the company. It is important though not to ignore the monetary aspect but to remain in the business in the first place for the ones the business is being done, it is essential to situate the resources onto them and then move on forward expanding the market share and the like. There are a number of companies that have continued to divest the consumers of their basic rights in the name of achieving certain financial ratios. However doing so does mean putting the business’ long term strategy at risk as the customers and the remaining stakeholders would not appreciate the fact that the enterprise does not v alue their concerns rather goes after the financial side. The need and thus the opportunity in the business world of present times is to get ourselves noticed and make the companies realize of their responsibilities that they owe to the customers. It is imperative on the part of the respective company’s leadership to understand that customers alone could shape up the future and visionary characteristics of the company and thus they have to be

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Earthquake - Essay Example on, an Earthquake is but a tremor/vibration of the Earths crust as a result of frictional movement of the lithospheric plates underneath the earth’s surface. As alluded to in the definition, the immediate cause of earthquakes is the sudden release of huge amounts of pent-up energy as a result of cracks in the earths crust due to collision of huge masses of rocks against one another. Other causes of earthquakes include falling huge rocks, volcanic eruptions, landslides and explosions. The extent of such are, however, limited to certain geographic localities. With favorable geologic conditions, powerful earthquakes spread shock waves hundreds of miles away from the originating points, in effect releasing pulses of energy, that most often inflict immeasurable destructive effects. Such is the sort of disaster that befell Japan on March 11, 2011 when an enormous earthquake, estimated by the Meteorological authorities on the Richter scale to be 9.0 in magnitude struck, spreading 81 miles along the nation’s northeastern coast. The rare and complex double quake that lasted about 3 minutes moved Japan a few meters east, with the local coas tline also sinking half a metre. The forces of the tremor, one among the most disastrous over the last century, sparked off a giant wave, the tsunami, that t caused even much more damage than the quake itself; inundating roughly 560 sq. km with property estimated to be well over $300 billion, and in particular, causing a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, resulting in radioactive leaks that claimed more of the nearly 20, 000

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Obama Vs. Clinton Essay Example for Free

Obama Vs. Clinton Essay The Affordable Health Care Act is a very in-depth process. The changes to the health care system were attempted to be passed in prior years by Bill Clinton. However, it failed at this time and was implemented in the United States by the current president Barack Obama. The Congress diversity of Democrats vs. Republican’s was very similar in both Clintons and Obamas time in office. There were many steps that were taken in creating this policy, and some of those steps succeeded, and some of those steps failed. Any new process would be expected to have some issues to work through as it was created. The Affordable Health Care Act still has some issues to work on, but many steps succeeded and that is why it has been implemented during Obamas term. Health Care Reform was in some ways similar in both Obama and Clinton’s proposals, but greatly different as well. Clinton’s main focus in the policy was to make health care mandatory for all Americans and have universal coverage. Employers would pay 80 percent of the cost of health insurance premiums, with the employee covering the remaining costs (Khan, 2014). However, both policies have the same goal of providing health insurance to all people. Each policy creates the ways of completing this task differently. Clinton’s health care reform plan was very complex. It involved high levels of government involvement in the health care industry. A federal national health board would have overseen the health system, and would be tasked with regulating premiums and overseeing benefits (Khan, 2014). Health care alliances at the state level would conduct a similar task, and states would have had the authority to regulate plans and have the option to create a single-payer system (Khan, 2014). The policy would be more of a government takeover, than assisting Americans with health  insurance. This was something that was not found to be favorable by many stakeholders. Obama’s reform allows for people with private insurance to keep their insurance. He is creating a government insurance company to compete with the private insurance companies. However, Obama still faces struggles with Republicans being opposed to this idea as well. The concern of finances was also purposed similar in both policy creations. Both presidents plan on the bill not adding to the deficit of the country. Another similarity between the two plans was that insurances companies could no longer deny a client because of their previous medical conditions. This has been another successful step in the process. Health Care Reform was created very similar but still with great differences between each president. The Affordable Health Care Act was successful for Obama mostly because of the way he pushed the bill through congress. Obama used Clinton’s health care reform failures as lessons and a blueprint of what not to do. This made him about to learn from past failure and make changes along the way. Different steps were taken in creating both of the policies. As Clinton moved slowly on this policy, Obama pushed his through quickly (Oberlander, 2014). Moving quickly was a decision that helped the policy succeeding, whereas, moving slowly caused it to fail. However, both presidents did pitch their speech about the Affordable Health Care Act before a joint session of Congress. This was not a successful step for either president. Both Obama and Clinton did not have great support for the policy, and this caused great suffering. Obama allowed for alternative methods in this policy whereas Clinton did not. Although both presidents had a wonderful idea, the steps that they took in implementing the policy are what changed the success of it. Both policies have similar stakeholders. When discussing health care insurance the stakeholders do not often change because the policies were slightly different. Stakeholders consist of business, insurance companies, and the American Medical Association. Other stakeholders consist of the people of the United States of America. There was much skepticism about the policy plans that both presidents were rolling out by the people of America. It is important that the presidents did not only look at stakeholders of large companies, but the everyday people of the community and employees of the health care industry as stakeholders as well. There were also government stakeholders in both  policies. However, the government level of stakeholders was greater in Clinton’s policy because his consist of government takeover. Stakeholders are crucial to the success of any policy. The Affordable Health Care Act has so far been successfully implemented by Obama. However, like any other new policy there are some issues still to be worked on. Obama was a success on passing this policy because he used the mistakes of the past to make his policy succeed. Even though there were struggles and steps that failed in Obama’s plan as well, there were more that succeed. Clinton’s policy was more government based and had many failures. The stakeholders for both presidents’ policies were similar. The Affordable Health Care Act has been in progress by many presidents for many years. However, it has been Obama’s plan that has been the most successful. Reference Oberlander, J. (2014). Long Time Coming: Why Health Reform Finally Passed. Retrieved from Khan, H. (2014). Throwback to 1993? Whats New About Democrats Health Care Plans. Retrieved from