Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Policy advised to Sigma Global-Free-Samples-Myassignment

To: Mrs. Rania Singh, Customer Service Agent. Subject: To obey recommendations discussed in the memo The propaganda of this memorandum is to give an insight on the changes in the information provided to the future prospect for business. The change in policy will help in the betterment of the service provided by the organization to its clients. The agents of Sigma Global are advised to get approval of the material prepared for local marketing and advertising. As it is the most basic and initial projection of the organization to the local clients. Agents are warned and adhered to avoid unethical advertising and marketing to lure prospect clients. False information to the students will hampers relationship with the organization and is not acceptable at any cost. Agents should understand that we aim to guide the student and not to mislead them. It will result in Agents termination if found guilty of charge It had brought into our attention that our clients are finding it difficult to comprehend to the information on different services provided by the organization. To clear their misunderstanding it is necessary from our behalf to change the rules and policy to enlighten the student in a language that they would understand and comprehend best. Students are finding it difficult to understand the answer of few basic questions, which should have been clearly delta with by out agents. It is it important from our behalf to help the student choose the best university as per their need and preferences. To start with, agents should make the student comfortable and ask question regarding different aspect of their need and requirement. Agents should work on the soft skills and try to build repo with the student to understand their want. The inquiry should be conducted in a conversation manner so that it will make students comfortable and help them to easily interact and convey their requirement once that phase is cleared, the agent will now ask about the education qualification and would try to understand what the student want to pursue and from where. If the student have proper knowledge about the course and the institution he want to opt from the Agent will then ask related and relevant question to understand all the requirement o f the student and will try to suggest best alternative if needed. Agents are requested that student with no proper knowledge about courses and universities should be approached with calm and willing to help attitude as it will make them ease and help them open up. We want to make them understand that we are willing to help and shying away will hinder the process. Agents will ask these students about their aspiration and motivation and would try to figure the reason they want to study abroad. In addition, once the agent, relevant information about the course, understands it and university which will help accomplish the desired results should be provided. Agents are asked to provide information of the relevant universities and colleges offering the degree the student require as well as clear overview of all the other alternatives, the ranking of different universities as well as eligibility of different universities based on merit list should be made clear to the students from agents end.   Agents are requested to ask question about financial stability and source of income from students to help them acquire the best university and accommodation facility whilst their stay abroad. Agents are requested to represent all the universities and colleges in equal and fair manner to the students, so that it would look like as a choice given to the student to choose upon. It will give the versatility to the student to determine the place and the university he would like to opt. Agents are request to make students understand that studying aboard is all about practical implementation and usage of the education. It is equally important from student’s behalf to look into the different recreational activities and co-curricular prospects given by different universities and fun learning sessions provided by the universities. Agents are informed that it is necessary to understand the need of student’s requirement about the stay and the option we have and can provide to the s tudents. Accommodation advice to the student should be accurate and must be exactly as promised. It is important that the expectation that they will have about the accommodation met as per requirement or else it will hamper the after sale service which will again lose us prospective clients. Agents are requested to inform students about all the facilities that can be availed from the organization and it is important for the agents to advice the students taking admission in the distant universities and colleges about the transportation facility which can be availed by them from our organization. Agents should let the students know that we are providing a substantial amount to every student to help them start in the new country, which can be utilized for the transportation allowance. The initial transportation fee will be given special discount of 20% if booked with the full amount of admission fee and rest of the expenses. Agents are informed that students need assurance about the un iversity and the value of degree after completion of the course. It is necessary to provide proper information about placement cell and universities previous record of accomplishment agents should bring students attention about important rules and regulation, which needs to be mandated by the students in the country they will go for studies. Agents are warned again about providing false hopes, guarantee of permanent visa and work placement to attract the student is wrong practice, and Agent should avoid it. Honesty to build strong relationship with the students during the application process creates a transparency about the procedure. Honesty is a virtue and same is the motto of the organization so Agents should uphold companies values to its clients Olaleke, O.O., Taiye, T.T. and Olumide, E.O., 2014. Customer relationship management approach and student satisfaction in higher education marketing.  Journal of Competitiveness,  6(3). Stebleton, M.J., Soria, K.M. and Cherney, B.T., 2013. The high impact of education abroad: College students' engagement in international experiences and the development of intercultural competencies.  Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad,  22, pp.1-24. Taylor, C. and Robinson, C., 2014. 'What matters in the end is to act well': Student engagement and ethics. Hanson, V., Caputo, John S., & Caputo, Giovanni. (2015).  Studying Abroad: Adaptive Communication for Effective Intercultural Interactions,  ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Nguyen, M. (2012). Vietnamese Students' Transitions in Study Abroad Programs.  Australian Journal of Career Development,  21(3), 13-22. Quick Tips for Students who want to Study Abroad. (2015, March 03).  UWIRE Text, p. 1. Highum, A. (2014).  Undergraduate Global Education: Issues for Faculty, Staff, and Students. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. Zhuang, Weiling, King, Kristen, & Carnes, Lana. (2015). Studying Abroad: Understanding the Relationships among Beliefs, Perceived Value, and Behavioral Intentions.  Journal of Teaching in International Business,  26(1), 32-45.

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