Sunday, May 19, 2019

How Does Charles Dickens Create Sympathy In Great Expectations? Essay

demon uses many ways to clear sympathy for his characters in large(p) expectations this is very useful in a successful novel as it will help to sell and non only that more than people will want to demoralize it. Charles Dickens uses many ways to achieve sympathy for his characters such as the use of vivid descriptions with right on procedurals, the setting is in addition used very well to great effect as it is a great way to create sympathyThe small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to bid was lather this is just one way that Dickens uses to create sympathy for his characters in Great Expectations. Dickens also uses many other ways to create sympathy for his characters such as the use of adjectives. The adjective surpass shows an unloved place of which no one cargons how it looks, also it could be full of weeds and plants this adds to the slump created by the mind.Dickens also uses the setting to enhance the feeling of sympathy shameful place overg rown with nettles was the perform yard in this the adjective bleak gives on impression of an exposed barren also cold and damp place. The whole sentence creates an impression of a dismal place. This enhances the sense of sympathy. For his characters I am handout to focus on three main characters theses are Pip, Magwitch and Miss Havisham. I am going to use some character of less importance these are Estella, Joe and Pips sister.In addition, I am going to use two main texts and these are pip in the churchyard and the skirmish of Miss Havisham also, I am going to add elements of the novel I think there are other points that creates sympathy for pip than these two texts. When we first meet Pip, he is sitting in an dislocated village churchyard staring at his parents tombstones. The village churchyard is described as a unsanded place overgrown with nettles giving the setting an image of dismal place unloved and uncared for.The adjective bleak aids the description as it means bare or desolated and also it often means rescind swept this helps aid the description of the church yard as this describe it well because a church yard is often very sombre or a very upsetting place . Pip was in the churchyard where his parents were buried, along with his five brothers instantly we feel sorry for him as he has no living relatives except for his older sister . Five little stone lozenges each about a foot and a half long from this we know his brothers have died and have been buried in a row.Pips brothers would have most credibly have died or stop trying to recognize a living. Pips younger brothers would not have gone to school, as there was no education for those who could not afford it. At this time, many people were poor and could not afford it. Additionally, there was no NHS helping but also there was some medical service but you would have to be well-off enough to afford it. From the text we know both his parents had died by I never saw my have or mother this gi ves us a sense of sympathy and loneliness also I never saw any likeliness of them.Pip never saw his parents or what they look like ulterior on in the text we realise that the only impression of his parents are derived from there grave stones and more so from the lettering . Pip probably saw no reference to what his parent looked like as at this time there were no cameras to take a photo of the propagation they spent together as this is why he saw no likeness of them also his parents probably died because the were mo medicine or you had to be rich to get some. Also later on in the novel his only living relative beats pip up.

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