Sunday, May 5, 2019

The relationship of leadership to the politics of the organization Essay

The relationship of leadership to the politics of the organization - Essay subject(Fryer, 2004 342) Upon examining the case of George Latour, the researcher will discuss the leadership style used by George followed by assessing the justness of the leadership style. On the part of Shelley, the researcher will provide some recommended strategies that she could employ to enable her to break down manage her boss. Prior to the main discussion, the researcher will assess the relative political position of George and Shelley as well as its implications on the leader-follower behavior.It is clear that George has been practicing autocratic or authoritarian leadership style. (Clark, 2005) Despite Shelleys expertise in Marketing, George unconsiously directs Shelley on her every move causing her to feel very much demotivated with her job.In general, the use of authoritarian leadership style is more appropriate when the leader is training a peeled employee without any form of actual experienc e with the job. (Clark, 2005) Since Shelley has gained several successful experiences in the field of Marketing, George should apply a delegative or free reign leadership style to empower Shelley to be a part of significant Marketing-related decision-making. (Clark, 2005)When applying the delegative leadership style, George should develop a clear organizational goal which will serve as a guide on where the company as a team should focus. Upon discussing with Shelley her main goal, George should give her an ultimatum of three- to six-months period to arrive up with a good Marketing result. (Lawrie, 2004 38)George should learn and adopt the transformational leadership style. (Goodnight, 2004 36) In general, transformational leaders atomic number 18 the ones that do not practice positional authority. Instead of using authoritative leadership style, transformational leaders are committed to train and develop the rest of employees to become a leader

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